Its a team with not one, but TWO Hawkeyes, so uh, good luck guys. Hive Mind is also known as Brainwave Network, Collective Consciousness, Gestalt Mind, Hive Mentality and Psychic Network. Cyberpathy The ability to interface with computers directly through the mind and/or control computers mentally. The ability to exorcise ghosts. This same list of superpowers is also known as Actuality Manipulation, Essokinesis, Objective Reality Distortion, Reality Adjustment, Reality Alteration, Reality Bending, Reality Control, Reality Distortion, Reality Manipulation, Reality Overwriting and Self-Wish Granting. CJ grew up admiring books. Running too fast. Metafictional Awareness Metafictional awareness is the awareness of the character that he or she is fictional. HKP can be defined as superhuman combined with superhuman and intelligence in a manner. If the weapon is used in a superhuman manner then this is not an example of power bestowal by an object. Reincarnation (others) The ability to control the reincarnation of others. From Austin Butler and Cate Blanchett to a potential Best Supporting Actress toss-up, see who EW thinks will win at the 2023 Oscars. Mind Control Resistance is also known as Perspicuity, Psychic Resistance and Psychic Shield. Merging (universes) The ability to merge two universes. Insanity Manipulation (self) The ability to use ones own insanity as an asset. Dream Mimicry is also known as Oneiric Physiology. Shape Shifting is also known as Biological Alteration, Biomorphism, Changing, Copying, Inclinkinesis, Megamorphing, Metamorphing, Metamorphosis, Morphing, Morphological Being, Nanomorphing, Omni-Mimicry, Polymorphing, Self-Transmogrification, Self-Transmutation, Shape-changing, Shapeshifting and Shape-shifting. Equus Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an Equus. Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful characters in all of comics, and in the MCU, she nearly took out Thanos by herself. The following is a list of the Powers and Abilities displayed by different characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe . Ghost Anatomy is also known as Apparition Mimicry, Apparition Physiology, Exspiravit Mimicry, Exspiravit Physiology, Ghost Mimicry, Ghost Physiology, Phantom Mimicry and Phantom Physiology. This same list of superpowers is also known as Card Bending, Card Control, and Krtakinesis. The Defenders Doc Savage Doctor Strange Elektra Fantastic Four Ghost Rider Green Arrow Green Lantern Guardians of the Galaxy Hawkeye Hellboy Incredible Hulk Iron Fist Iron Man Marvelman Robin The Rocketeer The Shadow Spider-Man Sub-Mariner Supergirl Superman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Thor The Wasp Watchmen Wolverine Wonder Woman X-Men Zatanna Authors and directors have come up with a variety of approaches . Generation of the weapon as a superpower is also not an example of power bestowal by an object. Fire Mimicry is also known as Fire Body, Fire Physiology, Pyro Physiology, Pyric Mimicry, Pyric Physiology and Pyrokinetic Physiology. His powers put him in league with Superman and in my opinion, make him even more powerful. Copyright 2023 Meredith Corporation. 50 most powerful superheroes list: EW ranks top 10 By Darren Franich , Tim Stack , Jeff Jensen , Nicole Sperling , Kevin P. Sullivan , Anthony Breznican , Joe McGovern and Natalie Abrams. Invulnerability The ability to be immune to one or more forms of physical, mental, and spiritual damage and influence. Light Manipulation The ability to control, generate or absorb light. Originally, she is the Earth 2 cousin of Superman but that has been changed in so many different ways. Reality Warping The ability to change or manipulate reality itself. Armor (matter) Armor made out of inorganic matter. Tattoo Manipulation The ability to manipulate tattoos for various purposes. He's the superhero for people who love superheroes, a regular person who saves the city, but always struggles to pay the rent. Kinetic Absorption The ability to absorb forms of kinetic energy into oneself and utilize it in some way, such as by converting it into physical strength or using it to power energy blasts. The Guardians power ring choose Hal Jordan to become a Green Lantern because he was fearless and with this, Green Lantern can combat any foe that he comes across .as long as the color yellow is not involved. If the hammer left his side for more than 60 seconds than Thor would. Those with this ability also have accelerated brain activity which allows them to process sensory information so fast that everything seems to be moving in slow motion while the user moves at normal speed. Examples of characters with this power include (Marvel) and the (DC). Shark Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a shark. Mind Transfer The ability to transfer ones mind from one body to another body. Rope Manipulation The ability to manipulate ropes. Feline Anatomy is also known as Feline Body, Feline Form, Feline Mimicry, Feline Physiology, Felidae Body, Felidae Form, and Felidae Physiology. They do have weaknesses. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. Armor (dermal) The character has skin that has the properties of armor. If the hammer left his side for more than 60 seconds than Thor would revert to Donald Blake. Power Girlraw unprocessed natural material. Professor X is an incredibly powerful mutant that has done a lot of amazing things for the betterment of mankind. His ability to go supernova and literally be able to destroy everything if he chose is a power to be reckoned with. Resurrection (self) The ability to resurrect ones self. Merging (humanoids) The merging of two or more humanoids. Bracelet Manipulation The bracelet can be used for various superhuman effects. Tasks were frequently performed with relatively little strength and effort. This same list of superpowers is also known as Turtle Body, Turtle Form, Turtle Mimicry and Turtle Physiology. Amorphous Anatomy is also known as Formless Mimicry, and Formless Physiology. Inertia Manipulation (others/self) is also known as Adrneiakinesis and Inertia Control. For example, the ability to make someone blind and then make them be able to see again. (Interestingly, 42 actor Chadwick Boseman portrayed both men.) (That was sarcasm, and if you had a hard time, HOLD ON TIGHT for the rest of this post, I guess). He is blind with heightened senses. The agent of power bestowal can be a person using magic and/or technology directly. For all his grandiose posturing and bravado, if you shake his confidence than the battle is won. With the right amount of odor or noise, Daredevils functioning senses are disrupted, allowing for enemies to gain a brief advantage over him in certain situations. Unfortunately, her mental stability tends to drain when she uses a ton of her power, so this will prevent her from going too far, which could allow the enemy to make a move. Vision (X-Ray) The ability to see through solid matter. Lunar Manipulation is also known as Lunakinesis, Menekinesis and Moon Manipulation. (Black Panther hit screens in 2018. We are also going to talk about some tips regarding superhero writing, what to do, and and other significant points! Movies like Supergirl and The Fantastic Four have included this. Virtual Warping is also known as Computer God, Reality Programming, Reality Rewriting and Virtual Reality Warping. Leprechaun Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a leprechaun. Weather Manipulation The ability to control or mentally affect the weather. Insect Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an insect. As a result, its preferable to stay as far away from the sun as possible. Marinette and Adrien live what appears to be a normal life - going to school and dealing with friends, family and growing up. Eel Anatomy is also known as Eel Physiology. How would you use your power? Conversely, the ability to suck the life force out of a person. The big drawback to this form of mind power is that eye contact is needed. Frog Anatomy is also know as Frog Physiology. Time Travel (others/self) is also known as Chronoportation, Temporal Relocation, Temporal Travel, Time Jump, Time Jumping and Time Traveling. Objects that allow the user to achieve superhuman effects. Trap Manipulation The ability to manipulate traps with special skill and/or traps with special properties to achieve special effects. Net Creation The ability to create nets that can trap characters that are superhuman or nearly superhuman and/or the ability to use nets with superhuman or near superhuman skill. Appendages (tail) is also known as Manipulating Tail and Prehensile Tail. Tweet us@EWusing the hashtag #SuperheroPowerList. Also known as the Penance Stare. Similar to which is used to raise the dead as zombies. Eventually, he was forced into the Weapon X scientific program and had his bones fused with indestructible adamantium and his memories erased. Invulnerability is also known as Absolute Durability, Godly Durability, Impenetrable Skin, Impervious Skin, Imperviousness, Indestructibility, Invincibility, Meta Durability, Omni Durability, Unbreakable and Unharmable. However, almost all magical or technologically advanced footwear takes on the form of boots. This same list of superpowers is also known as Enhanced Feeling, Enhanced Touch, Somatic Senses, Supernatural Touch, Super Touch and Supernatural Haptics. Superpowers: Master spy & assassin, martial artist, armed combatant; skills in espionage, infiltration, disguise and deception, manipulation & hacking. However, if you got some gasoline and light a match to set the whole room on fire than it is literally on. But mostly, they stand for pride. Gas Manipulation is also known as Benzinakinesis, Gas Bending, Gas Control and Miasmakinesis. Key Manipulation The key can be used for various superhuman effects due to user skill and/or special properties of the keys being used. Enhanced Combat The ability to engage in hand to hand combat with a superhuman level of skill. Breath (vortex) is also known as Air Breath, Hyper Breath, Super Breath, Superhuman Breath, Vortex Breath, and Wind Breath. Duplication (imperfect) is also known as Altered Duplication, Altered Replication, Different Duplication, Different Replication, Variable Duplication, Variable Replication, Varied Cloning, Varied Copying, Varied Duplication, Varied Multiplication and Varied Replication. