Gun ownership has saved countless lives, yet the liberal media would have you believe guns are bad and they cause all the problems. Sacramento is no Disneyland but crime for population, Vallejo wins hands down. But the Liberals are suppressing the media coverage so not ruin their OPEN BORDERS bullshit. It is a conscious, moral decision. Clearly David chose to focus on the public policy matters rather than internal stuff. Okay, maybe Gore will get a check from the DA. And then if sued the parties and they agreed to pay you off to drop the suit and you go money, part of the agreement would be that you retract you statement. And because I am pointing out the obvious, anonymous posters (like Look) try to dismiss my comments as self-important postings., [i]I notice that David failed to remove them, despite the fact that they are in very poor taste at best and appear to violate this blogs supposed TOS.[/i]. Oh yea, Mexico has Extreme Gun Control so they are safe since good people can't own guns. Crush the beef by either Rick Gore in Sanger, TX Rick Gore may also have lived outside of Sanger, such as Dallas and Valley View. [quote]Mr. Rifkin needs to be educated on the difference between a lie and a retraction for settlement purposes. Rick Gore Horsemanship: "Now here is where I am about to get flamed and chided for my opinions first almost everyone agrees that in training, horses do not need bigger bits the bigger bit theory comes from those who are either looking for a quick fix to a problem which usually stems from a serious hole in a horse's training way back down the line or the bigger bit is used to compensate for the . My guess is that it was money that he was going to lose a huge libel/slander lawsuit.. Don't substitute my judgment or advice for your own. Cowgirls with Guns are Equal. Here is another recipe you can use if you want to try making your own supply of pemmican. You will never know if there is such an individual in your place of worship, until the wolf appears to massacre you and your loved ones. He gets to fire career civil servants, they win their job back and then he does so much backdoor and unethical stuff that people get tired of fighting him and just take a pay-off and leave. Here is a picture of me working on the High Tech Computer Crimes Task Force, on my way to arrest and serve a warrant on a Child pornography case that took a long time to locate the asshole, as you can see I was happy to go get this guy. Rick Gore, by writing his statement of 12 retractions, has explicitly said that his attacks on the DA and others were untrue or unfounded. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. [/quote] Easy, did you read his signed retraction? Cant trust him either. If the mixture seems too wet, you can add a little almond meal to get it to your desired consistency. If you are in a survival situation, chop the meat into small bits and then crush it into a powder. I know that some time ago Mr. Gore made a series of very serious charges of ethical and legal misconduct by Mr. Reisig and others around Mr. Reisig. Studies about Interlimb interaction had not been done yet. The second best result is Rick L Gore age 60s in Port Hadlock, WA. The case would be settled and called unfounded. There are reports of some pemmican lasting 50 or more years. We know that the sheep live in denial, that is what makes them sheep. Here is a photo of four dead CHP Traffic Officers that were killed on a traffic stop. When will people learn that nothing Reisig says is the truth. Was he fired? See Photos. If you look up the woman that wrote this ( Casey Dillingham) on Rip Off, you will see she is just being vindictive and stalking by not moving on. I dont know what motivated Gore in the first place to make his charges; I dont know what motivated Gore to retract them and sign his name to that retraction. Skaggs press release to you said that there is a baseless administrative and criminal investigation against him. Cowgirl Hats from the Gift Shop. An independent investigation? But the egg cannot survive without its hard blue shell. You have some very strong ties to attorneys who have done battle with Reisig. 16 birth records, View Updated: August 10, 2022 Biography ID: 107099499 including Medicare and Medicaid. I hope people see that you give facts and critical evaluation of news and not just reprints. There is nothing morally superior about the sheepdog, the warrior, but he does have one real advantage. (You have to be bass ackwards to not understand that one way or the other he is saying he lied by retracting a number of those charges.) Thats a fair point, in general, but it cuts both ways. The mammoth building on South Stemmons Street can be . 1 cup of melted animal fat This means he was not fired which is what Reisig most likely tried to do. [quote]Read this carefully. This is the bullet's energy as it leaves the muzzle, but the ballistic coefficient (BC) will determine the amount of KE delivered to the target as air resistance is encountered. Remember how many times you heard the word hero? Not going to happen in Government. Since Hawaii was a popular spot for dignitary visits, we worked closely with FBI and the Secret Service during routine protection details for the President, VP and other heads of countries that visited. As a Detective with the District Attorney's Office, I worked all crimes that occurred in the county from rapes, robberies, murders, official corruption, Officer Involved shootings, drugs, etc. why hasnt Reisig? That is the short story of my Air Force career. Do you believe there are wolves out there who will feed on the flock without mercy? Click Here to see the Video on AR Bolt Mod. How can you say Gore was absolutely telling the truth in this new letter, yet somehow argue that he made up his first letter. None of this puts Mr. Gore in a good light. He said that officer believed he could have saved every life that day if he had been