2002, 2018 100% Phone commission. It would seem that the DOC could develop a similar facility to process prisoner mail. Ultra-reliable, industry-leading inmate telephone technology with 100% commissions, Eliminate contraband, generate and retain investigative intelligence, and add safety at no cost, Electronic communications delivered through our kiosk or tablet platform. A photo book is a customizable publication, ordered and delivered through an original/ third party vendor, which contains personal photos. *The DOC is unable to verify a missing photo book claim without a tracking number from the mail carrier who delivered the book. Any other forms of general incoming correspondence, like letters, pictures, greeting cards, children's drawings, etc., that are included with an official document sent directly to the institution's business office are prohibited. Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services: Lisa Graves, Deputy Superintendent for Facility Management: Valerie Kusiak. You will come to a Y where Route 150 (Benner Pike) branches off from Route 26. SCI Benner Township is equipped with a 19 bed infirmary that provides sub-acute hospital care with daily physicians rounds. Instead, the business office at each institution holds all inmate's official documents on file for them. Please provide the following information in your email: All photographs need to be sent to the DOC's third party mail vendor Smart Communications using the address format below: All photographs sent to an inmate mustcontain a full return address with a first and last name of the senderon the envelope. 41 2008, SCI Benner Townships construction began in late 2010. Keystone State. Facility. Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services: ChristianGarman, Deputy Superintendent for Facilities Management:Kenneth Shea, Superintendent's Assistant: Lisa Hollibaugh. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. This contract is paid for with tax dollars, leeching money from the families of the incarcerated. If you are a friend or family member of an inmate and are looking for assistance with setting up a telephone Prepaid Collect It looks like you have a question about mail being sent to an inmate housed by the PA DOC. When the St. Petersburg DOC facility holds visiting hours. This is a testament to his resilience and persistance and to his family . Can photographs sent to Smart Communications be returned to the sender once its' been processed? Take Route 322 west and follow Route 322 to the State College junction with Route 26. Specialized programming is provided for the Special Needs Unit and for men in the age range of 40-50 years of age. Can I mail a photo copy of an official document? Copyright 2009-2023 by Smart Communications Holding, Inc. more information about all their new Whether the inmate is located at the St. Petersburg Department of Corrections (DOC) facility or another location, you can use this site to learn about the facility. I accidentally sent my photo book to the Smart Communications address, not the SPC address, what will happen to my photo book? Please enable scripts and reload this page. Are you ready to take your inmate communications to the next level? This facility is operated by the DOC, and the wages paid will stay in Pennsylvania; in contrast to the contract with Smart Communications that paid $15 million in Pennsylvania taxpayer dollars to a corporation in Florida. It is sent to inmates' location six days per week. you to check out the PADOC website for more information about all their new Each request must be associated with a single physical address and email address. The expense was not to exceed $1,250,000, and $300,000 was provided for planning purposes. Upon arriving at the facility mailroom the mail will be denied and confiscated. H Block was constructed in 1991 which added 66 (51 double cells and 15 single cells) additional cells. Any attorney, court or non-attorney/court entity wishing to send privileged correspondence must Upon arriving at Smart Communications the mail containing photographs will be opened and scanned into an electronic document. Why are official documents given to the business office? DO NOT GO STRAIGHT, because that is SCI Rockview. This means that all publications which are successfully delivered to the SPC and are addressed correctly will reach the inmate within 2-3 weeks of the date it is delivered to the SPC. Number of Housing Units: 10 (Housing units consist of both cells and dormitory-style housing). The DOC requires all photo books sent to inmates must have a soft cover and are limited to a maximum of 26pages and a size not to exceed 8x11 inches. 