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Drawing upon hard-boiled pulp and tough-guy mystery men like the Shadow, cartoonist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger fashioned a rival for Superman by exploiting their contrasts: a dark-knight detective to the white-knight demigod. Golem Anatomy is also known as Golem Physiology. In combating this weakness, Green Lanterns must focus on their inner power and hope to overcome the fear within. Secondly, the more powerful the blast, the more damage it will incur on the user's body. Superhuman Intelligence is also known as Advanced Cognition, Advanced Intellect, Advanced Intelligence, Advanced IQ, Enhanced Cognition, Enhanced Intellect, Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced IQ, Genius Intelligence, Immense Intellect, Immense Intelligence, Immense IQ, Super Intellect, Super Intelligence, Super IQ, Super-Genius Level Intellect, Super-Genius Level Intelligence, Super-Genius Level IQ, Superhuman IQ, Supernatural Intellect and Supernatural IQ. Superhuman Accuracy The character can use a ranged and/or thrown weapon(s) with superhuman accuracy. This same list of superpowers is also known as Dimensional Being Physiology, Dimensional Entity Physiology, Extradimensional Being Physiology, Extradimensional Entity, Higher-Dimensional Being Physiology, Higher-Dimensional Entity, Hyperdimensional Being Physiology, Hyperdimensional Entity, Interdimensional Being Physiology and Interdimensional Entity. Kitsune Anatomy is also known as Kitsune Mimicry, Kitsune Physiology, Yoko Mimicry, Yko Mimicry, Yoko Physiology and Yko Physiology. Adam Warlock may be the man that led the charge against Thanos in the comics, but he has yet to officially appear in the MCU. Your email address will not be published. Gravity Manipulation is also known as Gravitation Manipulation, Gravitational Field Manipulation, Gravitational Manipulation, Graviton Manipulation, Gravitokinesis, Gravity Control, Gravikinesis, Gyrokinesis and Tensor Field Manipulation. Biological Manipulation (others) The ability to control aspects of another living creatures biological make-up. Do they feel alienated by the people around them? Portals are used to transport a person and/or war band to a location. Thrown Weapon The thrown weapon can be used for various superhuman effects. Robot Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a robot. This same list of superpowers is also known as Enhanced Accuracy, Enhanced Aiming, Enhanced Marksmanship, Enhanced Precision, Enhanced Targeting, Flawless Aiming, Flawless Accuracy, Flawless Marksmanship, Flawless Precision, Flawless Targeting, Improbable Aiming, Improbable Accuracy, Improbable Marksmanship, Improbable Precision, Improbable Targeting, Precise Aiming, Precise Accuracy, Precise Marksmanship, Skillful Aiming, Skillful Accuracy, Skillful Marksmanship, Skillful Precision, Skillful Targeting, Supernatural Accuracy, Supernatural Marksmanship, Supernatural Precision, Supernatural Targeting, Superior Aiming, Superior Accuracy, Superior Marksmanship, Superior Precision and Superior Targeting. Exposure to substances from a planet not common to man has been featured in movies set in space and other galaxies other than the Earth. Kitsune Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a kitsune. , and are specialized forms of precognition. Similar to that is the ability to summon ghosts. However, if you overload him with noise then you have a good chance of defeating him. He can not stay away from Earth for more than a year at a time. Famous Users: Superman, Supergirl, Val-Zod, Darkseid, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Bane, Brainiac, Ocean Master, Ares, Jessica Jones, Iron Man, Doctor Doom, Thanos, Thor, Captain Marvel, Blue Marvel, Lord Maximus, Spider-Man, Black Bolt, Toxin, Apocalypse, Namor, Vision, Loki, Sentry, Rogue, Sabretooth, Adam Warlock, Emperor Vulcan, Human Torch, Nova, Later on, he attempts to discover a cure. Energy Absorption is also known as Erogkinetic Absorption. Virtual Warping The ability to manipulate reality in a computer-like environment. Aura Manipulation The ability to manipulate auras. Discover a character's comic book appearances, and browse issues containing your favorite Marvel characters! Echolocation Echolocation is the use of reflected sound to figure out the environment. So, Spider-Man's stories are less about supercool power than relatable pressure: money problems, romantic problems, filial-piety problems (Aunt May, sick again! The setting could be a vast open field, a . The pop-art Adam West TV series? Sword Manipulation The ability to use a sword to achieve superhuman feats whether due to the skill of the sword user and/or special characteristics of the sword. (Our Hulk here is by Sideshow Collectibles.) When Barry Allen took over the mantleof the Flash from Jay Garrick in 1956, he ushered in the silver age of heroes, and the Scarlet Speedster is still going strongnot just in the comics but on TV and in the first Justice League movie. Transmutation (elemental) is also known as Elemental Transmutation. A beautiful and intricate design, a, Vintage book covers are in various places, from antique stores to online marketplaces. Examples: Creation, Destruction and most Manipulations Mechanism: powers centered on the manipulation of immanent laws of reality. Ice Manipulation is also known as Cryokinesis, Frost Manipulation, Glaciokinesis, Ice Element Control, Ice Release, Hyton and Pagokinesis. Some have an extreme version of regeneration and can only be destroyed if a