Make sure that youve actually set a record. At the Technical Meeting before the start of Masters Championships, each athlete confirms the final entry including name of the athlete, age group, and bodyweight category. Weightlifting is the ultimate sport of strength and power and should not be confused with powerlifting, bodybuilding, or general weight training. International Records. USA Powerlifting is America's Choice for Drug-Free Strength Sport, and the nation's leading powerlifting organization with over 20,000 . Your starting attempts must be within 80% of the qualifying total. Michael has been a competitive weightlifter for more than 50 years and is also an IWF Category 2 Referee. lifters entered the National Masters Meet Jim Witt, Jack Lano, Wilbur --Standards for the new weight classes were set by taking the maximum weight for each lift and total that were made by an Ohio lifter from . There are also 2 major International events per year and the USA Masters makes sure that all information for these competitions are made available to the members. ALL non USA athletes must present a valid passport at weigh in. It is important that you make yourself aware of Masters rules for World and European . State Records as of 01-01-2015 with New Weight Classes, Equipped Men 70-74 53.0 kg (116.8 lbs), Equipped Men 70-74 59.0 kg (130.1 lbs), Squat Iain Burgess 122.5 kgs (270.1 lbs) 4/11/2015, Bench Iain Burgess 67.5 kgs (148.8 lbs) 4/11/2015, Deadlift Iain Burgess 145 kg (319.7 lbs) 10/15/2015, Total Iain Burgess 332.5 kg (733 lbs) 10/15/2015, Bench Only Iain Burgess 60 kgs (132.3 lbs) 6/15/2014, Deadlift Only Iain Burgess 127.5 kgs (281.1 lbs) 6/15/2014, Equipped Men 70-74 66.0 kg (145.5 lbs), Deadlift Iain Burgess 145 kgs (319.7 lbs) 10/15/2015, Squat Iain Burgess 112.5 kgs (248 lbs) 11/1/2014, Bench Iain Burgess 67.5 kgs (148.8 lbs) 11/1/2014, Deadlift Iain Burgess 142.5 kgs (314.2 lbs) 11/1/2014, Total Iain Burgess 322.5 kgs (711 lbs) 11/1/2014, Equipped Men 70-74 74.0 kg (163.1 lbs), Equipped Men 70-74 83.0 kg (183.0 lbs), Squat Jay Katzman 145 kgs (319.7 lbs) 8/30/2008, Bench Jay Katzman 112.5 kgs (248 lbs) 8/30/2008, Deadlift Jay Katzman 177.5 kgs (391.3 lbs) 8/30/2008, Total Jay Katzman 435 kgs (959 lbs) 8/30/2008, Squat Dennis Reamy 100 kgs (220.5 lbs) 11/23/2013, Bench Dennis Reamy 70 kgs (154.3 lbs) 11/23/2013, Deadlift Dennis Reamy 152.5 kgs (336.2 lbs) 11/23/2013, Total Dennis Reamy 322.5 kgs (711 lbs) 11/23/2013, Bench Only Chuck Mulligan 137.5 kgs (303.1 lbs) 9/20/2015, Deadlift Only Dennis Reamy 152.5 kgs (336.2 lbs) 6/15/2014, Equipped Men 70-74 93.0 kg (205.0 lbs), Bench OnlyChuck Mulligan 137.5 kgs (303.1 lbs) 9/20/2015, Equipped Men 70-74 105.0 kg (231.5 lbs), Squat Robert Rood 130 kgs (286.6 lbs) 2/26/2011, Bench Robert Rood 117.5 kgs (259 lbs) 2/26/2011, Deadlift Robert Rood 157.5 kgs (347.2 lbs) 2/26/2011, Total Robert Rood 405 kgs (892.9 lbs) 2/26/2011, Equipped Men 70-74 120.0 kg (264.6 lbs), Squat Robert Rood 135 kgs (297.6 lbs) 11/20/2010, Squat Robert Rood 130 kgs (286.6 lbs) 11/10/2012, Bench Floyd Hayes 132.5 kgs (292.1 lbs) 7/21/2013, Deadlift Floyd Hayes 165 kgs (363.8 lbs) 7/21/2013, Total Floyd Hayes 402.5 kgs (887.4 lbs) 7/21/2013, Equipped Men 70-74 SHW Men (over 120 kg), Squat Floyd Hayes 170 kgs (374.8 lbs) 11/23/2013, Bench Floyd Hayes 135 kgs (297.6 lbs) 11/23/2013, Deadlift Floyd Hayes 215 kgs (474 lbs) 11/23/2013, Total Floyd Hayes 520 kgs (1146.4 lbs) 11/23/2013, State Records as of 12-31-2014 with Old Weight Classes, Equipped Men 70-74 52.0 kg (114.6 lbs), Equipped Men 70-74 56.0 kg (123.5 lbs), Squat Iain Burgess 95 kgs (209.4 lbs) 4/12/2014, Bench Iain Burgess 65 kgs (143.3 lbs) 4/12/2014, Deadlift Iain Burgess 135 kgs (297.6 lbs) 4/12/2014, Total Iain Burgess 295 kgs (650.4 lbs) 4/12/2014, Equipped Men 70-74 60.0 kg (132.3 lbs), Equipped Men 70-74 67.5 kg (148.8 lbs), Equipped Men 70-74 75.0 kg (165.3 lbs), Equipped Men 70-74 82.5 kg (181.9 lbs), Bench Only Will Slade Sr 67.5 kgs (148.8 lbs) 4/16/2011, Equipped Men 70-74 90.0 kg (198.4 lbs), Equipped Men 70-74 100.0 kg (220.5 lbs), Equipped Men 70-74 110.0 kg (242.5 lbs), Equipped Men 70-74 125.0 kg (275.6 lbs), Equipped Men 70-74 SHW Men (over 125 kg), Promoting fun and drug-free powerlifting in Maryland. An athlete is not allowed to go down a body weight category at the weigh in. The age an athlete will be on December 31st of a given year decides their age group for that entire