Ohio / Harlow Lindley, collaborator and historian for Ohio -- v. Where have you seen some of those names? Interesting as I am from the same lineage as well! Here's an existing category that seems appropriate. Yep, Im a lindley! I understand you want people to understand what the Quaker values are about not just genealogy. I think in terms of just numbers, the Smedleys, the Hoopes, the Sharplesses were probably the largest in terms of prolificness. From as far away as Pennsylvania, members of the Society of Friends migrated to the region for its fertile land and ease of navigation. It indexes many, but not all Monthly Meetings. Mary Crauderueff: So something that you should know about Quaker names is that they liked to repeat themselves. He was apparently not accompanied by a wife or children, but we do know that he had relatives and associates there. I may add that Dr. Clements in her Canterbury dissertation placed the Rev. I myself have one of those long Quaker lineages back to people whose surnames necessarily disappear due to the fair odds of a female descendant. Check the binder in the research room for details. Vol. The views expressed in this video are of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Friends Journal or its collaborators. The key factor, however, in the diaspora of southern Quakers was their witness against slavery, which began in the late eighteenth century and intensified in the nineteenth century. Share to Twitter. I hope this sheds some light on why we decided to make this video. Max Carter: For much of our history, Quakers were endogamous the sociological term for marrying in. This book is an every name index to the first six volumes of Monthly Meetings compiled by William Wade Hinshaw. Signing the marriage record of Quakers by Quakers could mean imprissonment if in Massachusetts. Inhabited for ten thousand years by indigenous people, it was explored by the Spanish in the 16th century. includes the county, the names of the earliest members, and sometimes other clues. I discovered that my ancestor Ann Stone Worley Pusey arrived in 1682 with William Penn on the ship Welcome. No one QuakerSpeak video is intended to represent all Quakers, all of QuakerSpeak, all of Friends Publishing. By the end of the war there were few Friends left in the state, and without the aid of northern Quakers, particularly the support of Francis King and the Baltimore Association, the church might have disappeared from North Carolina. Quakers, or the Religious Society of Friends, are the oldest organized Christian church in North Carolina. "Virtually a Quaker province." The reasons for migration and migration patterns before and after the Revolutionary War will also be explored. This database contains Quaker monthly meeting records which are archived at the following Quaker colleges: Earlham (Indiana), Guilford (North Carolina), Haverford and Swarthmore (Pennsylvania). I watch and look forward to Quaker Speaks every Thursday. Furnas should on the list of generations of Friends. [5] The two Quakers mentioned as coming from Nottingham are James Brown and James Johnson. To learn more about the Quakers you may want to view the following book: If you are at the FamilySearch Library you can search William Wade Hinshaws Index to Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, FS Library book 973 D2he index At various libraries (WorldCat). What was the point of this piece? North Carolina, prior to the Revolution, was a destination. Also, the name Stanley, from Virginia and later Ohio. Jillaine, I have opened it as you requested. Then later those came to Pennsylvania. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vols. Wonderful video! Aloha! When a person "condemned" his or her own misconduct, the monthly meeting might then restore him or her to membership. The North Carolina Highway Historical Marker Program notes that: Hinshaw discusses Core Sound Meeting on pages 263-4 of his Encyclopedia, [8] with an index of names following. The reasons for migration and migration patterns before and after the Revolutionary War will also be explored. And what you might find is that theyre cousins or that theyre uncle and nephew. Eliza is not my direct ancestor but connected to my Clark family of Scotland and New Orleans. Quakerism was founded in 1647 by George Fox, who also established a rich system of record keeping. I usually like watching the cool videos on Quaker Speak. Other books: Bucks, Berks, Lancaster, Montgomery, York and Philadelphia counties, PA. Hinshaw, William Wade. Next is a section listing information from the meetings birth, death, and marriage records, arranged alphabetically by surname, then by husband's name, and grouped together by family. The hasty Coffin, fractious, loud, If they were here prior to the War of Independence, then it might be worthwhile to check the Moseley Map for their names, or at least their surnames. 