10491 72nd St. In March 2018, the company pitched a proposal for their Mailguard system to the Virginia DOC. No. The electronic document will then be made available to the facility mailroom for printing. Numbers will only be issued to attorneys who represent inmates or to verified Court/Court Entities. CWP crew participates also pick up litter on their assigned roadways. Smart Choice Communications is a technology company based out of New York City with a unique portfolio of solutions including UCAAS, collaboration, software and analytics, dedicated contact centers, security, infrastructure, and managed connectivity. Institution. The Medical Department provides all medical and mental health services to the inmate population. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. I have more questions about sending Original Transactional Documentation to an inmate. Inmates may order publications through catalogs and brochures sent to the prison by publication companies. It didnt matter that this highly suspect story was disproven by many. Smart Communications can be abbreviated to "SC" and the institution name can be removed from address all together. Yes. Number of Acres Inside Perimeter: 53 Number of Acres Outside Perimeter: 205 Number of Operational Structures (inside and outside of perimeter): 36 Number of Housing Units: 11 Otherwise, the photo book will be destroyed. Upon arriving at the facility mailroom the photographs will be denied and confiscated. Official Documents, which include but are not limited to: Donated Books from established book donation companies, Bulk religious material need approval from SCI chaplain, Religious Correspondence Course materials, Donated Religious material need approval from SCI chaplain, Donated Library books need approval from SCI Librarian. St. Petersburg, FL Grades Taught: Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade . JL-6615/SCI Mahanoy, Smart Communications/PA DOC,P.O. Smart Communications/PADOC Inmate Name/Inmate Number Institution PO Box 33028 St Petersburg, FL 33733 Phone calls: In order for you to stay in contact with an inmate through phone conversations, you will need to set up a prepaid account through Securus online or by phone at 1-800-844-6591. The DOC accepts both hard and soft cover books; however, the SPC may remove the cover of a hard cover book for search purposes. I sent mail containing photographs to an inmate through Smart Communications; however, the inmate never received the photographs. Smart Communications processes the mail within 24 hours of its reception at their processing center in St. Petersburg, Florida. All vocational classes offer industry-recognized certifications specific to the trade skills taught in the program. Number of Acres Inside Perimeter: 40 Number of Acres Outside Perimeter: 85 Number of Operational Structures (inside and outside of perimeter): 20 Number of Housing Units: 6 Smart Communications PA DOC P O Box 33028 St Petersburg FL 33733 USA Hello I am a 50 year old male 5'9 190lbs from Philadelphia Pa. We encourage The front and back cover of the book, are not considered pages of the book, regardless of whether they contain photos or not. The $200 millionstate-of-the-art facility was officially dedicated by Governor Tom Corbett on April 1, 2013. For complete details on how to call an inmate in Pennsylvania, please click here. The Community Work Program provides crews to assist with, the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Social Media Abuse: ra-crbiisocialmediac@pa.gov, Vocational Education: HVAC, Barber School, Business Education, Electricity/Residential Wiring, Masonry, Pre-Vocational Skills Class, Money Smart, Act 143 Victim Awareness. Please do not cut through SCI Rockview property. As a leader in business communication services, with locations placed across the country, Smart Choice Communications is proud to announce its third location in St. Petersburg - located near bustling Tampa, Fl. Smart Communications is the new leader in inmate communications. Housing units consist of both cells and dormitory-style housing. If the address still does not fit you can leave SC out altogether. Incarcerated people never receive the actual mail their loved ones sent. All photographs need to be sent to the DOC's third party mail vendor Smart Communications. Academic: ABE, Pre-GED, GED, Individual Cell Study Program and Correspondence Courses, ACSD and Pathways to Success. All general incoming correspondence included with a photo copy of an official document sent to Smart Communications will also be scanned into the electronic system. After publications clear the SPC, they will be sent to the mailroom at the prison where the inmate is located. Abu-Jamal, Mumia #AM 8335 SCI-Mahanoy, P.O. This web page is dedicated to keeping the public informed with the most up to date policies and procedures regarding all of our mail procedures. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. All scanned mail is uploaded to a database that is organized/sorted by inmate. Original Transactional Documentation are documents in which the inmate needs to sign and return the original to the sender (i.e. The State Correctional Institution at Rockview was originally intended to be a maximum-security prison to replace Western Penitentiary. J block, consisting of 13 cells, houses inmates involved in the Behavior Management Unit program. Print subscriptions will still be extended in consideration of the temporary suspension of printing and the currently more limited print schedule. Will photographs from outside vendors like FreePrints or ShutterFly be permitted? Take Route 322 west and follow Route 322 to the State College junction with Route 26. Please emailRA-CRMailProcedures@pa.gov for more information about the DOC's procedures with Official Documents. " Smart Choice Communications' new office, near Tampa, is located a few blocks away from the Innovation District of St. Petersburg, which anchors Florida's high-tech corridor and is home to . Keystone State. The DOC requires all photo books come directly from an original source/ third party vendor. How long does it take the SPC to process a publication? All vocational classes offer industry-recognized certifications specific to the trade skills taught in the program. MI. Combining proven inmate calling technologies with our patented technologies, policies and procedures. After the exit you will be headed on Route 150 South (Benner Pike). Can general incoming correspondence sent to Smart Communications be returned to the sender once its' been processed? First Name. Workshop topics include Stay on Track, Parenting, Healthy Living, Relationships, Mental Health, Living under Parole Supervision, Employment & Vocational Opportunities, Resume Writing, Money Smarts and Victim Awareness. The application is mailed to the inmate, but it does not need to be an original document. Bear to the left at the "Y" and take Route 150 approximately three miles. We were the first to bring kiosk-based electronic messaging to County jail facilities, and the first to provide offsite postal mail processing with electronic delivery Once a photo book clears the Security Processing Center it is shipped to the State Correctional mailroom where the inmate is located. Publications sent to the Smart Communications will be returned to the sender. Social Media Abuse: ra-crbiisocialmediac@pa.gov. The DOC has reached out to multiple photo vendors to ask them to work with us on this issue however, they have all declined. Please provide the following information in your email: I have more questions about sending Official Documents to an inmate. Otherwise, the photo book will be destroyed. I sent mail to an inmate containing an official document; however, the inmate never received the mail. The first inmates arrived in August 2003. (1-30-13) After 12 years, Paul is in the process of being moved from solitary to the general population. Information you can learn includes: The best way to contact an inmate. The electronic document will then be made available to the facility mailroom for printing. The General Assembly voted in 1997 to authorize construction of a new facility and ground was broken March 30, 2000. full return address with a first and last name of the sender. Petersburg, FL 33733. I am the author of OUT OF THE BELLY, NOW WHO'S THE BEAST. Construction of SCI Smithfield was completed in 1988. A control number will be issued upon request bycompleting the online Control Number Request Form. Please enable scripts and reload this page. FROM HARRISBURG: Take Route 22/322 west to Lewistown. If the inmate does not wish to appeal they can forward a cash slip with an addressed envelope to the mailroom within 15 working days from the denial to have the publication mailed out of the facility. Standard 8 by 11 copy paper. Yes, all photo copies of official documents are also held in the business office. In March 2018, the company pitched a proposal for their Mailguard system to the Virginia DOC. This is one of the reasons why there are so many angry and rebellious incarcerated people. When the electronic mail reaches the facility, staff can approve, deny or forward mail. I accidentally sent photographs to the Security Processing Center address, not the Smart Communications address, what will happen to my photographs? The DOC requires all envelopes containing Privileged Correspondence from attorneys contain the following: a. The name of the company/organization where the publication was ordered from, The name and inmate number of the inmate the books were sent to, The name of the mail carrier who delivered your order, The tracking numbers assigned to your order by the mail carrier, The company/organization where the photo book was ordered from, The exact address the photo book was shipped to, The full name and inmate number of the person the book was sent to, The mail carrier who delivered your photo book, The tracking number assigned to your photo book by the mail carrier, The number pf photographs included in the book. The renewal of this Smart Communications contract is in September, and Food Not Bombs Solidarity, along with incarcerated member Jerome Coffey, plans another demonstration to expose and protest the privatization schemes of the Prison Profiteers. transferring a vehicle title, etc.) You may mail a photo copy of a business document to the institution address starting January 31st or to Smart Communications. To ensure your photos ordered from outside vendors are accepted please use the abbreviated form of the Smart Communications address listed above. Photos from outside vendors are permitted. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Each photo book is limited to a maximum of 25 pages. What happens if I send a photo book with more than 25 photos? Questions about the DOCs mail procedures can be emailed to A reasonable effort will then be made by the DOC mailrooms to ensure that incoming inmate mail is delivered to the inmate within 48 hours from the time the mail was made available to them from Smart Communications. Are photo collages in photo books accepted? General incoming correspondence includes but is not limited to letters, greeting cards, pictures, children's drawings, etc. Keystone State. Electronic communications, education, and entertainment delivered through our kiosk or tablet platform. RA-CRMAILPROCEDURES@pa.gov. The days of smoke and mirrors are over, Smart Communications is the new industry leader. Current Population Report, Total Number of Full-Time Employees: 715. Correctional Industries: The CI License Plate Factory produces aluminum license plates and special organizational plates for PennDOT. Last Name. Are inmates limited to the number of books they may receive? Department staff will notify the inmate and his/her counselor of the document being held. A special committee surveyed 33 sites before choosing 4,300 acres in Centre County, which were purchased at $50 an acre. No. Who can I reach out to? Please enable scripts and reload this page. SCI Smithfield is the reception facility for all maleparole violators and new receptions from the counties. Box 33028 St. Petersburg, FL 33733 Black/New Afrikan Liberation Support Group Email: jonathangettleman@advocateforjustice.net register Inmates with tablets may order eBooks. Petersburg, FL 33733. originate directly from an original source/third-party vendor. The deputy warden building was completed in December 1914, and the first execution took place on February 23, 1915. The Commonwealth has executed 350 persons by means of electrocution. Community Work Program: The Community Work Program provides crews to assist with the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, non-profit organizations, other correctional facilities,and federal andlocal government partners. Smart Communications: Corrections, Simplified. It will then be printed at the institution by the SCI mailroom staff and transferred to the SCI Business office. There the mail is scanned, then sent digitally to prisons in the state, where copies are printed and distributed to recipients. When using SmartInmate.com you can connect in just minutes and correspond every day in near real time instant communication with your loved ones. From there, books and magazines will be delivered to inmates. John Smith/ AB1234PO Box 33028St. The Business Office/designee will coordinate a time for the inmate to review, sign the documents if desired and pay the postage to have the document mailed out of the facility. It is highly suspect that a company could be found and a plan could be implemented in six days; so, was this already planned? You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Social Media Abuse: ra-crbiisocialmediac@pa.gov. These books will be processed through the SPC. SCI Smithfield houses approximately 180 Inmates on a permanent basis. Contact If you are a friend or family member of an inmate and are looking for assistance with setting up a telephone Prepaid Collect or PIN Debit account, please create an account at SmartJailMail.com or contact our customer care center toll-free at 1-888-843-1972 for assistance. Number of Operational Structures (inside and outside of perimeter): 20. All photo books must be ordered from an original source/third-party vendor which includes but is not limited to publishers, bookstores, and online distributors. How to Send Money Are you ready to take your inmate communications to the next level? To contact the. Original Transactional Documentation, and Follow Route 26 North. This process is for transactional documentation only; inmates will not be permitted to keep original documentation sent through this process. Verbatim copying and distribution of articles is permitted in any medium without royalty provided this notice is preserved. It now serves as the state's diagnostic and classification center for men entering the state prison system. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. Yes, photo collages in photo books are accepted. Any photo book which does not originate from an original source/third-party vendor may be returned or denied. Upon this denial if the inmate wishes to appeal they have 15 working days to notify the Facility Manager in writing, in accordance with theDC-ADM 804 Inmate Grievance Systempolicy. All general incoming correspondence will be destroyed after the 45-day retention unless otherwise instructed by DOC. Approved mail is printed and delivered to inmates. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. Smart Communications will continue to forward all official documents they receive to central office for proper distribution to the institution's business offices. Publications, Your questions and Miscellaneous questions. FROM HARRISBURG: Take Route 22/322 west to Lewistown. SCI Cambridge Springs, a minimum-security female facility, opened in March 1992 and was formerly a college known as Polish National Alliance. Photographs, Smart Communications/PADOC SCI Forest Inmate Name, Inmate Number PO Box 33028 St Petersburg, FL 33733 How to Call an Inmate Inmates at SCI Forest can't receive incoming phone calls, but they do have access to phones during certain hours. The mail containing photographs will then be printed and delivered to the inmate by the facility mailroom. All publications, including photo books, are searched for contraband at the Security Processing Center. I attended Benjamin Franklin High. I have more questions about the Legal Mail procedures who should I contact? Smart Communications also offers the potential for deep surveillance. No, the DOC requires all photo books be soft-cover. Otherwise, the photo book will be destroyed. Subscribe To Our Newsletter We promise not to spam you. ), your attorney can send privileged mail directly to inmates being held in Pennsylvania State Correctional Institutions. A four bed Psychiatric Observation Unit is available for use for inmates in need of crisis intervention or suicide intervention. What happens if my photo book is denied because of content? What happens to this official document mail from Smart Communications once it reaches the institution? What mail will not be processed by Smart Communications? Yes. If the inmate does not wish to appeal they can forward a cash slip with an addressed envelope to the mailroom within 15 working days from the denial to have the publication mailed out of the facility to a friend or family member. Otherwise, the photo book will be destroyed. (717) 728-4063 or email them at ra-contactdoc@pa.gov. All books and magazines must be addressed to the SPC at the above address. Original Transactional Documentation must be mailed to the attention of the facility Business Office at the institution where the inmate is housed and must identify the inmate by name and number. Does the DOC accept hard-cover photo books? A page is defined as: one side of a sheet of paper in a collection of sheets bound together, especially as a book, magazine, or newspaper. Providing Exceptional Virtual Assistance/Private PA services to . Smart Communications PA DOC P O Box 33028 St Petersburg FL 33733 USA Priscilla Cortez Sex Female DOB Seeking Women, Men, Friends, Donations, Legal Help Race Religion Conviction Release Date Ad Start: 05-04-2022 Ad Expiration: 05-04-2023 Basic Ad Current Population Report, Total Number of Full-Time Employees: 690 (including CI). What happens to my mail containing an official document when it's mailed directly to the institution? Otherwise, the photo book will be destroyed. All photo books must be sent to the DOC's Security Processing Center using the address format below: Inmate Name/ Inmate Number268 Bricker RoadBellefonte, PA 16823-1667. All mail is handled by a third-party vendor called Smart Communications. Deputy Superintendent for Centralized Services: William Nicklow, Deputy Superintendent for Facilities Management:Randy Evans, Deputy Superintendent for Diagnostic Center: Lindsy Kendall, Superintendent's Assistant: Deb Alvord and Tonya Heist. All general incoming correspondence, including letters, pictures, greeting cards, children's drawings, etc., must be sent to and processed by Smart Communications. Any photo book containing more than 25 pages will be denied by the facility mailroom. What does Smart Communications do with the original mail? Photo collages within photo books will be counted as 1 photo toward the 25 page maximum. Subscribers should have received a printed paper since September 2021. What happens to my photographs when they arrive at Smart Communications? The classification process is different for every inmate and can take up to 4 months to complete. These products are sold to agencies such as the Department of Corrections, Pennsylvania State Police, the Pennsylvania Game Commission and other state agencies. Upon this denial if the inmate wishes to appeal they have 15 working days to notify the Facility Manager in writing, in accordance with theDC-ADM 804 Inmate Grievance Systempolicy. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. This excludes weekends and holidays, mail which contains content requiring review by the IPRC, and mail that is being held for investigative purposes at the prison. After completing the four-month vocational training, inmates have an opportunity to take the American Board of Opticianry test to become a certified Optician.