carrying his gun. Rick Calhoun is a nurse practitioner in Sanger, TX. New patients are welcome. This second letter will not hold water since it was coerced in a deal and something was given for something, it was not signed under penalty of perjury and was not an under oath statement. Me thinks Mr. Reisig must be voted out of office for the good of Yolo County and the integrity of the Office of the District Attorney of Yolo County. Website: Hope is not a strategy. Apparently, the DAs end of the settlement is, We will pay you to go away if you apologize in public and admit that you were wrong. That is as close as any employer can get to turning the other cheek. Nice try to make Reisig look good. Rick Gore signed his retraction as a sworn affidavit of the truth.. However, his signed retraction (unless you are predisposed to endlessly find fault with Jeff Reisig) makes the DA and the other people Gore lied about look quite good in comparison. If you would like to donate and can't, please donate to a local horse charity in your area or buy some hay and drop it off for some hungry horses. 100s of Texas State Troopers are all over the area and they say they are in many shoot outs and they are out gunned. Anyone Paying Attention: apparently you are not. A PR move by the Reisig? For those not in Government, I figured it would be nice to read. The secret to pemmican's long shelf life is in properly rendering the fat from the meat. The area here is the base of the bullet (equivalent to diameter of barrel) and is a constant. Everyone needs down time. Notice his position so he can see down the wall once the door opens. The Secret Service have total authority and do not follow any rules of law. How many times does it have to demonstrated before someone believes that Reisig is dirty! While stationed in Ohio I worked a Drug Dog (Herc) on base and assisted Ohio State Police in various drug operations. For example, many officers carry their weapons in church? I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf." (Either that or his retraction, which he signed his name to, itself is a lie.) Funny how Mr. Gore just won his job back and now, almost two years later, after hearings, suddenly this letter appears and Mr. Gore resigns. CLICK HERE: Case Law On Police Pursuits and Deadly Force, Packed with calories and nutrition and able to be packed and stored for long periods, pemmican is often called the ultimate survival food. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. But there are almost 300 million Americans, which means that the odds of being a victim of violent crime is considerably less than one in a hundred on any given year. [i]It is my belief based on previous conversations with Mr. Gore that he will testify that what he wrote in that letter on March 5, 2008 is accurate and he will stand by what he has said.[/i]. 7:00 AM on Dec 25, 2021 CST. SIC Code . Some individuals would be horrified if they knew this police officer was carrying a weapon in church. It matters little if there is justice for the people overcharged by the DA and any abuses of power as long as the people feel safe in their homes. Nice try jeff, youll still need to get yourself out office ,the people still dont trust you and wont ever,just leave woodland we dont want you here,you need to relocate your klan to the southern states. They can accept the fact that fires and traffic accidents can happen and that there must be safeguards against them. Hospital affiliations include Medical City Denton. Now one monkey is removed and a new monkey is introduced to the cage. Log In. Knowing I could be fired for not following this order, I signed it after changing some of the language.. Share memories and family stories, photos, or ask questions. The caption on this shows how our government pushes it weight around all over the world and then wonders why people hate us. Try being free around the President and you find yourself in jail. 3. [quote]The Yolo County District Attorneys Office on Tuesday released a statement [u]claiming[/u] that former Investigator Rick Gore, has resigned, apologized, and retracted a letter that was leaked to the Vanguard in March of 2008. Area Code: 2 . Pemmican is surprisingly filling and can supply energy for hours. The behavior of the mob or group of attackers is what is known as Mob Behavior. Anyone else think if you color the picture of Reisig green he will look like the incredible hulk. There is an attitude that if you remain silent or refuse to talk, then you must be guilty or have something to hide. If one accepts his retractions as true, then obviously he was lying up to this point. The purpose of these reports is to identify problems, evaluate the situation and identify ways to improve or enhance future similar type operations or responses. These fine attorneys and investigators are committed to professionally and ethically serving the citizens of Yolo County.. I get the chance to remember the Share yesterday to connect today & preserve tomorrow, Copyright 1999-2023 AncientFaces, Inc. All Rights Reserved, ADVERTISEMENT Rick Gore. Bullets fired from a rifle will have more energy than similar bullets fired from a handgun. If Reisig didnt support 3@50, that would be really heartless! Keep praising Rick to the world, because your desperation and disappointment brings the majority of our commmunity much happiness. Vallejo was pretty to close to Richmond and Oakland, California and all three cities were riddled with high violence and high crime. Maybe his settlement was that he got caught in a lie and agreed to retract so he would not be procsecuted?. Look at what happened after September 11, 2001 when the wolf pounded hard on the door. In any case, it is possible to resign in the middle of arbitration. Only one. There is a pretty easy way to find what Gore has to say (since its funny now he is not talking), put him on the stand under oath AGAIN. For more than 30 years, a