8 and counting. (If this, or any other single video topic is not for you, thats ok!) From George Maris born 1632, who was an early emigrant from England to Chester Co, PA, I descend from Parkes, Hadleys, Lindleys, and more. I was raised as a Friend but through convincment not blood or so I thought. My great-great-grandfather was Quaker, I grew up Presbyterian, but I thought that I would try a Quaker meeting and theyre curious. 901-QU0001. Please submit permission requests for other use directly to the publisher. Accessed 12/2011. It is on 73 FS Library microfilms beginning with 2146 which is a list of abbreviations and meeting symbols used on the cards. John Wing backed into his rightful place as the Vicar of St. Nicholas CE Parish, Strood 1608 to 1615. I find genealogy and family history research to be fascinating! I for one love hearing stories of all my ancestors Quaker and non-Quaker. By creating a video that people might find when doing research on Quakers in their family tree, we create a point of entry into the rest of what we dothe other 169 QuakerSpeak videos (and counting). Click the tab "Hinshaw" above for more tips. Edwards Brothers, Inc., 1940. Below are the meetings mentioned in the biography of James Brown (Brown-2471), listed chronologically in order of their creation. Volume I is arranged by monthly meeting (church), beginning with the oldest and ending with the youngest. This webinar will examine the creation of Quaker records and their meaning for the researcher. Genealogies of Rhode Island Families, from The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, volumes I and II. That began to change in the late 1800s as Quakers began to assimilate into the Protestant mainstream and began to marry out. Did you recognize any of the names listed in the video? Curious? I find it spiritually and emotionally a huge comfort. mtg meeting: may refer to a Friends religious service ("meeting for worship"), an administrative meeting ("meeting for business," "monthly meeting," etc. Guides to Accessing Information from Quaker Records See guide links below for tips and information about specific types of research using Quaker records. Willow Bend Books, 1992-2000. Reading Ebony and Ivy by Craig Steven Wilder, might lead to great emotional pain re ones Quaker lineage. Julie any reason not to open this page up for editing? co chosen overseer(s): selected for an important office of responsibility in the meeting. For further information use these FamilySearch Wiki pages: http://www.cyndislist.com/quaker/general/, https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:Religious_Society_of_Friends, https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Quaker_Project_Resources, Society of Friends (Quakers) in the United States, Swarthmore College Friends Historical Library, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=U.S._Quaker_Research_(Society_of_Friends)&oldid=5099968. William Wade Hinshaws Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy consists of six volumes, each dealing with a different region, and is supplemented by Willard Heisss Abstracts of the Records of the Society of Friends in Indiana in seven parts. Quaker Abstract F190.F89 P42, Wright, F. Edward. This migration occurred due to the . It is true that this one video centers on the lineage of Anglo-American Quaker settlers, and this might be hurtful or seem willfully blind to many, many people whose generational history includes kidnapping, enslavement, and other atrocities. Quaker: Quaker Marriage Certificates (Pennsylvania & North . Look in the FamilySearch Catalog using the keyword or subject search for Quakers. 1866 Freedmen's Bureau record regarding 75 unnamed Randolph County Quakers abandoning their homes and fleeing to Indiana, the "more quiet west," with at least 125 more to follow. On a related note, todays Quaker religious practices have changed dramatically in the last 100 years. Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1973 (Edwards Brothers, Inc., 1950). As part of the team that publishes QuakerSpeak, I want to thank all of you who have commented. Use the Geographical Index on page 420 to see which Monthly Meetings were held in a specific state or county. The Religious Society of Friends - North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends. Your email address will not be published. United States Church Records Society of Friends (Quakers). I am so blessed. Following the Cary Rebellion of 1711, Friends were effectively excluded from colonial politics and thereafter seldom held office in the state until modern times. Unless the person later repented and "condemned" his or her own misconduct and was later readmitted into membership, he or she would not be mentioned again in the minutes. Knowing the earlier meeting is a clue about the earliest members' origins. Weeks, writing in Southern Quakers and Slavery. By the mid-eighteenth century, the backcountry was growing rapidly because of a large influx of settlers from Pennsylvania and Virginia, some of whom were Quakers who formed meetings for worship in the Cane Creek valley and to the west in modern Guilford County. So it wasnt just the last names that they used over and over but the first