Bara Bara! noun A hot flush, most commonly used for the symptoms of female menopause. e.g. Used to signify the difference between the letters B and V, which are pronounced similarly. See also Pelo Chino. se cruz al Gabacho (he crossed into the U.S.). Milk | Couleur/Pixabay. Browse ad-free, study offline in iOS, and access our library of handy cheat sheets and phrasebooks from anywhere, anytime. Curado de Bigote noun The dregs of a barrel of alcoholic drink. So-called because they have run away from Mexico. Madre noun Common catch-all pronoun, as in a substitution for the actual noun for something which you might be referring to. Tirar Rostro verb To show off ones good looks, often in a coquettish way. Batucada noun The moment during a party (usually a Quinceaera or a wedding) in which party favors such as fancy dress, balloons, or other fun items, are distributed amongst guests. Hampn noun A gangster, from the word hampa. e.g. Literally, to withstand a caning. Synonym of Chingn. Mordida noun A bribe. In Mexican slang, chamarra means jacket. is correct, while Quin pomp las chelas is not. No hay moros en la costa expression Literal equivalent of The coast is clear in English. Piojo noun A cheeky individual, who seeks to take personal advantage of a situation. A rare and delicious dish, if you can find it. A Toda Madre exclam Expression meaning excellent. Also al chilazo. Ojo Rojo noun The Yucatan regional term for Clamato Preparado. Best translated as Ah Fuck! In English, and equivalent expression is to have gotten the taste. Dar el gatazo adj For something to appear from afar, to be of very high quality or beauty, but upon closer inspection, for that assumption to be proved wrong. The reference is to the way in which one feeds a small child, meaning literally they want it peeled, and put directly into their mouth. Can also be used in a rude way, using double-entendre, in the context of the verb pelar. Equivalent expression would be Big hat, no cattle, or All mouth, no trousers. In Mexican slang, gandalla is a negative word that describes an abusive (not necessarily aggressive) person that takes . Briago noun & adj Relatively old-fashioned word for a drunk, or alcoholic. Changuitos noun Crossed-fingers, and in expectance of good luck. e.g. me voy a echar un coyotito (Im going to take a nap). Dar la Garra verb To give something ones all. 9. It can also be used to call someone a "bro", or, in general, refer to a guy. e.g. Perchern noun A jumbo-sized caballito. A homeless woman who carries her worldly possessions in bags. Sape noun A firm telling off, or bollocking. Tecnico noun A nominal goodie, or good guy, in a lucha libre wrestling show. Nochtli noun The Tuna fruit in the Nahuatl language. The expression, literally to bring a rooster, comes from the fact that the object of the serenade will often be woken up by the activity. Coyotito noun A nap. (Fuck you!). Often heard at football games when the goalkeeper takes his goalkick. e.g. Quin Pomp? In Chilangolandia one orders Quesadilla con Queso, por favor. (A Quesadilla with cheese, please). Fresa (Preppy) 5. yo te ficho los tragos (Ill pay for your drinks). 100 action and movement verbs. Chilo adj A Baja-Californian equivalent of Chido. Asagata noun A rude version of Asafata. Me la pelas exclam Rude expression, roughly translating to suck my dick. No manches exclam A polite way of saying No Mames. noun Slang term equivalent of mate or buddy. From Valer Madre. Lagunero noun A native of the city of Torren, Coahuila. So-called for its residents, who are known as Chilangos. You can step it up by saying: "Quiero ir de tapeo.". Buey noun Has many spellings, but this is the correct one. Stemming from the days in which a taxi meter was similar in appearance to a roulette wheel. By their means is often said in a sentence what would otherwise take an hour to express. Either in the physical sense, or in competition. Hasta la Madre adj An emotional state of frustration with someone or something. e.g. Poc Chuc noun A dish originating from Mayan cuisine, this is pork marinaded in lime and spices, before being grilled. De plano expression Meaning straight-up or without beating around the bush. To take more than is ones fair share. For example, if a Mexican national calls a Mexican-American "pocho," it might be offensive and his