According to Detroit Free Press, after his parents divorce, Kevin Jr. began drinking and smoking, attempted suicide, and attended a total of ten different schools before deciding to drop out entirely. I dont believe Kevin should be out of prison.,,, When the US Supreme Court banned mandatory life-without-parole sentences for juveniles, it didnt completely eliminate the punishment but said it should be confined to the rarest of children whose crimes reflect irreparable corruption.. A part of what I do reflects that, continuing to keep my word to my victims daughter and victims mother and making sure that my actions out here are accountable to that and to them.. KEVIN Boyd was in his mid-20s when he first grasped what it meant to be serving life without parole. He drank and smoked, tried to commit suicide, and went through 10 different schools before dropping out, according to the Detroit Free Press. All times AEDT (GMT +11). There was black paint found in his skull from the type of weapon used to kill him, the police believed it could have been a baseball bat. (About a third of juvenile lifers nationally say they have been denied access to prison educational programs.) That he has developed under the adverse circumstances of incarceration truly is a testament to Antonio Esprees character and the indomitable nature of his spirit, Judge Darlene OBrien wrote in support of his petition for parole in 2016. He was tried as an adult and convicted of first-degree murder. With good time credits he was eligible for release on June 1, 2015. Kevin Jr. had suffered a difficult upbringing, dealing with alcoholic parents and physical abuse. Although Kevin had moved out of the family home in the years that followed, he still saw plenty of his son, who had started to rebel. Now its happening. Kevin Jr., on the other hand was struggling. He struggled to pay attention in school and failed the seventh grade three times. Mother and son were tried separately, but both were sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Join and follow us on our Facebook pages:Our True Crime PodcastOur True Crime Podcast Discussion PageMake sure to check us out on Instagram: ourtruecrimepodcastand Twitter: @ourtruecrimepodSources: Died: May 29, 2020 (aged 37) Born: January 9, 1983 . Your notes? Espree asks as his cousin disappears out the door. Snapped Kevin Boyd, Jr. . Since the murder, their relationship had deteriorated and Grain now worried she would be implicated in Kevin Sr.s murder. Lynn and Kevin Jr. were incarcerated pending trial. Kevin Jr. said he and his mother had plotted the murder together and waited outside his fathers apartment building until they thought he had fallen asleep. I watched the latest episode of Snapped on Oxygen for this case, its season 28 episode 22. Which means that today, in Michigan and elsewhere, many are stuck in limbo, wondering if theyll ever get out. Cousins Antonio Espree and Marlon Bailey grew up on the west side of Detroit. It happened when a couple of longtime inmates who'd mentored him died of old age in prison . I hope Lynn rots in prison forever, and I hope Kevin does prove that he can change. Unfortunately, Kevins world started falling apart when Lynn told him that she wanted a divorce in 1988. He was sentenced to 25 60 years, and he has a parole hearing this year. He couldn't help but think about his own future. Lynn hit him over and over with the bat, and then he went crazy with the knife. Julie said she lied about Lynns alibi. They married in 1975, and their son, Kevin Jr., was born in 1977. Boyd points to his two-decade prison record as evidence of his rehabilitation. Hes still lying too right? But hes one in how many? spoke to Kevin Jrs girlfriend, who admitted that on the night of the murder she had driven with him to a Burger King where he had met with his mother, according to court documents. Kevin and Lynn were tried separately in 1996. (Ill say) Heres where you got it wrong. The answering machine was also missing. Terms of Service apply. On August 6, 1994, a man was discovered on his apartment floor. This was just a few months before Kevin Sr., would be killed. For transcripts of this episode, please visit us at and click on the Transcript Link under Parricide Podcast.