year. IMPORTANT!! WMG-Women Pan American Masters Records Men The participation rate in the USA National Masters Weightlifting Championships has changed from 2015 with 244 competitors (44.4% female and 55.6% male) to 718 in 2019 (with 58.7% female and 41.3% male). USPA 2023 Oklahoma State Championship, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Below are instructions on how to compete both the USADA Athlete Advantage & USADA Coach Advantage education modules. Meet Directors. "It was my idea and I made it work," Clark said with a proud smile. Meet Directors Meet Directors Only K Formula 100% RAW Gender* Lift* Bodyweight* Bodyweight LBS or KGS* Lift Amount* Lift Amount (LBS or KGS) Result Tim Henriques' book "All About Powerlifting" is available NOW, get your copy here. Sus intentos iniciales deben estar dentro del 80% del total calificado. Ici vous pouvez trouver les horaires des comptitions futures, rsultats de comptitions passes, totaux de qualification, records, publications d'haltrophilie, exigences d'adhsion, et liens d'autres sites web d'intrt. Masters Powerlifting Powerlifting conducts events & keeps Records for age groups from 40 pus, through 50, 60, 70 & 80 years plus. It Masters Weightlifting is a committee within USA Weightlifting, which is the national governing body (NGB) for the sport of weightlifting in the United States. Estamos dando la bienvenida a levantadores de pesas master (edad 35+) con discapacidades como competidores junto con atletas sin discapacidad al Campeonato 2023 Panamericano de Levantamiento de Pesas Master a celebrarce en Orlando, Florida, EE. Bill was also instrumental in bringing women into the sport. I'm currently competing in powerlifting and have always valued maximal strength and power over other athletic qualities, but I've always had a theory that as a Masters athlete, you shouldn't let any physical quality or capacity erode to "suck" levels. Please take time to read the new IMWA Rulebook for the Masters. M80 age 80 and above Senior Men's World Records CurrentProgress YouthJuniorSenior MenWomen Search Print current list 55 kg Record Name Born Nation Event Place & Date Snatch Record: 135 kg World Standard Born: Nov 01, 2018 Event Place & Date: Nov 01, 2018 - World Standard C&J Record: 166 kg OM Yun Chol Born: Nov 18, 1991 PRK 7232 Varnedoe Drive Savannah, GA, 31406, US. For more information on the event please visit, 1st Floor Office Suite, St Ann's Mill, Kirkstall Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS5 3AE. Please click to help our Sponsor and Put in the name Susan Kozlowski. IPA State Record Certificates can be purchased for $25. The idea of a Masters program came to Australian Indoor Records February 2023. Canadian Masters Weightlifting Records Liste des records canadiens des maitres Signaler toute erreur ou omission en incluant une copie des resultats officiels. Women classic. Squat (Full Power) Class Rank Lifter Squat Date Fed; 52: 1: 2: 3: 56: 1: Cody Benson Curtis: 152: 2021-05-08: WP-USA Meet Directors Only . Corinne, Les and Joe have been instrumental as members of the technical committee in providing Referee testing at Master events. Find Meets & Coaching Courses The Mission of USA Weightlifting shall be to support United States athletes in achieving excellence in Olympic and World competition and to support, promote, and. Please click to help our Sponsor and Put in the name Susan Kozlowski. Bondiman, Tom Hughes, Jim Randall, Eric Kupperstein, multi-Ply Multi-Ply Full Power Multi-Ply Deadlift Mutli-Ply Bench. Use it to welcome visitors to your website, or explain a product or service without using an image. a vote (one vote for each country). HC American MastersNov 9-12Venue:Wilson County Expo Center - Lebanon, TNEnter Online HereCurrent Entries Here, Host - Nashville WeightliftingHotels: Days Inn by Wyndham, LebanonComfort Suites, Murfreesboro RdLa Quinta Dixie Ave, Lebanon, TN, 7232 Varnedoe Drive Savannah, GA, 31406, US. 2023 USPA. Load bearing exercise has been shown to be profoundly helpful in ameliorating or preventing osteoporosis, diabetes & other major disorders. The OpenPowerlifting project aims to create a permanent, accurate, convenient, accessible, open archive of the world's powerlifting data. Meet Records for the Howard Cohen American Masters-updated Oct 22, World Records can be set by USA athletes at Pan Ams and World Championships. You may move to a lower class or higher class provided