way of saying "You're Spanish isn't good enough" or "You aren't a real Mexican." However, a lot of Chicanos call themselves this. es mi Gallo expression referring to something the speaker wants, desires, or is interested in. Entrn/a noun An individual who is quick to anger and physical violence. Dar Largas verb To continue to put something off, without ever saying no to it. Ese profesion es mi gallo (This is the profession I want to be in). (Cool!) An abbreviation of the phrase Verle la cara de pendejo". Se estan chingando la lana (They are stealing the money). Rebozo noun A traditional scarf worn by women. Tuna noun The fruit of the Nopal plant. expression To reveal a truth which will cause problems. The most stereotypical Mexican expression. Go fuck yourself.' Literally 'Help your country, murder a chilango. Ometeotl expression Nahuatl saying meaning Two Gods or Two Forces. e.g. Usually worn over the shoulder, and often called a messenger bag, its a handbag designed for men. Tiene buen rollo, el guey. (The guy tells a good story). Ajale exclam Exclamation indicating surprise or shock. No te pases de verga! (Dont be cheeky!). Finish whatever you are doing quickly (most commonly used with a beer). Cottoreo noun Light-hearted and amusing conversation. Tragar Camote expression To be unattentive, or distracted. Jovenazo noun Term used to describe a virile or energetic young person. Black Slang Dictionary Book PDF Free Download THE HISTORY OF CANT OR The Secret Language Of Vagabonds Cant and Slang are universal and worldwide. Guey noun, pronounced wey 1. Barra noun In Campeche state, a baguette sandwich. El Barrio Me Respalda expression Literally the Hood has my back. Lingoda's expert teachers know all the latest slang and can help you with your Spanish conversation skills. e.g. e.g. Joven, no terminare ese plato, me pone un itacate? (Waiter, I will not finish this meal, could I have it to go?). This is used like 'fuck you'. Adis = Goodbye. Up yours. Gorgojo noun A insect pest which damages corn and bean crops. Malinchista noun A Mexican national who prefers foreign nations to his own. Te lleva mi carnal, el es de buena onda (my friend will take you, hes a good guy). Verga noun. Chinga tu Madre! Mexican Slang from Mexico Guru Popular Mexican Slang Aventura Literal Meaning: adventure Meaning: affair No sabas que Jaime tuvo una aventura con su secretaria? Prefix to a noun equivalent of fucking or bloody. Horchata noun A popular beverage made from the starchy water resulting from the boiling of rice, which is sweetened for consumption. Cheha adj Jarocho regional slang for blind. The abbreviated nickname of Graciela, is Chela, which therefore applies also to the slang for beer. Also Apachurrado. "Terraceo" comes from "terraza" (terrace). e.g. Share with a friend / Comparte con un amigoWhat does it mean when Dominicans say vaina or qu lo que? Charifete noun A bus driver. Some in Mexico still refer to the capital by its original name. Salsa noun Any mixture of ingredients ground together, the salsa is a key element in Mexican cuisine, and present in almost every meal. Literally something for a soda. exclam Street-style sales abbreviation of barato, meaning cheap, or inexpensive. Mamn(a) An arrogant or conceited individual. This phrase comes from a brand of unfiltered cigarettes named Faros (Lighthouses), which were rolled in a specific paper, which smokers found pleasant to lick before lighting up. e.g. An Ox (castrated bull). As in baseball; the bat something away. Me la pelas exclam Rude expression equivalent of Fuck You. Literally you cant whistle and eat pinole. Ni de pedo exclam No way! 2. verb To make a mistake. e.g. Defeo An antiquated term for a native of Mexico City, given that the capital state was once named Distrito Federal. Also used reflexively for any subject, i.e. No seas rajn. No le encuentro ni pies ni cabeza a su excusa. See Chingar for context. Cacas title Despective nickname applied to bad individuals. Since slang is constantly changing, it can be difficult to find definitions of certain terms in a printed dictionary. Trees, plants and gardening. e.g. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: https://store.samhsa . e.g. e.g. Comes from the word Rey, meaning King. La Maa Colloquial term for organized crime. Corazn de Pollo adj Descriptive of a person who is easily moved to tears, or is very affected by the suffering of others. Echar Reja verb In the Bajo, the traditional term for going to visit your girlfriend in her family home. Nos metieron 6 goles, que putiza! (They put six goals past us. Esta tragando camote (Look at this idiot with the green light, but he isnt moving. e.g. Iban a ganar, hasta que el portero la cag (They were going to win, until the goalkeeper fucked up). Paro noun A favour. tower cafe sacramento; galley pirate blox fruits. i.e. Tortilla de Harina means a Wheat Tortilla. Fichn noun An excellent move, or placement of a tile, in the game dominos. [Lancs/Yorks use] bag lady Noun. rale is a common interjection in Mexican Spanish slang. Campal noun A brawl, or fight involving more than two pugilists. This introduction describes why, how and for whom this book was written, why it is original, and what it contains. Dote noun A dowry paid by the grooms side of the family. Luckily, many websites are offering rich collections of . Ladronzuelo noun A professional mugger. Tener sangre azul. Chido adj. Cola que te pisen expression To have a shady past. Ruletero noun A taxi driver. Hijole exclam A polite saying expressing surprise or confusion. hazme un paro (do me a favour). No mames (literally means 'don't suck it') is one of the most ubiquitous Mexican swearwords. Cachirol noun An obvious, or embarrassing, mistake. Also Lambiscon. e.g. FREE List of 75 Mexican Spanish Phrases and Expressions Receive via email our list of common Mexican Spanish Phrases with English translations. Take the money, or get shot. Therefore, Quin pomp chelas? (who bought the beers?) It would be extremely ill-advised to refer to an air hostess in this way. Equivalent of skeletons in the closet in English. Literally to have a chickens heart. pasar. Pasar de lanza verb To trick or con someone. e.g. Often used in terms of business sense. Centro Botanero noun A tradtional style of service in a Mexican cantina, in which small snacks, called botana, are brought, free of charge to accompany ones round of drinks. Las de la casa noun The term for the final round of drinks, which in Mexican culture are often expected to be given free of charge, or on the house. Polaco expression An albur expression signifying anal sex. Se la anda comiendo (Hes been shagging her). Plata o Plomo exclam Expression translating literally to silver or lead, and used to describe the choice often faced by people threatened by organized crime. Cacique noun A member of the economic ruling class, or landowning classes. Patchouli noun Descriptive of a person who is easily offended, or apparently emotionally weak. Darle por la libre verb To freestyle something, or go ahead without making a prior plan. Mueren Burros, No a cada rato expression Denoting that something is a special occasion. Guayabo, estar en el expression Of an enamoured individual, to be in the honeymoon or crazy love period of a romantic relationship, oftne used in connection with regular sexual activity. Comes from the fact that anglophones pronounce their ethnicity as Meksicanos, therefore Ksicanos = Chicanos. exclam Expression of surprise regional to the Yucatan Peninsuka. Comal noun The wide hotplate on which tortillas are cooked. Pasar por los huevos verb To ignore something or someone, usually with contempt. Equivalent of snowflake, or keyboard warrior. e.g. Comes from the religious candle glasses which have a crucifix at the bottom of them. A task which takes a great deal of effort, Chingarse algo verb To steal, shoplift or nick something. If you're looking to learn more about American slang, look no further. Also Pueta. This common word comes from the Raramuri language, in which Guaru means big. Not applicable in the context of tipping a waiter. e.g. Not, as one journalist at the Daily Mirror once translated it: Asta La Vista. Me Caga exclam Expression meaning something or someone is irritating, or makes you angry. noun A posh person, or individual from a privileged social class. La Pera A particularly sharp turn along the road from Mexico City to Cuernavaca. Has different forms across the country, but is most commonly in a salt-rimmed glass with lime juice. Equivalent in English is nice from far; far from nice., Dar en la Torre expression To exert pressure, or inflict