#familymurder #kidswhokill #parricide #parricidepodcast #parentalpredator #kevinboyd #truecrime #lynnboyd #Michigan #LakeOrion #murder #patricide Detectives subsequently retrieved one of Kevin Sr.s guns, which his son had asked an associate to dispose of for him. But soon, with thorough investigations, a plot so brutal and twisted is uncovered that no one could have seen it coming. In their absence, Lake Orion Rental shut down and all its equipment was auctioned off in March 1995. Do you, This was definitely in IL because we are friends with, Hi. Their bedroom has little space for anything but their mattresses which are about an arms distance apart. If you want to look at culpability, it was his mother who recruited him, OBrien says. He had the personality to match, sister Lynette Heide told Snapped, airing Sundays at 6/5c on Oxygen. Kevin and Lynn were both found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. He couldnt help but think about his own future. Follow the links to read about more Diabolical murders profiled on the show. She said Lynn left at 11pm on the night of the murder, and met Kevin Jr., at a Burger King. Join and follow us on our Facebook pages: Make sure to check us out on Instagram: ourtruecrimepodcast,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Kevin Jr. ran from the apartment, desperate to get some help. We're a nonprofit (so it's tax-deductible), and reader support makes up about two-thirds of our budget. What Kevin didnt know is they had recovered one of the guns that Kevin took and had sold to someone in Flint, Michigan. The man had fought furiously to escape his killer, as demonstrated by all the injuries on his face and body. Sometimes Espree would show up in the middle of the night at Baileys house in his pajamas, looking for a place to sleep. Detectives subsequently retrieved one of Kevin Sr.s guns, which his son had asked an associate to dispose of for him. They both turned on each other at their trials, and they both blamed Julie as well. By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of use, and to receive messages from Mother Jones and our partners. The on screen text a the end of the episode said Kevin said he is not a reflection of who he used to be.. As Boyd waits for a decision in his case, he tries to keep himself calm by lifting weights and jogging, which he liked to do as a kid. As a 2012 Supreme Court ruling vacated the LWOP sentences of juvenile offenders, Kevin Boyd Jr. was resentenced to 25-60 years behind bars in 2019, making him immediately eligible for parole. If it did not, their hope for some years of life outside prison walls must be restored. He told states to review the prison terms of incarcerated lifers, noting that sentences without parole should be reserved for only the rarest of juvenile offenders, those whose crimes reflect permanent incorrigibility.. WHEN Kevin was 16 years old, he helped plot the murder of his father at the hands of his mother. The police asked her if she knew of anyone whod want to hurt Kevin. That key fact places his vulnerability as a child, and more particularly a child looking for parental approval, at the centerpiece of the crimeKevins case is literally the textbook example of why Miller invalidated life-without-parole sentences for juveniles.. Found the resolution to each, I know who really killed Chanin, her husband did not, I have so many questions about this story. His mom, Lynn Boyd, agreed - she wanted what Kevin Sr. had, too. Kevin Sr.s wallet still contained cash and his credit cards, ruling out the possibility of a robbery. But in Michigan, where 363 juvenile lifers were serving mandatory sentences in 2016, there is no such requirement, and prosecutors have argued that nearly two-thirds of juvenile lifers are those rarest offenders who should be kept in prison for good. You just kind of get tired of walking in that same circle, he says. Kevin said he didnt know, but there were several guns missing from the house, and some mint coins that his dad collected. If I wonwhen I winIll be in a position to help folks, he says. There were twenty-one stab wounds, on his face, back and stomach. Mother Jones was founded as a nonprofit in 1976 because we knew corporations and billionaires wouldn't fund the type of hard-hitting journalism we set out to do. Prison was made up of predator and prey, he says. Youre telling me you killed your dad? He said, Yeah. So then he gave it all up,Miles told producers. Sign up for the free Mother Jones Daily newsletter and follow the news that matters. One of those lifers is Kevin Boyd, whos now a 41-year-old inmate at Thumb Correctional Facility in Lapeer. Kevin Boyd Jr., now 43, was released on parole in January 2020, reported at the