you have met the qualifying total for that class. The two lifts and general technical rules relating to the two lifts. W65 age 65-69 Masters Chairman from 1996 to 2018, Howard was given the honorary title of President for Life. Snatch: Weight Category: Athlete: Country: Record: Date Set: Competition: Location: 55: SAFFARINIA Abdoul Rahim: IRI: 52.0: 12-Sep-2015: World Masters Championships . Assurez-vous que vous tablissez le record dans un vnement qui se qualifie. Eligibility: All master lifters properly registered with their respective National Masters Program who are at least 35 years of age on or before December 31, 2023. Athletes must not wear shoes or socks or any other footwear during weigh-in.An athlete who is within the weight of the bodyweight category in which he / she is officially entered is weighed only once. The Masters keep track of Grand Slam Awards (when an athlete wins all 4 events in a year - Nationals, American Masters, Pan Am Masters and World Masters) and Masters Hall of Fame Members. Even the modest Mr Murchie admits it was an incredible feat given the challenges he has overcome. Registration for IWF World Masters. Log into your membership profile on BARS, here. Follow on , International Expression of Commitment to Compete Forms, International Team and Athlete Funding Info, Female Referee National Testing Assistance Fund, Sports Medicine Society Athlete Safety Policy (.pdf), Weightlifting State Organization Information, U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Brand Usage Guidelines. Liste des records canadiens des maitres Signaler toute erreur ou omission president@wchmasters.orgen incluant une copie des resultats officiels. A weightlifter can enter the Masters program on the 1st January in the year he Proof of Entry: In the event of a dispute regarding the timely submission of the Entry Form, all lifters must have proof of having entered the event. (USA events allow age categories to continue to infinity: example M85, M90, etc) The IWF Masters organize lifting in ten (age) groups for men within each body Cette organisation est ddis promouvoir le dveloppement des Matres Haltrophiles au Canada et doit reprsenter les intrts des Matres Haltrophiles canadiens. 2023 Pan American Masters Weightlifting Championships . (articles of the athlete outfit: costume, unitard, shorts and T-shirt are not considered We are looking forward to welcome all adaptive master atletes to this master weightlifting event and to chair the platform alongside other abled-bodied master weightlifters. Masters Weightlifting is the Olympic sport of weightlifting for persons 35 years old or older. at locations throughout the United States. **National Masters records can NOT be broken at local competitions. Assurez-vous que vous avez rellement tabli un record. Live Streaming Link will be provided at the Meet Venue, El enlace de Streaming para transmitir la competencia estara disponible en el lugar de competencia, Preliminary Meet Schedule / ItinerarioPreliminar de Competencia, Adaptive Atlete Participation (Participacion de Atleta Adaptivo). This patch was given to Masters who competed in all 4 Master events in 2021. The OpenPowerlifting project aims to create a permanent, accurate, convenient, accessible, open archive of the world's powerlifting data. If you have any questions or updates please contact either Martin Drake or Richard Weisman Select your profile, then certifications, then "Add Certification Category". IWF World Masters Championships August 18-26, 2023 Wieliczka/ KRAKOW, POLAND There is NO Selection process. The older guys need to stay in the gym to show the next generation how to do it." Rebecca Cheslett won her category and age group by 1kg. ALABAMA. 2023 APF / AAPF IL State Equipped Championships. body weight category. and David Ehresmann. Categories (body weight) Michael was re-elected to that position and serves currently. Perhaps her leading contribution to Womens Weightlifting has been as an advocate for women to join the ranks of USA Weightlifting Technical Officials. Female SO Equipped Records 01-01-20 . The World Masters program was also started about the same time. M55 age 55-60 For the World Championships, OR if your entry total differentiates you between A and B (or C) sessions, the 80% rule applies to the entry total. detailed scoresheet. Walter Imahara was chairman of the Masters program after Bill Clark stepped down and up until 1996. Kindly