three-story mansion sat vacant in Sanger, an hour northwest of Dallas in Denton County. Three years with the Sacramento Auto Theft Task Force which was run by the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and the Sacramento Sheriff's Office. Mr. Greenwald: The fact that you have left the awful comments on this blog about Reisigs wife show the true cowardly colors of your like minded bloggers. Includes Address(9) Phone(3) Email(12) See Results. The DAs race will be won or lost on crime fighting and whether the people feel that the DA is providing justice for crime victims.. The picture below is of an Officer that had just shot and killed a suspect with a gun. I thought the post implied that Mr. These allegations corroborate Mr. Gores March 5, 2008 letter and conflict with this newest letter that was created as part of a settlement. The best people to have power will not want it and will not want to use it. The picture below show before Gov took over the schools and the education of our future generations. Reisig gets to release press releases freely without questions and say things not under oath and without fear of perjury, Gore took the stand and testified to his letter. As a human being, you can be whatever you want to be. Put the ground beef and berries into a pie plate and pour hot beef fat or sheep fat on top until the beef and berries are covered. Next, add one part of fat per every two parts of the dried meat mixture (add more fat if needed). The pemmican can be stored in airtight containers without refrigeration in a cool, dark and dry place. Until you are a white cop in a predominately black city, you have no idea what the differences are so those that throw out racist have no clue what they are talking about, facts are still facts even if you label them racist or mean. Featured Results This results from minor (rarely major) imperfections or variations in rifling or tool marks within the barrel. Pay attention, unfounded and retract, in the legal world, does not mean Untrue or False. Rick Allen Gore, 67 Resides in Fort Worth, TX Lived In Emory TX, Arlington TX Includes Address (7) Phone (3) Email (1) See Results Richard Allen Gore, 53 Resides in Broken Arrow, OK Lived In Wichita KS, Fredonia KS, Lewisville TX, Oklahoma City OK Related To Shanna Gore, Kimberly Gore, Charlotte Gore, Gary Gore, Mary Gore Also known as Rick Gore And legally both letters can be true. The word "pemmican" is derived from the Cree root word "pimi" for "fat" or "grease." And suddenly a letter signed by Gore, from a settlement, very carefully worded, and Gore is suddenly not talking and only Reisig is yelling he is cleared. David Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. What is Rick's ethnicity and where did his parents, grandparents & great-grandparents come from? Help paint a picture of Rick so that he is always remembered. (not saying you are one). If the sights are on target when the bullet leaves the gun, it will hit. What you and virtually all of these anonymous posters who are attacking Reisig are not is honest. Resides in San Antonio, TX. If Gore truly was a whistle blower, he never, ever should have agreed to retract everything. Not being in your White Zone, being aware of your surroundings, paying attention to warning signs, having an escape path or plan to create distance will all help you to survive. In 1955, in the year that Rick A. Gore was born, in January, President Eisenhower sent direct aid to South Vietnam. The two words that come to mind for me is shameful and pathetic. All Filters. Over time, I worked on several different Task Forces. I have written and served over 300 search warrants and testified as an expert in Superior Court and Federal court as an expert. So if You saw someone hit someone the face and you gave a statement to that. But many of them are outraged at the idea of putting an armed police officer in their kid's school. As much as I understand it in vague terms it is simple since neither he nor his lawyer were forthcoming with exact details and all the county will do is confirm that there is a settlement between the county and Mr. Gore. Here you. I always hear people say cops are angry, don't trust people, and are judgmental. So he is not thinking of "Finger off the Trigger". How so? insurance. More importantly, wheres Rickys explanation for his retraction? And, its pathetic to me that Reisigs desperation to sustain his reputation, forced Gore to retract what he knew to be the truth. Lived In Zionsville IN, . Rick Gore in Dallas, TX Rick Gore may also have lived outside of Dallas, such as San Antonio, The Colony and 2 other cities in Texas. I believe there was a story about him being fired. I dont think David Greenwald, who is never fair when it comes to Reisig, is giving his honest views on this. This is an example of the power Reisig has. a. Pounding it with a hammer until it turns into a powder, or Criminal investigation for what? Did I mention that all three cities had predominately black populations. Welcome to AncientFaces, a com "Thank you for helping me find my family & friends again so many years after I lost them. 7 among his falsehoods.[/b]. Form the pemmican. People are right when they say Gore won. Who asked for it, who conducted it, and where is it published? Rick Gore. Email Lookup. If Gore was going to make such charges against Reisig, he should have thought things through more carefully about how to play things. Watching these people eat, drink and shop free, all being paid by US tax dollars never sat well with me and others. Sometime one agency will do one to politely point out how other agencies screwed up of failed to work with or provide assistance. Yes folks the DE has sunk below the DD. I know of at least three and how many more were there. The man has a life. Compare the Enterprise article just out to the Daily Democrat article. The picture below shows some ways that what you do, how you talk and other factors that go into escalation of force, sometimes call the force continuum. Lived in Sanger TX | Valley View TX | Vacaville CA | Travis Afb CA | Woodland CA. If reporting what actually happened is your intent, you need to replace claiming with announcing. The statement is not Mr. Reisigs, it is Mr. Gores. Lived In Vacaville CA, Travis Afb CA, Sanger TX, Fairfield CA. The monkeys learned to associate going up the ladder with getting sprayed. That was one of the conditions of the settlement apparently.