damage, upon an opponent or rival. Aguas! Cruda/o A hangover, or to be hungover. Rollo, tener buen expression Of an individual, to be an engaging conversationalist. A very thin or emaciated person or animal. A less usual version of 'cop . An individual who one cannot take seriously. Mi valedor! (My valued friend!). Con las manos en la masa expression To be caught red-handed, or in the act of committing a delictive act. e.g. The stringy form of cheese similar to mozzarella. e.g. Tropa del Infierno noun A special forces-style militia, or armed group, pertaining to the Cartel del Noroeste. e.g. Comes from the phrase Para quien es perico, donde queda es verde. It can be seen here. Chamba is the Mexican slang word for 'work' or 'job'.. Tengo mucha chamba. The world's interest in Mexican slang.The best way to learn Mexican Spanish 100% is.. e.g. Literally a pansy flower. Echar al plato verb To have sex with someone; literally to put them on your plate, in the context of the phrase andarse comiendo. Ponerse vergas verb Rude version of ponerse trucha. Me la pel (They performed fellatio upon me), exclam Offensive and aggressive insult. : exclam Fuck it! Continue Reading Download. nasty, or bad. Copili noun An Aztec, or indigenous, headdress. Desmadre 1. noun A bad situation. Escuincle noun A child, or little one. A very beautiful and typically-Mexican expression. Tianguis noun A street market or flea market. Crack noun Someone who is the best at what they do. Terrible e.g. Descriptive of a person who appears to be very powerful, rich or elegant; but in reality does not have the resources to back it up, or is hollow. bag of bones Noun. Here are a few more words and phrases that you should learn if you're a beginner to the language. e.g. Meridano noun A native of the city of Mrida. It's often used in a very funny way to indicate friend or homie but I can't tell what it means. Lo llam a cagarlo (She called him up to give him a telling off). 2. noun A good friend or personal acquaintance in whom one has confidence. It is thought to have come from the English word "plink", which means to shoot randomly and casually at targets. Taquear verb 1. Meanings from this dictionary are not explanatory like in a book but rather representative through synsets from WordNet. For he who is a fool, wherever he lands, he loses). Halcon noun A cartel lookout, or spy. Vendo tomates, no canicas expression Signifying that someone sells quality products. The green is more common, but the red is far tastier. 6. A contestants turn at beating the piata lasts as long as it takes their friends to sing the song: Dale, dale, dale, no pierdas de tino; porque si lo pierdes, pierdes tu camino; ya le diste uno, ya le diste dos; ya le diste tres, y tu tiempo se acab!. Cabal exclam South Mexican and Guatemalan exclamation in the affirmative, as in exactly!. Ella es muy buen pedo. e.g. 11. Ese personal pronoun A very chicano way of saying him, or that guy. Lucas Heitor. El gangoso is commonly the subject of jokes around wordplay. Hazme un paro expression Do me a favour. Varies in form across the country, but is most commonly salt-rimmed and with lime juice. Colmillo Largo expression Denoting a persons wisdom or experience, often used in the context of business. Nahuatl term for a mountain or hill. Gandalla. Literally money trumps a pretty face. No soy monedita de oro expression Im not here to please everybody. El Chapo person Joaqun Guzmn Loera, the long-time boss of the Sinaloa Cartel. Literally, to have a long canine tooth, referring to predatory animals who, when they have survived for a long time in the wild, have very long and sharp teeth, and are expert in the hunting of their prey. Continue Reading Download. Tostn noun The monetary amount of fifty pesos. i.e. Juarense noun A native of Ciudad Juarez. Huevos al Gusto (Eggs as you like them). A los taxistas, este gasolinazo nos esta dando en la torre (This gas-price hike is badly affecting us taxi drivers.). 10. Verde a common sauce with a tomatillo (green tomato) base. A very brutal drug cartel founded in the city of Guadalajara. Al Chilazo adj Something performed in an uncaring, or slap-dash manner. Mala Copa adj Descriptive of a person who cannot hold their drink, becomes drunk easily, or is prone to foolishness once drunk. Putiza noun A ferocious beating. To find the perfect or ideal partner. (**** yeah!) Nel exclam Exclamation in the negative, i.e. Literally to sink your teeth into someone. When tacos filling avaialble are chorizo, longaniza and bistec, un 'taco campechano could be a taco with both bistec and longaniza. Hampa noun A gang, or organised criminal group. 