report errors or omissions to Include any relevant result sheet. Clean and Jerk: Weight Category: Athlete: Country: Record: Date Set: Competition: Location: 55: HAMZE SAGHAI Hossein: IRI: 90.0: 21-Apr-2017: World Masters Games . There was a good set up at the venue and the competition ran smoothly for all lifters taking part.. bracket was added (35-39). This would apply for World Championships. There are Australian Championships in all these age-groups & then Oceania, Commonwealth & World Championships up to over 70 years. Warren, David Meltzer, Kurt Leverett, Steven Powell, 1996, Howard Cohen was voted Masters Chair and served until 2018, when his son Michael Cohen took over. Equipment 2013 British Masters Championship Empire Sports Club, Bristol . Contact Us. The lifts we discuss are snatch, clean, jerk, and their accessory work. International Competitions that are not sanctioned by the IWF will not count for records unless specifically mentioned for a particular year. W35 age 35-39 At the Technical Meeting athletes may move up to a higher body weight category or down to a lower body weight category. American Records represent the best lifts performed at any USA Powerlifting competition where the appropriate referees are present to judge the lifts. Bench Press National Powerlifting Championships - San Antonio, TX. broke the gender barrier and womens weightlifting was off and running. Results. M65 age 65-69 Patches were awarded to:Jennifer Banning, Katherine Brown, Website designed and developed by 93ft in partnership with Sport80. He or she may use the previous year as a qualifying period even though 2022 United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee. Masters retain all USAW member benefits. Howard has won 32 National titles, the most of anyone to date. Eddie Halstead, Competitions and Logistics Manager for British Weight Lifting was at the event as a Technical Official and said this about it, "The 2022 British Masters at Bangor was a great competition. The OWF would like to acknowledge the continued support of the IWF, ONOC, and the regional National Olympic Committees, and Eleiko. Noel Hernandez, Kirstin Boddy, Kim Douglass, Alise We have more exciting opportunities in the future for athletes to compete internationally, including the Masters World Cup. would take place was decided at their congress, which is the annual There was not a state meet at the time, so he held the (Consulta el enlace del formulario de registro de Eventbrite (Registro de Eventbrite) con la opcin de que los participantes seleccionen si califican como atletas adaptados. These events are: National Masters Championships, Pan American Masters Championships, World Masters Championships, and American Masters Championships.Athletes who achieve the Grand Slam receive a patch and a plaque. Retired records with old weight classes. Weightlifting consists of two events; the snatch and the clean-and-jerk. At the 2023 Pan American Masters Weightlifting Championship, the 80% rule will be enforced. W50 age 50-54 Bill Clark started the US Masters Weightlifting and Powerlifting programs in 1974 having the first meet in 1975 with only 15 lifters. She currently serves on the USA Weightlifting Technical Committee. Competitors clothing, e.g.. costume, footwear, belt, and bandages. His 385kg total would. The OWF is registered in Nauru where the OWF President resides and the working office is currently . In 1976, Bill violated the IWF rules stepped down. USA Powerlifting Miami International Fitness Expo - Magic City Liftoff (FL-2021-01) (SOLD OUT) Saturday, June 5, 2021. . W40 age 40-44 This would apply for World Championships. Athletes and coaches who wish to participate in USA Weightlifting National Events must complete education provided by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA.) Michael Cohen is the current Masters Chairman, taking over after his father and recently re-elected. * The USA Masters does not use a jury at our nationals, unless national referee testing is being done. Athletes must not wear shoes or socks or any other footwear Watch the video and pass the quiz, and your profile will be updated automatically.All Masters must complete SafeSport requirement as well. Female University Records 18-11-22. American Records set at a State or Regional meet must be submitted to the National Office by the Meet Director Only. Please respect others in your. In 2006 and 2007, Coach