time. However, Kevin tried to move on. He also prepared dogs for adoption at the prison. Esprees cousin Bailey, a 49-year-old gender studies professor at Arizona State University, comes out of the bedroom and heats up some coffee on his way to work. Kevin told the police that Kevin Sr., was abusive and controlling. His body is surrounded by blood. Join Facebook to connect with Kevin Boyd and others you may know. After Espree was released, he moved to Phoenix and enrolled in college. Lynn Boyd is now 69 years old and currently incarcerated at Women's Huron Valley Correctional Facility, according to the. The culprits were his ex-wife Lynn Boyd and his sixteen-year-old son Kevin Boyd Jr. Kevin Boyd Sr. was stabbed over 20 times and beaten to death with a baseball bat. Link your TV provider to stream full episodes and live TV. Kevin Boyd Jr Obituary - Has Died: Kevin Boyd Death - Inside Eko A local musician then contacted police to say that he had found Kevin Sr.s walletin the back of his pickup truck after a gig at a local bar. Kevin Jr. said he and his mother had plotted the murder together and waited outside his fathers apartment building until they thought he had fallen asleep. His parents divorced when he was 12, and he had a stormy relationship with both of them. They had hoped to collect on a $500,000 life insurance policy. The police in this episode said that this was the first time they saw Kevin show any remorse. Can you pitch in a few bucks to help fund Mother Jones' investigative journalism? She was brought into the station. He works for a philanthropic center on campus that helps incarcerated women take college classes, and he speaks regularly about juvenile justice. Its a person who is no longer with us, and I struggle with that. In February, the Louisiana parole board rejected his request for release, arguing that he had not finished enough classes in prison. Even Henry Montgomery, the plaintiff in the landmark Supreme Court case, isnt free. We'd love to get to know you better! They are both manipulative and I think they always will be. In some states, resentencing has moved slowly, and prosecutors have argued juvenile lifers deserve to stay in prison for good. Now 40, Boyd is one of the juvenile lifers Michigan prosecutors say should never walk free again. Studied at U.S. Coast Guard Academy. It is said that Lynn Boyd persuaded her teenage son to help her kill Kevin Sr. with a promise of a better life. He keeps a copy of the affidavits they signed in support of his parole. We are going to the True Crime Podcast Festival in Dallas this year. Soon shell live in a halfway house. While Boyd Jr. was not at the murder scene, the 16-year-old knew of his mothers plan. The prosecution in both cases said that they were both motivated by greed and their hatred of Kevin Sr. The adoption never happened, but when his mom turned to drugs and kicked Espree out of the house, he stayed with Baileys family temporarily. Its not just about their age. Kevin Boyd Passed Away - Obituary: Kevin Boyd Death | Has Died, Funeral, Is Dead, Cause Of Death: On May 13, 2021, InsideEko Media learned about the death to read and leave tributes. For more on this case and others like it, watch "Snapped" airing on Sundays at 6/5c on Oxygen or stream episodes any time at Instead of gratitude, his ex-wife and son rewarded him with betrayal and bloodshed. It's been more than two decades since. He was one of seven kids but stood out in the pack. He is a deeply contemplative person, reflected Micol Seigel, a professor at Indiana University who corresponded with Espree through letters about the books he was reading, books with titles like The Power of Intention and Mans Search for Meaning, as well as works by Martin Luther King Jr. and Kahlil Gibran. I find out the next day the reason they didnt go to the burial siteis theyre too busy at the courthouse getting paper rights to take over Lake Orion Rental, Lucarelli told producers. You know Im seeing life, all life, Im just seeing everything. He said these items were not in his car at 11am, when he got the bar. New episodes of Diabolical air from 9/8c on Investigation Discovery. Later he launched music therapy and mentorship programs for younger inmates. You have to be there to make sure she understands, and if she dont understand, you kinda guide her. But in April 2017, he was paroled thanks to a series of Supreme Court decisions arguing that because their brains were not fully developed at the time of their crimes, kids