names as well. We know not all of it is for everybody. His brother, Thomas, is my direct. Several manuscript collections contain a wealth of genealogical information, including the Stanley, Beeson, Hill, Piggott-Pickett, Cox and Mendenhall families. $75.00. Quaker Ref E184.F89 H52 v.7, Peden, Henry C., Jr. Quaker Records of (Baltimore and Harford counties, Northern Maryland, Southern Maryland) Maryland. Since this is about a couple of Browns originally from Pennsylvania? Friends Publishing Corporation For example, it turns out that Abraham Lincoln, who came from the midwest, was descended from Quakers. On the contrary, its interesting to learn about the historic footprint of early Quakers who had a distinct religion and culture. The first Browns at Cane Creek appear to have been Ruth Large Brown, widow of Thomas Brown, and some of her children. Softcover. 537. Thomas Thornburg (Abigails husband) is noted as being a founding member of the New Garden MM, coming from Deep River about 20 miles south-west of the New Garden site. 1: North Carolina. https://library.guilford.edu/quaker-genealogy. mcd married contrary to disciple: married another Friend, but in a civil ceremony (usually resulting in disownment); sometimes used interchangeably with "married out of society" or "married out of unity.". Volume I of Hinshaw is the abstract of the early records of North and South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee. Many records are available only in selected archives, libraries, and other repositories. Note: Carver's Creek Meeting is also discussed below in the Dunn's Creek paragraph. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy. This is also the part of North Carolina where Abigail (Brown) Thornburgh and her husband settled in the 1740s, after their Frederick County, Virginia Quaker marriage at Hopewell MM, witnessed by her father, James Brown. I appreciate this Q.GroupSpeak as always. However, the proof according to Dr. Caterina Clements, archivist at Medway, Strood, Kent, UK is that Daniel Wing ( my great grandfather, 6th) and Anna Ewer Wing named their firstborn son, Bachiler. There was no meeting house so she became United Brethren because the church was less than a mile from her home. North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Friends United Meeting) has grown to become one of the largest yearly meetings in the country. and Starbucks. The Hinshaw Index to Selected Quaker Records, 1680-1940 is part of Hinshaw's effort to preserve and index all Quaker monthly meeting records. Quakers recorded a variety of details in their monthly meeting minutes which can be searched by name, location, and event date; or browsed by state . Use Thomas Hills book to determine where records for your ancestors might be. My son went to a Quaker K-8 grade school in junior high but that was the extent of our personal involvement. Her home (The Caleb Pusey House of Landingford Plantation) is now a museum. Start with the comprehensive Index to the first six volumes. Quaker Ref F78.G47 1989. On other side of family, I am descended from the Worleys and from Thomas Brassey. As early as 1680, monthly meetings were established around the Albemarle Sound. JESSE 3 DILLON (DANIEL 2, LUKE 1) was born October 18, 1753 in New Garden, Guilford, North Carolina (Source: Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, New Garden MM p. 1: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, Vols. I appreciated the episode even tho it was my first time hearing Quaker Speak. Quaker Abstract F157.D3 L38 1997. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. Watching the video brought back the following painful memory. Levi Coffin of Guilford County was a founder of the Underground Railroad, which enabled thousands of slaves to escape to freedom. The pacifist Quakers were particularly affected by the military operations and the protracted violence of the internal conflict between the Whigs and Loyalists. I. Edwards Brothers, Inc., 1936; with Supplement, 1948. Later, English colonists migrated south from Virginia, arriving in significant numbers by the 1660s. Write down the microfilm numbers you plan to search on your research log. By clicking on the button below, I consent to allowing NCGS to add this data to their MailChimp mailing list. I think we have room in our community to celebrate generational Quakers, new Quakers and those who come seeking answers about their ancestry. Eventually 55 of that states 100 counties were formed from parts of Bladen County.[10]. Quaker Marriage Certificates Pasquotank, Perquimans - Monthly Meetings, North Carolina 1677-1800. print. Quaker Abstract F157. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. James Brown apology and readmission (1761), James Brown Senr 1753 certificate request, Minutes of Carteret MM re James Brown 1764-66, North Carolina Highway Historical Marker Program, Send a private message to the Profile Manager, Pennsylvania, United States, Brown Name Study, Public Comments: 1824 Scotland, etc, etc. Similarly, among my fathers and mothers ancestors were migrants to Penns Welsh Tract where they gained English-style surnames derived from their fathers first names: Jones, Evans, Davis. The southern community met the Quaker antislavery stance with escalating hostility, precipitating mass migrations of Quakers to the free states of Ohio and Indiana. Is QuakerSpeak worth $1 a video? Quaker Abstract F190.F89 W74 2001. Seth B. Hinshaw, The Carolina Quaker Experience 16651985: An Interpretation (1984). You dont find the old ethnic names much anymore, but if you go outside this meetinghouse where were filming right now into that cemetery, the first circles of the gravestones in that cemetery are going to be Hinshaws, Beesons, Knights, Ballingers, Coffins, Starbucks, Macys, Gardeners, the old ethnic Quaker names. ), Whats a human being name have to do with anything significant? Quaker Collection: http://www.haverford.edu/library/special/collections/quaker/index.phpHaverford College Phone: 610-896-1161 Email: dfpeters@haverford.edu Archives for North Carolinaand the southeastern U.S.are stored at: Friends Historical Collection: Guilford College Phone: (336) 316-2264 Email: archives@guilford.edu Am I missing something? 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. Im sure there are more but they are my nearest relatives. The biggest break was the civil warmany Quakers left the South to move where slavery wasnt allowed. Keep up to date with Jons work at his website. "The earliest of these meetings in NC seems to have been that at Carvers Creek in Bladen County. 6300 Creedmoor Road, Suite 170 #323
Transcripts, Subtitles and Closed Captioning. Hinshaw, William Wade. I suppose maybe old Quaker names? Yes, kindness to others is paramount. Thomas Daniel. Contact the Profile Managers privately: Public Comments: From these states Quakers migrated in the mid- to late- 1700s to Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia. Quakerism in America was brought to Rhode Island in 1657 from Barbados and England. Witnesses to North Carolina Quaker marriage Title Also Known As: cover: North Carolina marriages 1757-1772 Statement of Responsibility: William Perry Johnson Authors: Johnson, William Perry (Main Author) Format: Books/Monographs/Book with Digital Images Language: English Publication: [Place of publication not identified : s.n. Christopher Dale. Dunns was led by founding member Richard Dunn[11] who first associated the Meeting with Eastern Quakers but the group later joined the Western Quarter in 1760. Hinshaw (Author) 1 rating See all formats and editions Paperback $175.00 1 Used from $175.00 I think Ray Regan is right on. Months of the year are recorded as numbers rather than by their names in an ancestors' record. Leaving Fox and the others, the Irish evangelist William Edmundson visited the Albemarle region in March 1672 for three days, holding the first religious services in the colony and laying a foundation that would result in North Carolinas becoming in its early years virtually a Quaker province. The following are notes from Quaker records for families with the Gardner surname that arrived in the piedmont area of North Carolina, later forming Guilford County, during the latter part of the 18th century. Founded in England through the prophetic insights and evangelical ministry of George Fox, the sect expanded rapidly after the mid-seventeenth century. 1" for New Garden MM, Guilford NC shows James Brown in the company of Richard Beeson, as well as other people mentioned as founding fathers of Hopewell MM, Frederick County, Virginia, or their children, and also mentions Thomas Thornburgh, who became the first clerk of New Garden MM NC. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Our Quaker Friends of Ye Olden Time, Being in Part a Transcript of the Minutes Books of Cedar Creek Meeting, Hanover County, and the South River Meeting, Campbell County, Virginia. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. That meeting was named for New Garden MM, of Chester Co., Pennsylvania, a meeting this James Brown attended in 1720 (and was disowned by). Great story of the 3 bricks for three brothers houses and of being related to Mary the first white child born on the island, hence all were indians. IV and V. Edwards Brothers, Inc., 1946. Knowing how each section is arranged will help you dig deeper, finding clues to original records and possibly more information. What do you think were the advantages and disadvantages of requiring Quakers to marry in?, 2023 Friends Publishing Corporation. If youre a Farlow or a Beeson, youre from Marlboro Meeting down in Randolph county. I wish we had known as being Quaker Friends would have blessed our lives, in my family. Hilty, New Garden Friends Meeting: The Christian People Called Quakers (1983). Quaker meetings were organized by geographic areas consisting mainly of Preparative Meetings (Particular Meetings), Monthly Meetings, Quarterly Meetings, and Yearly Meetings. Of Guilford county was a founder of the team that publishes QuakerSpeak all! 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