Simonton hosted the American Open, and he was on the USAW Board of Directors from 2010-2014. CALIFORNIA. IWF MASTERS RECORDS - MEN September 1, 2019 AGE GROUP: 35 - 39 M35 WEIGHT DATE CLASS ATHLETE COUNTRY KG SET MEET SITE SNATCH 55 Nizami ZEYNALOV AZE 83.0 15-Sep-2012 Lviv, UKR 61 Andreas LETZ GER 105.0 19-May-2001 Teplice, CZE 67 Tom GOEGEBUER BEL 118.0 28-May-2011 Heinsheim, GER 73 Chad VAUGHN USA 127.0 23-Aug-2019 Montreal, QU, CAN This site provides information about masters (age 30 and older) weightlifting in Canada. LENONCE DE MISSION DE LA ORGANISIAN DES MAITRES HALTEROPHILES CANADIENS. RESULTS. All elections for officers took place there This organization is dedicated to the promotion and development of Masters Olympic Weightlifting in Canada and shall represent the interests of Canadian Master Weightlifters. Signalez l'enregistrement l'aide du formulaire de nouvel enregistrement dans un dlai de deux mois au maximum. neoprene knee sleeves, weight lifting belt, and wrist wraps. Ici vous pouvez trouver les horaires des comptitions futures, rsultats de comptitions passes, totaux de qualification, records, publications d'haltrophilie, exigences d'adhsion, et liens d'autres sites web d'intrt. For your reference=, below are the are seven categories for adaptive weightlifters to classify under as follows: (Siguiendo el nuevo protocolo y categoria de atletes adaptativos adoptado por la Asociaccion Internacional Master de Levantamoento para incorporar atletes adaptativos al levantamiento de pesas en el Master Weightlifting Championships 2022. British Masters Info COVID-19. Learn more. Rankings . It will do so in a spirit of equity and fair play, while at the same time encouraging a fit for life philosophy. Raw National Powerlifting Championships - Aurora, CO. Men's Nationals - Philadelphia, P A. Women's Nationals - Baton Rouge, LA. Equipped records were broken when athletes were wearing any of the following gear: knee wraps, single ply poly bench shirt, single ply poly deadlift suit or single ply poly squat suit. Age groups were divided by 5 years Local USAW sanctioned (in person) events may be used for qualifying. Olympic Weightlifting for those who are age 35 and older. (Except with Refundable Entry), Here is the information for the venue hotel for accomodations, Aqu esta la informacion de el hotel de la competencia para el alojamiento, Venue/Hotel: Wyndham Resort, International Drive, Orlando, Florida, * Minimum weight on the bar is 20 kilos for men and women (except at Howard Cohen American Masters, where there are no Qualifying totals and the 5kg bar may be used, making the minimum starting weight 10kg. DoubleTree Hotel & Convention Center Miami Airport. Sterrett, Amanda Whiting, Zara Williams, Walter Masters 50-59 Squat Class Squat Lifter Country Fed Year 123 331 Gary Zeolla USA RPS 09/28/19 132 418 Eric Kuperstein USA IPF 06/20/16 For example, a 55kg athlete who has qualified with a total at 55kg that is above the 59kg minimum total may move to either the 49kg class or 59kg class.NEW WEIGH IN RULE:Athletes MUST be weighed in undergarments 2021 USA Powerlifting Europa Games Expo Powerlifting Championships (FL-2021-02) (FL-2021-02) Saturday, July 3, 2021. This is an honorary title to recognize his years of service to the Masters Organization. Se requiere identificacin con foto al pesarse. The age groups are M35 age 35-39 M40 age 40-44 M45 age 45-49 M50 age 50-54 M55 age 55-60 M60 age 60-64 M65 age 65-69 M70 age 70-74 M75 age 75-79 M80 age 80 and above the mention of old people wanting to lift and compete. - SAMWF | South African Masters . Bryn Jones won his age and category with new British records in both lifts. National Masters, Pan Am Masters, American Masters, AO Series, previous World Masters)!When Entry Fees are paid and registration completed, access code will be given. Male SO Equipped Records 22-01-20 . meeting at the World Championships. Elle le fera de par esprit dquit et de beau jeu, et en mme temps, en encourageant une philosophie de se mettre en forme pour la vie. starting at the age of 40. NO REFUNDS! Men's Masters 40-44 Men's Masters 45-49 Men's Masters 50-54 Men's Masters 55-59 Men's Masters 60-64 Men's Masters 65-69 Men's Masters 70-74 Men's Masters 75-79 Men's Masters 80+ USA Powerlifting MARYLAND Promoting fun and drug-free powerlifting in Maryland SP Bench. Walter was also the IWF Masters Chair for 20 years, retiring in 2008. With an extensive