[/i]. You and I had extensive email discussion about this. This is double talk. It does not make or mean that Glocks are bad or dangerous or unsafe. I will also talk about how to protect your legally if you are involved in shooting situation and the inner workings of the Criminal Justice System, like courts, prosecutors, the law and police behavior. Click Here for video on The Difference Between Series 70 and 80 1911s. Even the Democrat was better. He married Anne (Mattern) Gore on October 7, 1995 in Tarrant County. Sounds like Reisig could not fire him so he made it worth his while to resign. My allegation that DA Reisig tried to hid or conceal evidence during a murder trial was completely unfounded, and I retract it.[/i]. Howdy, this site is dedicated to the Horse.I put it together to help educate & promote horse awareness, understanding, good horsemanship and hopefully improve the life of the . Not very tactical and it could have been the difference between living and dying. In 1972, on September 5th, the Palestinian terrorist group Black September, with the assistance of German neo-nazis, kidnapped and killed 11 Israeli athletes at the Olympic Games in Munich. [url][/url]. As you walk in the front door. In that incident, a mentally deranged individual came into the church and opened fire, gunning down fourteen people. Maybe they are scared of Reisig too. The 14 bodies were found in black plastic bags inside a car abandoned near an international bridge, the official said. Gore could prove his charges. But if the poster meant Gore could not prove his charges, I apologize for the misread. I was assigned with many others to provide protection of him and his entourage, until they found a better place to relocate him. Stever Millers remark is exactly why I always use a pseudonym. Any sheep dog who intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb will be punished and removed. My sense is that the Vanguard is in the former camp largely because it fits the Vanguards ideological position, opposing Mr. Reisig. This smacks of settlement to me. Maybe Gore did stick to his guns and that is why this letter does not say, he lied or he did not tell the truth or that he made up his letter or that his letter was untrue. Got to visit the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) on a unique trip when one of our choppers were shot down and we were flown in and dropped off to provide security for the downed aircraft and get the injured out. Finally, David, I think you need to fess up on these questions with regard to Mr. Reisig. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more. You seem very passionate so I like that, but you also dont seem to see the real story here. Therefore, you can take it or leave it - it is what it is. By the end of the experiment, none of the original monkeys were left and yet, despite none of them ever experiencing the cold, wet, spray, they had all learned never to try and go for the bananas and they would continue to beat any new monkey that tied. Reisig is not credible and is dishonest and that is what all this is really about. Rick has been found in 15 states including Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and 10 others. After reading his column in yesterdays Enterprise its obvious why Rich Rifkin wants to defend Jeff Reisig, its because they both love the death penalty so much. A lot of things can be seen here if viewed with a critical eye. He has fangs and the capacity for violence. They did what they were training to do. Gavin de Becker puts it like this in Fear Less, his superb post-9/11 book, which should be required reading for anyone trying to come to terms with our current world situation: "denial can be seductive, but it has an insidious side effect. Your statement might say, I am sorry to both parties and what I said was unfounded and I retract my statement. Yet shockingly, a number of Reisig-haters, almost all anonymous, continue to praise Gores honesty. When are you people going to wake up to the fact that our DA is corrupt? I was also involved in Jury selection so I know many of the tricks Prosecutors used to help them win a case. "Then there are sheepdogs," he went on, "and I'm a sheepdog. You cant tap your foot and expect David to go fetch every time this happens. No one can be "on" 24/7, for a lifetime. People keep wanting to forget that Gore testified under oath to his first letter. Daily Democrat quotes from Greenwald which gives the story balance. In the article, Mr. Gore, who was the chief investigator for the gang injunction in West Sacramento, accused Mr. Reisig of failure to disclosure potentially exculpatory evidence, forcing false signatures in support of the West Sacramento Gang Injunction, attempts to mislead the court by noticing a single individual on the Gang Injunction, and improper invasion of privacy into District Attorney Candidate Pat Lenzis desk in the District Attorneys office. Exactly why I always use a pseudonym punished and removed oath to his first letter thats a fair,... Former camp largely because it fits the Vanguards ideological position, opposing Mr. Reisig a pseudonym can the. Gore in a survival situation, chop the meat into small bits and wonders! And will not want it and will not want to be of `` Finger off Trigger! But the egg can not survive without its hard blue shell that he is not credible is... 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