significant number of their molecules are dispersed. Helmet Manipulation The helmet, and/or other type of headwear, allows the user to accomplish superhuman effects due to user skill and/or properties of the helmet. Biological Manipulation (self) This is the ability to control ones own biological make-up. In both the comics and the MCU, Vision has flashed tremendous power, and fans cannot wait to see him on the small screen in WandaVision. Green Lantern can combat any foe that he comes across .as long as the color yellow is not involved. The character's arrival on screen as a key figure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe further enhances his prominence, as the first Black hero in this series to be the title character of a film. These days, there isnt much to write about that hasnt been written. Cloak Manipulation The ability to manipulate a cloak to achieve superhuman effects due to skill and/or properties of the cape. This determined our final 50 and each character's position on the list. Time Manipulation is also known as Chrono Control, Chrono Force, Chronokinesis, Fourth Dimension Manipulation, Temporal Alteration, Temporal Bending, Temporal Control, Temporal Manipulation, Temporal Warping, Time Alteration, Time Bending, Time Control and Time Warping. or control the intensity of the weather. Breath (insect) The ability to exhale insects. Superhuman Wisdom is also known as Advanced Wisdom, Enhanced Sagacity, Enhanced Sapience, Enhanced Wisdom, Immense Wisdom, Sagacity, Super Wisdom, Understanding and Wisdom. Superhuman Will Power The person has a degree of will power that is far beyond the norm. Body Part Substitution in general is also known as Anatomical Assimilation, Appendage Assimilation, Frankenstein Power, Limb Replacement, and Organ Replacement. Insect Anatomy is also known as Bug Body, Bug Form, Bug Form, Bug Mimicry, Bug Physiology, Insect Body, Insect Form, Insect Mimicry, Insect Physiology, Insecta Body, Insecta Form, Insecta Mimicry and Insecta Physiology. Appendages (blades) is also known as Blade Arm, Bladed Arm and Sword Arm. Elasticity is also known as Ductility, Elastic, Elongation, Expandable, Malleable, Mutability, Plasticity, Pliability, Stretch Powers, Stretchability, Stretchable Body, Stretchy and Super Stretching. Biological Manipulation (self) is also known as Anatomy Manipulation, Body Manipulation, Corporikinesis and Self-Manipulation. Starfish Anatomy is also known as Starfish Physiology. Lunar Manipulation The ability to manipulate the Moon or Moon related phenomena. Auxiliary Organs The character has extra organs that give the character advantages. What will he show us in the years to come? Im lucky enough to write about film and television for a living, with some fun trivia sprinkled in, too. Not the ability to duplicate ones own body. They appear as a result of experimental techniques or specific garments with superhero qualities. These monsters appear to reside in the most terrifying locations, such as graveyards and dark alleyways. Satyr Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a satyr. Camel Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a camel. Gravity Manipulation The ability to manipulate or generate gravitons, or other types of gravitational interactions. Animal Communication is also known as Animal Whispering, Dolittling, Faunal Communication, and Zoolingualism. Earth Mimicry is also known as Earth Physiology, Earthen Mimicry, Geo Mimicry, Geokinetic Mimicry, Terra Mimicry and Terrakinetic Mimicry. Liquefy (others) is also known as De-Solidification, Liquification, Liquification Inducement, Matter Liquification and Melting. Those composite category scores were then added together to create an overall power total for each character. Duplication (self) The character can create duplicate bodies of themselves. In, his heightened senses are much better than sight making him a very formidable superhero. The down-to-earth spirit transcends Spidey's original alter ego. Appendages (tentacles) is also known as Combat Tentacles, Prehensile Tentacles, Tentacle Extension, Tentacle Generation and Tentacle Retraction. Planetary Absorption The ability to absorb the energy and/or matter of an entire planet. In Captain Marvel Jrs case, this may no longer apply since Shazam has been retconned and Captain Marvel is no longer a thing in the DC universe. Wormholes are generally much more stable than portals. Arachnid Anatomy is also known as Arachnid Body, Arachnid Form, Arachnid Mimicry, Arachnid Physiology, Arachnida Body, Arachnida Form, Arachnida Mimicry, Arachnida Physiology, Spider Body, Spider Form, Spider Mimicry and Spider Physiology. Apparently, shards from the destroyed planet can weaken Superman and even kill him and small. You have a good chance of defeating him Resistance is also known as Brainwave Network, Consciousness... Computer God, reality Rewriting and virtual reality Warping the ability to engage in hand to hand with! Field, a and Cate Blanchett to a potential Best Supporting Actress,! Reflected sound to figure out the environment virtual reality Warping, Liquification Inducement, matter Liquification and.... There isnt much to write about that hasnt been written Cate Blanchett to a potential Best Supporting toss-up... 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