finance and corporate background, Van was recently elected Treasurer of the Masters Committee. Miller, and Bill Clark. Powerlifting is the prototypical load-bearing activity & will support the health of young & old. 2020-12-13, USA-FL Download as CSV Rank Lifter Sex Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total GLP; 1: Michael McKeon Cette organisation est ddis promouvoir le dveloppement des Matres Haltrophiles au Canada et doit reprsenter les intrts des Matres Haltrophiles canadiens. the table in 1973 at the AAU convention, and was approved by a laugh with Esperamos dar la bienvenida a todos los atletas maestros adaptativos a este evento de levantamiento de pesas maestro y presidir la plataforma junto con otros levantadores de pesas maestros sin discapacidad. At weigh in, you must give your starting attempts. Meet Directors. Group / Category Athlete Print. If you have any further questions or queries, please contact British Weight Lifting by emailing or call 01132 249 402. Qualifying period April 1, 2022 to April 15, 2023. Leon is a Canadian powerlifting Masters-level champion who started competing in powerlifting in 2012 at the age of 45. Previous Weight Class Archives. With over 400 competitions nationwide, lifters from all skill levels are provided an opportunity to showcase their efforts in a safe and competitive environment. Any suggestions, comments, questions, or complaints Try keeping the paragraph short and breaking off the text-only areas of your page to keep your website interesting to visitors. ), PanAms Masters Weightlifting Championship. ADDITIONAL RULES RELATING TO THE MASTERS Results and statistics of World Masters Powerlifting Championships 2022. The USPA is the largest powerlifting federation created by lifters, for lifters. DIST. Here you can locate schedules of upcoming competitions, results of past competitions, qualifying totals, records, weightlifting publications, membership requirements, and locations of other related sites on the web. During his career, he participated in the 1996, 1997, and 1999 American Open, fifteen National Masters Championship Competitions, and nine World Masters Championship Competitions. Last WMG records update 2019. Tim Henriques' book He holds the Masters 1 and 2 world record bench press in the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) and . Men classic. Registration April 1 - June 19ALL USA athletes MUST qualify at a National drug tested event (i.e. LENONCE DE MISSION DE LA ORGANISIAN DES MAITRES HALTEROPHILES CANADIENS. M75 age 75-79 Certificates . Athlete of the Year Athlete of the Year. Records. Rankings. Enriquez, Laura McCall, Michelle Picking, Marissa Meet Directors Only . (USA events allow age categories to continue to infinity: example W75, W80, etc.) Jenny Clouse, Sheryl Cohen, Cathy McCloskey Bob . AMA Records Policy March 2022. There are Australian Championships in all these age-groups & then Oceania, Commonwealth & World Championships up to over 70 years. Prueba de entrada: En caso de una disputa con respecto a la presentacin oportuna del formulario de inscripcin, todos los levantadores deben tener prueba de haber ingresado al evento). MISSION STATEMENT OF THE CANADIAN MASTERS WEIGHTLIFTING ORGANIZATION. ** The IWF Masters follow and abide by all the IWF Rules relating to the following. * Athletes who miss all 3 snatches are still allowed to clean and jerk in USA events M60 age 60-64 Regional Results. W60 age 60-64 ***. (Elegibilidad: Todos los levantadores maestros debidamente registrados en su respectivo Programa Nacional de Maestros que tengan al menos 35 aos de edad en o antes del 31 de diciembre de 2023. Ages groups are calculated based on the year of the athlete's birth, not by birth date. Sus intentos iniciales deben estar dentro del 80% del total calificado. MEN'S MASTERS RECORDS MEN'S MASTERS RECORDS-RETIRED Men's Junior Records BOYS' YOUTH RECORDS Women's Records WOMEN'S MASTERS RECORDS WOMEN'S MASTERS RECORDS-RETIRED Women's Junior Records GIRLS' YOUTH RECORDS Resources Olympic Weightlifting Hall of Fame Get Involved! 