should face more lenient sentences than adult perpetrators. Theres dramatic inconsistency in how states have treated their cases. There were four-five injuries to his head, he was hit so hard that his skull was dented in. Kevin opened a tool rental company in Lake Orion, Michigan, a former resort town which had become a bedroom community. I was just wild, he remembers. With the latter ruse, Harris hoped to gain access to his bank accounts. The police ruled Jeff out, there were several witness from the bar that said he was there from 11pm-3am, which the police also guessed was the timeline of the murder. Adolescents who experience the highest rates of trauma are 100 times more likely to commit murder than the general population. Of the roughly 2,800 juvenile lifers serving time in 2016, only about 400 have been freed. Thats what life will be. Lynn struggled with alcoholism and Kevin Jr. would later claim that indeed both his parents were alcoholics, the Detroit Free Press newspaper reported in 2017. I went, Whoa, whoa, wait a second here, Kevin. Disgraced mummy bloggers real job at risk. 16-year-old Kevin Boyd Jr. want it all. He said Lynn was destroying the business that Kevin built, and was stealing money from the safe. Back at the apartment, before bed, Espree goes to the roof again. Improbably, Kevin Sr. got to his feet, so she hit him again and again until he stayed down. Oxygen Insider is your all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more. The police had received a call from the person who sold it, and they found it in a backyard of a house in Flint. When Boyd was 16, his dad punched him in the face during a fight about changing schoolshe cycled through 10 because of his parents divorce. But things changed once officers tried to re-interview Lynn, only to discover that she had hired a lawyer for both herself and her teenage son. Improbably, Kevin Sr. got to his feet, so she hit him again and again until he stayed down. The next morning he came home and discovered the body. Kevin Sr.s wallet still contained cash and his credit cards, ruling out the possibility of a robbery. The T-shirt belonged to KevinJr. and the knife matched the wounds on his fathers body,the Associated Pressreported at the time. The first big decision came in 2005, when the justices outlawed the death penalty for teen offenders, making the United States one of the last countries in the world to do so. It weighs in favour of irreparable corruption, says Paul Walton, an assistant Oakland County prosecutor. He was in disbelief, says Meagan Dreher, a paralegal who had come to meet him. He was a little redhead with freckles. Lynns girlfriend subsequently passed a polygraph test, leading officers to zero in on Lynn. About an hour and a half from where Espree was incarcerated, Judge Jessica R. Cooper sentenced some of Oakland Countys juvenile lifers decades ago. Nationwide News Pty Ltd 2023. We are headed north to Lake Orion, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. The Goodpods app is a great way to follow the shows and even listen to a curated playlist of their most talked about episodes! Sign up forOxygen Insiderfor all the best true crime content. Kevin Jr. revealed that he and his mother conspired to kill his father and that he gave her the keys to his apartment. She was convicted in a separate trial. His apartment showed no signs of a break-in, but it did look like someone had gone through the apartment. In a place where everyone knows everyone, when Kevin Boyd Sr., a successful local business owner, is killed inside his own home, rumors surrounding his life gain traction. On the morning of his 47th birthday, his first outside prison in three decades, Antonio Espree wakes up around 5 a.m. Its a cool February day in Phoenix, still dark outside, and his cousin Marlon Bailey is asleep on a bed about an arms reach away. Both Tyler Hadley and Kevin Boyd Jr. were sentenced to Life without Parole for their parricide offenses. In August 1994, Boyd was 16 when, according to prosecutors, he and his mother, Lynn, hatched and carried out a plot to kill his father, Kevin Sr, who was stabbed more than 20 times and beaten with a baseball bat. With the number of wounds we saw there, it appeared it was definitely a crime of violence and passion, former Oakland County Sheriffs Detective Sergeant Patrick Miles told producers. A $ 500,000 life insurance policy, arguing that he gave her the to... 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