2. Aplicar una llave verb A lucha libre wrestling term for putting an opponent - or anyone else for that matter - in a head-lock. ongos are built specifically to evade the attention of the authorities, and are well-disguised from the outside. Pido el menudo, para no quedarme con la duda. (Ill order the tripe, so Ive tried it.). Tamal noun A typical dish consisting of corn dough mixed (most commonly) with pork lard, and stuffed with various fillings, before being wrapped in a plant leaf (most commonly corn husks, but often in banana leaf), and cooked. or How are you doing? Literally A cactus spine in the balls. Tenemos maciza, costilla o montalayo (We have lean meat, rib, or tripe). Sobarse el lomo verb To work very hard towards a specific goal, often in unfortunate or difficult circumstances. The term, meaning wet, stems from the way in which migrants would traditionally cross into the U.S. over the Rio Grande (River Grande) which marks the border between Texas and Mexico. verb To enjoy oneself, or have a good time. A positive expression, seen as very street-slang, used most commonly in northeast Mexicos U.S. border region, particularly Tamaulipas. Si no conoces a Dios, a cualquier santo que te le hincas expression A saying which says that if a person has never experienced the best quality product, then they cannot tell the difference between the poor quality to which they are accustomed. adj Anything hailing from the north of the country, the north being generally considered anything north Zacatecas. Hijo de la Chingada: noun/exclam. Estn chidos tus tenis! La Chona A popular Mexican banda song, with which it is joked that if you want to find Mexicans anywhere in the world, it should be played and they will apear. Medio cachito adj Descriptive of something half-decent, or of middling quality. Date exclam Assention that an individual should proceed with their plans. La Morena being the road (as in, the dark one) and being both flirty and slippery. Ojeto adj Equivalent descriptive version of Ojete, i.e. La quiere peladita y en la boca expression Descriptive of a work-shy individual, who does not want to put in a lot of effort in order to achieve what they set out to do. La Roa noun Any form of skin disease or rash. Chicano A Mexican-American. Literally, theres the potato. Chela noun Beer. Literally a dogs paw. Relleno noun Colloquial term for a King card in a deck of playing cards. Jevo is kind of like an affectionate way to say "f riends with benefits . exclam A very Norteo way of saying yes, or ndale. Wey- "Dude" Let's start with the most common Mexican slang term. Agazaparse verb To make oneself as small as possible. Echar Rollo expression Of an individual, to be over-talkative. It also allows multiple sorting criteria! 3. noun An important person or boss. OK! i.e. Piscar verb In northwestern Mexican indigenous communities (among whom are the Raramuri) To consume the Peyote cactus (containing mescaline) in ritual ceremony. Asaduda noun A pluck in butchery terms. To down a drink in one go. Meterse hasta la cocina expression Descriptive of someone or something which is very invasive or imprudent. noun A bar, or stick, used to block a doorway in the absence of an actual lock. This expression originates with the founding social classes of the Sinaloa Cartel. A Gusto expression Descriptive of being content, or at ease, in a situation. Me tiene hasta la madre (Im completely sick of it). Los boletos eran gratis, pero nos sentaron en la gayola (The tickets we free, but they were up in the nosebleeds). What a kicking!). Mixteco noun Indigenous peoples native to the northern sierras of Oaxaca state. With a beer ) something, or good guy ) of saying Mames. Ever saying no to it. ) no le encuentro ni pies ni a! Or apparently emotionally weak go? ) gandalla is a common interjection in Mexican Spanish with... Word that describes an abusive ( not necessarily aggressive ) person that takes 2. noun gangster. 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