7 - Specialize, But Don't Let Yourself Suck At Anything. Introducing the 2021 Bill Clark Perseverance Patch. State Records as of 01-01-2015 with New Weight Classes Raw Men 70-74 53.0 kg (116.8 lbs) Squat Bench Deadlift Total Bench Only Deadlift Only Equipped Men 70-74 53.0 kg (116.8 lbs) Squat Ben 2022 PanAms Master WLC Competition Results & Records, Wyndham Orlando Resort 8001 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819. Orlando, Florida, USA Competition Days: Wednesday May 24 - Sunday, May 28. Today, the masters program is found in 70 nations and accepted without question. Men -55kg | 61kg | 67kg | 73kg | 81kg | 89kg | 96kg | 102kg | 109kg | +109kg, Women -45kg|49kg|55kg|59kg|64kg|71kg|76kg|81kg|87kg|+87kg. Michael is a 1980 Olympian and 2 time Olympic Head Coach (2000, 2004) as well as a Master Hall of Fame member. Report the record using the New Record Form within two full months. In Una vez que el atleta est registrado, puede enviar un correo electrnico al director de la reunin (Michael Cohen) directamente para especificar cul de las 7 categoras se aplica al atleta maestro para identificar adecuadamente su categora respectiva, sesin basada en su grupo de edad y clase de peso. For more than 50 years and is also an IWF category 2 Referee international Fitness Expo - Magic Liftoff. A National drug tested event ( i.e used for qualifying at Master events Masters Committee referees... Young & old generation how to compete both the USADA athlete Advantage & USADA Coach Advantage education....: Wednesday may 24 - Sunday, may 28 Clouse, Sheryl Cohen, Cathy McCloskey.! Age 65-69 Masters Chairman, taking over after his father and recently re-elected of to... And coaches who wish to participate in USA Weightlifting National events must complete education provided by the Masters. Use a jury at our nationals, unless National Referee testing at Master events in 2021 confused with powerlifting bodybuilding! Imahara was Chairman of the qualifying total Miami Airport Multi-Ply Deadlift Mutli-Ply Bench `` it an! Passport at weigh in, Bill violated the IWF will not count for records unless specifically mentioned for particular. 35 years old or older, 2021. power and should not be confused powerlifting! Multi-Ply Deadlift Mutli-Ply Bench Weightlifting consists of two events ; the snatch and the clean-and-jerk le Record dans un qui! Need to stay in the name Susan Kozlowski ( body weight ) michael re-elected... Up to over 70 years explain a product or service without using an image the Masters program after Bill stepped... 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San Antonio, TX for those who are age 35 and older of service to the National office the. Snatches are still allowed to clean and jerk in USA events M60 60-64... Miss all 3 snatches are still allowed to go down a body weight category at the time. There are Australian Championships in all 4 Master events in 2021 today, the Masters l'enregistrement! To over 70 years vote for each country ) 67kg | 73kg | 81kg 89kg!, Multi-Ply Multi-Ply Full power Multi-Ply Deadlift Mutli-Ply Bench to show the next generation to. Accepted without question Championships 2022 ( i.e Clark said with a proud smile relevant result sheet August... Expo - Magic City Liftoff ( FL-2021-01 ) ( SOLD OUT ) Saturday June. And power and should not be broken at local competitions Masters who competed in 4. For those who are age 35 and older # x27 ; t Let yourself Suck at Anything general weight.. Profile on BARS, here leon is a Canadian powerlifting Masters-level champion who started competing in powerlifting in 2012 the. $ 25 to acknowledge the continued support of the IWF, ONOC, and was... Miami Airport Simonton hosted the american Open, and wrist wraps, W80, etc. a fit for philosophy! ( FL-2021-01 ) ( SOLD OUT ) Saturday, June 5, 2021. jerk in USA Weightlifting National events complete! Exercise has been as an advocate for women to join the ranks of USA Weightlifting technical Committee Masters! Power and should not be confused with powerlifting, bodybuilding, or weight! Federation created by lifters, for lifters | +109kg, women -45kg|49kg|55kg|59kg|64kg|71kg|76kg|81kg|87kg|+87kg both.... Service to the two lifts and general technical rules relating to the lifts. Most of anyone to date in 2021 the lifts is found in 70 and. Title to recognize his years of service to the two lifts Saturday, 5... Convention Center Miami masters weightlifting records and Womens Weightlifting was off and running used for qualifying Masters Chair for 20,... Records CANADIENS des MAITRES HALTEROPHILES CANADIENS are present to judge the lifts des resultats officiels, Coach Simonton the! 2013 British Masters Championship Empire Sports Club, Bristol British records in both lifts preventing osteoporosis, &... Masters Chairman from 1996 to 2018, Howard was given to Masters competed. Her leading contribution to Womens Weightlifting was off and running State Record Certificates can be for... Resultats officiels an IWF category 2 Referee 249 402 Mr Murchie admits it was an incredible feat given honorary. And the clean-and-jerk was given the honorary title to recognize his years of service to the lifts. 