He wrote: "Top CEOs of companies. It was a horrible scene. The area was only big enough for children to fit inside. On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. I cant imagine this has happened yet! On Sun. As an Adult Survivor of Molestation and Domestic Violence, I still suffer PTSD at the age of 56. In October of 2019 I reported that Pentagon 1 advised me - 2100 CAGED KIDS IN TUNNELS RESCUED BY US MARINES IN CALIFORNIA - MOST BELIEVED TO BE ABDUCTED BY CPS Today Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Timothy Holmseth is the only authorized news reporter to report original content for the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. Pentagon 1 said the military is locating kidnapped children using information from sources that include investigative journalists and Whistleblowers such as Field McConnell who is presently being held prisoner in the Pierce County, Wisconsin jail. The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force is currently assisting the U.S. Military with actionable intelligence and will continue to report developments. I also initially reported the military blew the bunkers up so they could never be used again. He said the "Deep State" group includes Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, 5G wireless companies, Lindsay Lohan and 200 other Hollywood actors and actresses, and former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. https://benosey.com/qvids/the-underground-war-happening-now-jan-2020-159307339Michael jaco And Gene Decode Discuss The Midnight Buses And DUMBs in DC:https://rumble.com/vdrxr3-michael-jaco-and-gene-decode-discuss-the-midnight-buses-and-dumbs-in-dc.htmlDUMBS Part One: Whistleblower Steven D. Kelley talks about his first hand experience in the firearm and optic RvesvesD industry and how it lead him to deep place underground. "All is going to be revealed. What would be worse than that? Think about it. And watch his videos though he doesnt like Trump, but I think this will change when learning whats taking place now.. Sounds like an act of God to me! Border states are VERY key. Impossible. No details at all? Unsubscribe at any time. It is too horrific. Maybe under the Halland ridge when they worked with the train tunnel as a cover for 18 years?According to the UN, it must have cost SEK 1,600 billion. O.U.R Store Mission: Earn sufficient revenue to pay O.U.R.'s general and admin expenses, so more money from each donation can be used for awareness, rescue operations, and aftercare. GREAT NEWSBEST NEWS IVE HEARD ALL DAY !!! Some of these comments sound like this has already happened. To investigate to find all their parents I mean its going to be a freakin nightmare, Pentagon 1 said. Joe! Yes its a good time all darkness shall be exposed. inaccurate stories, videos or images going viral on the internet. Barnen, droger, pengar. I thank you Timothy for carrying out Gods calling in your life, the Lord richly bless you with wisdom and creative ideas to fulfill your calling! The childrens ages are anywhere from three to seventeen, Pentagon 1 said. What???? Always Victory! Where are they? We as a nation will stand with him and unite as one and be there to back him up. The SEALs, he added, captured the crew and ferried them ashore (to an unknown location) aboard a U.S. Navy MK5 Special Operations Craft, and took the children into protective custody for medical treatment and identification. Thank you for sharing this report, Timothy. Join the free Brighteon email newsletter. There are new technologies, previously unreleased. Another rescue took place in Australia that garnered over a million children. Underground tunnels and systems for trafficking children - Rabi Alon Anava Bitchute 2022-06-20, 13:00. Sad to say, I pray The Good Lord Deals no mercy on these Culprits ????? Also pray for the Comfort and Healing of these Found Children. The Marines who executed this mission were said to be very distraught. We want to get symbols of comfort to them such as teddy bears; or anything like this- We want to help them. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their adrenaline. 35,000??? "Lindsay Lohan was caught trying to abduct a child," Dunn says. Timothy Charles Holmseth is an award winning news reporter and investigative journalist. Support Here. A military operation of 10,000 Marines and Navy Seals rescued an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at China Lake. https://draft.blogger.com/video.g?token=AD6v5dzeJYL87FW-5t-ejQ7ug_dZeNWYxZr0RvVMxMb0-Rm37_-d1nYWuokjLWiPUkZP9p-ExCadU6czqDBiRJaZkMEZiMB5VOZw8SIjEzD4S1qoRUR9YLYdLtIzLa1ET5ohyWX0UJg, PIZZAGATE EXPOSED!! Navy SEALs on Tuesday launched a predawn raid on one of the hundreds of cargo vessels, a Hong Kong-flagged bulk carrier called the Morning Star, anchored off Long Beach, California, and rescued 200 foreign children who had been imprisoned in a decrepit cargo hold, said a military adjunct under promise of anonymity. 500,000 children go missing in one year. To all the light warriors, please make sure this message is seen far and wide by sharing it on every channel (below). 2100 CAGED KiDS IN TUNNELS RESCUED BY U.S MARINES IN CALIFORNIA. Spotted something? Nr det kom till barnoffer, d klev han av. Just trust in the Lord, it all makes sense now why all of this has been happening. Been so worried about the children, and couldnt care less about the virus. And heres a new post, well over a year after this original post was posted. In 2019 Timothy Charles Holmseth became part of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. There all trying to be fixed up and made whole and get some nutrition in them and they were in incredibly bad shape. Victims and rescuers are never named, and numbers of victims and rescuers are not given. I hit th wrong key. We will all have a fresh start in life. A Facebook post shared . Many who do not have parents. The thousands of children rescued from Underground Tunnels beneath the White House and US This is soooo very very great. HE SHOULD BE ARRESTED, TRIED AND CONVICTED OF TREASON AGAINST AMERICA AND SHOULD BE SENTENCED, AS PER THE CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED SENTENCE FOR TREASON AGAINST AMERICA. INFILTRATED 'THE FINDERS' & EPSTEIN JSOC ONE MAN AWAY FROM PRESIDENT TRUMP. Some of these kids were shackled to bulkhead, others were lying in puddles of their own feces and urine. In American, over 800,000 children per year go missing. A movement also known as Q is presented, and their soul desire is to bring light to the darkness.. We have an army of Digital Soldiers.. -Q. Thousands reached daily, worldwide 24/7/365. An article about kids held underground, published in BeforeItsNews.com, also describes in vivid terms the condition of children allegedly used for adrenochrome ceremonies: Traumatized children, some of whom have never seen the light of day, pregnant preteens, deformed babies, piles of little corpses whose bodies were apparently used for organ harvesting, children locked in cages, electro-shocked and traumatized in order to harvest their blood - Adrenochrome for the elites to drink - were being carried out of the tunnels by Marines. Bigger than you can imagine. Recent earthquakes have been caused by the military blowing up Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) so they couldn't be used again. The rest will pay for theirs for the rest of eternity! But, WITH GODS LOVE & HUMAN CARE, THINGS OUGHT TO START TO GET BETTER. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their blood. He added, "A lot of you are going to lose your minds cuz everything has been subverted, your government, your education, your medical mafia, everything.". Over 35,000 malnourished, caged and tortured children have been reported rescued or found deceased in underground tunnels beneath large cities including one beneath New York Central park, "with more coming" according to reporter Timothy Charles Holmseth of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on April 3. This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. On 23 June, 12 boys went exploring in Thailand's Chiang Rai province with their football coach - and ended up trapped deep . I reported there were arrests and the children were taken to various medical and psychiatric facilities. Thank you, our true warriors will prevail soon. Holmseth, the namesake and operator of the websitetied centrally to the claims( here ),is a Minnesotaninvestigative journalist and alleged FBI witness who for years has spread unfounded theories related to missing children and human-trafficking rings ( here ). In his video he claimed he was chosen by the Pentagon to reveal to the public that earlier this month Navy Seals and U.S. Marines rescued 2,100 children from underground bases and bunkers in California. davidnv General Discussion. Ive not gotten the indication from the President, not any others that I look to for the REAL word and truth of what is happening presently. YEP, this is the time, this is the season to take them down! However it was only U.S. Marines. Don't forget this is global, these tunnels exist all over the world and there are thousands of children if not hundreds of thousands trapped. Tror han tog livet av sig eller blev mrdad. What about Justin Trudeau? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oe-GHG9ut-g&feature=youtu.be. Liebe Licht ins Dunk? Is this so?! Omg they are children doesnt matter where they where born,what colour they are,they are children. Maybe the rest will listen now. 35,000 kids rescued from captivity in New York, California, Florida, Washington, JACOB WETTERLING SACRIFICE EYEWITNESS RECORDING. Thank you troops sending prayers to you all makes me cry it was so shocking to see such hidden exposure. Wouldn't people notice if they went missing? The Indians occupied your lands as China collapsed. I await the word that they have been rescued and safe, and healing! Read more about our work to fact-check social media posts here . This has been planned for the last 20 yrs, big names are going down for this , wait and see. Why do you think PG&E shut the power off? Lets all pray for the uplift of these fine men and women who are doing Gods Work down there in the darkness and slime of these hell holes. Have thousands of children been pulled from secret pedophile bunkers and underground cities in a massive rescue operation led by President Trump and Russian President Putin? Or their parents? One report said that many of the children were trafficked through the CPS (Child Pedophile System). Please tell me how I can do this. So, they went in with all night vision all in the dark. This is so serious yes it needs to come out now, the torture those kids went through is the worst, most will never be right again. There could be up to 5 million children freed from the underground tunnels, he said. We are all responsible for these Precious Children, Our nation must now come together as one caring body, once and for all, Our beloved President Trump is showing us the way. I have been prayerful for the children and this whole operation. I don't want to go into the adrenochrome - that's all going to come out.". Resque your children. The FBI's National Crime Information Center states that the 2019 end-of-year missing persons statistics count 87,500 active missing and unidentified persons, with youths under 18 accounting for 30,625, and those under 21 accounting for 38,500. Your Choice to Know ! The fake and fraudulent warrant alleged McConnell violated an injunction issued against him in Broward County, Florida by a Family Court judge despite McConnell having no family and no relationships in Florida. Think about that. YES ITS HARD TO BELIEVE BECAUSE ITS SO DISGUSTING. That would supposedly explain one reason for kidnapping the kids. How do we know this is real though? And as Im listening to it the song from Mike and the Mechanics comes on which is completely a God message for me because this song was used in a communication from God then to me. You understand that that many kids on a scale this big means the people involved are the rich greedy corrupt evil bastards weve been hoping get brought to justice our entire lives (well Im 27). Ive read many replies of orhers who are with you. It is uncertain whether the SEALs knew precisely where the children were held on the ship or if they obtained intelligence through interrogations, but they found 200 emaciated children of different nationalities in an expansive cargo hold below decks. WAKE UP CRY BABIES, Heres your proof of Gods love! Navy Seals and U.S. Marines RESCUE 2,100 CHILDREN from California underground bases. They are said to be in very bad condition. We exist to rescue and protect children from trafficking and sexual exploitation. Under disguise of the first Covid-19 pandemic the children were treated on the USNS Comfort Hospital Ship in the New York Harbor and the USNS Mercy Hospital Ship off the coast in California. God Bless you! God bless the soldiers going into these caves to rescue the children and women from the hands of these monsters! Verified signatory of the IFCN Code of Principles, Facebook Third-Party Fact-Checking Partner. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their blood. I do know that all sins are paid for. inaccurate stories, videos or images going viral on the internet. I knew that blackout was a cover story. No SEALs or crew were killed during the incursion, our source said. Thank you so much for this report. Hi although we want updates. Interestingly, he claimed someone at Mar-a-Lago had provided U.S. Special Operations (Command) with credible evidence of child trafficking on the vessel. Praise God for this REPORT!!! Samle bevis og indikasjoner p virkningene av Geoengineering, og at det foregr. Its about us. The claims were made in a video recorded by a Canadian who also recently called U.S. Vice President Mike Pence "a monster" in a post where he shared another video accusing Pence of kidnapping, raping, and murdering dozens of children. Will the perps be prosecuted? All was thought part of an international Child Trafficking Ring run by global and political elites with ties to Jeffrey Epsteins Pedophile Island that lay next door to Bidens Water Island.Listen 15 minutes inWho build the cages Joe?Who killed millions of innocent in war Joe? Im with that CPS HAS HIDDEN MANY DARK THINGS AND THEY GET PAYED BY A MADE UP ORGANIZATION THATS WHY THINGS ARE KEPT SECURITY EXPOSE IT ALL NO MORE HIDING GODS SURFACING ALL DARKNESS. CHILDREN BEING RESCUED FROM TUNNELS BY THE MARINES: Not confirmed yet seems apparent from reports coming in. CHILDREN BEING RESCUED FROM TUNNELS BY THE MARINES: Not confirmed yet seems apparent from reports coming in. Why do we never hear about the perpetrators who have been killed/arrested? He has no firsthand knowledge of any rescues in New York City. Scumbag obama was NEVER CONSTITUTIONALLY ELIGIBLE TO SEEK OR HOLD THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I could hardly believe this number of 35,000 kids snatched away and made to live miserable lives. May 7, 2020 Thousands of Tortured Children Rescued and Found Dead by US Military Thousands of cages housed little children from ceiling to floor. It may be as bad as the 7-leveled ancient REPTILIAN underground system/network/world below the Benares region of India, known as Patala. DEWINE & STATE OF OHIO], http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/DulceMatrix.html, http://theantibeast777.angelfire.com/Sub-Aquatic-Labyrinth.html, Over 35,000 Malnourished, Caged Children Rescued Out of US Tunnels by Military Australian National Review, U.S. CONGRESS HAS RECEIVED JESSIE MARIE CZEBOTARS PETITION TO APPEAR AND TESTIFY [READ IT HERE]. Well never forget whos the Central-Banks paid Murder Joe!!! Lastly, thank you all for those who prayed for these children. The U.S. and Russian militaries were "taking out the head" of an octopus-like organization of satanic pedophiles that has ruled the world for three generations. If any man love the World the Love of the Father is not in Him [podcast]. Moments with Our Master 365 Day Devotional [book], Grow in Christ Edification Pack Special [books], 40 Bible Verses Every Disciple MUST Know! The rest comprise parental abduction in custody cases, familial abductions and runaways. Last October 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines in a military operation using around 10,000 troops. Another rescue occurred in Australia, with around a million kids being plucked from their captors. We See You. Spotted something? Judge and research for yourself please. As such we prayerfully rely on the support of our readers/listeners. There is a huge city underneath the Getty, which links up to the other 250 or more underground bunkers in the secret underground base at the getty museum. Get FREE email alerts of the most important BANNED videos in the world that are usually blacklisted by YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter and Vimeo. These child rescue missions have been going on across the globe since Wed. 16 Oct. 2019 when Navy Seals and U.S. Marine rescued 2,100 children found locked in cages in Underground Tunnels that ran beneath a military facility at California's China Lake. Think PG & E shut the power off so worried about the children and were... Hear about the children and this whole operation cry BABIES, heres your proof of love. E shut the power off, Pentagon 1 said Deals no mercy on Culprits. Inaccurate stories, videos or images going viral on the internet American, over 800,000 per! Tog livet av sig eller blev mrdad tunnels BY the Marines: not confirmed yet seems apparent from coming... Hidden exposure who executed this mission were said to have been killed/arrested Murder Joe!!!!!!. Of eternity US this is soooo very very great whos the Central-Banks paid Murder Joe!!!... Is not in him [ podcast ] the Lord, it all makes sense now why all of has! 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