249 402 Howard has won 32 National titles, the 80 % total! Calculated based on the USA Masters does not use a jury at our nationals, unless National Referee testing being! Ipa State Record Certificates can be purchased for $ 25 anyone to date 32 National titles the. And fair play, while at the 2023 Pan american Masters Weightlifting Championship, masters weightlifting records! L'Enregistrement l'aide du formulaire DE nouvel enregistrement dans un dlai DE deux mois au maximum of 45 in powerlifting 2012. Been masters weightlifting records to be profoundly helpful in ameliorating or preventing osteoporosis, diabetes & other major disorders unless mentioned... Cathy McCloskey Bob Masters Organization are snatch, clean, jerk, the... And wrist wraps entire year Sponsor and Put in the name Susan Kozlowski HALTEROPHILES CANADIENS exercise has been as advocate! In 2006 and 2007, Coach Simonton hosted the american Open, and wrist.... Tulsa, Oklahoma, Marissa Meet Directors Only que vous tablissez le Record dans un qui... Krakow, POLAND There is NO Selection process competitors clothing, e.g.. costume footwear! Both lifts https: // Weightlifting National events must complete education provided by U.S.... Masters Results and statistics of World Masters program came to Australian Indoor records February 2023 the... And European Masters who competed in all 4 Master events in 2021 102kg | 109kg | +109kg, -45kg|49kg|55kg|59kg|64kg|71kg|76kg|81kg|87kg|+87kg... Competitions that are not sanctioned by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency ( USADA. Eric! That you make yourself aware of Masters rules for World Championships category 2 Referee honorary title to recognize years... Signalez l'enregistrement l'aide du formulaire DE nouvel enregistrement dans un vnement qui se qualifie omission President! Ultimate sport of Weightlifting for those who are age 35 and older category at the weigh in Miami.. Lifts performed at any USA powerlifting Miami international Fitness Expo - Magic City Liftoff ( FL-2021-01 ) SOLD! 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Dentro del 80 % rule will be on December 31st of a given year decides their age for... And general technical rules relating to the National office by the IWF, ONOC and. For 20 years, retiring in 2008 serves on the 1st January in the gym to show the generation. For persons 35 years old or older currently serves on the year he https // Particular year statistics of World Masters program was also started about the same time have been instrumental as members the! Up until 1996 with a proud smile Womens Weightlifting was off and running have any questions! After his father and recently re-elected time encouraging a fit for Life to! 18-26, 2023, Les and Joe have been instrumental as members of the technical Committee the USAW of... +109Kg, women -45kg|49kg|55kg|59kg|64kg|71kg|76kg|81kg|87kg|+87kg 109kg | +109kg, women -45kg|49kg|55kg|59kg|64kg|71kg|76kg|81kg|87kg|+87kg the OWF is in. Wish to participate in USA Weightlifting National events must complete education provided by the U.S. Anti-Doping (... Previous year as a qualifying period April 1, 2022 to April,! Qualify at a State or Regional Meet must be within 80 % del total calificado, jerk and... ) michael was re-elected to that position and serves currently Howard has won 32 National titles, the 80 of! Michael has been as an advocate for women to join the ranks of USA Weightlifting events... At weigh in the current Masters Chairman, taking over after his father and recently re-elected competitors clothing,..! Also an IWF category 2 Referee will not count masters weightlifting records records unless specifically mentioned for a particular.... Not sanctioned by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency ( USADA. lifters, for.! And 2007, Coach Simonton hosted the american Open, and Eleiko miss all 3 are... Are Australian Championships in all 4 Master events in 2021 as a qualifying period even 2022... World Championships up to over 70 years Rulebook for the Masters program is in...