[59] When talking to her, Clay's guilt about Fjord's death and his friends' capture seemed lighter,[60] and he regards her as kind, outside of the arena. At first Elena is very distant and cold toward him, but as the series progresses, they eventually rekindle their relationship. As Joey is Clay's friend he is disappointed and angry about his decision but unable to change it. Clay's egg is depicted as brown instead of blood-red in the graphic novel. After Starflight was rescued by Morrowseer and the other NightWings, Clay was faced against Peril. A second one jumps out and bites Burn and kills her, but it is killed by Burn in the process. Paige says it is possible but that Elena should talk to Clay about her concerns. Clay came from an abusive household and saw the power a Werewolf had as being a strength he lacked, that if he became something that could evoke fear in others he wouldn't have to suffer that fear himself. Despite his age and size Clay helps Jeremy to fight him and continues to defend Peter when Malcolm is forced to retreat. While scavenging in the city Clay came across the scent of a Werewolf, initially believing it to be the man who bit him before realising that what he smelt was the common scent of a Werewolf. Queen Scarlet challenged different prisoners against each other in gladiatorial style battles in her dreaded arena for her and her subjects' entertainment. No deaths happened during the events of the book, though there were deaths that happened before. In the cabin Clay heavily sedates the mutt so he won't wake up or experience any pain and then mutilates him while ensuring he stays alive. She was also the second one to hatch, and the first egg Clay tried to help with hatching. It was holding a sword and a burlap sack. 3. While Glory was training for the RainWing Royal Challenge, Clay helped calm her down and prompted Glory to take a nap that she needed. [53] In Escaping Peril, he was devastated when he believed she had been killed by Scarlet. Clay's original full name and exact birthdate and age remain unknown, he mentions having parents and older brothers in the novella Savage but is never mentioned to have sought them out or discovered who his birth family were. He asked if Clay wanted to be their bigwings, but Clay turned Reed's offer down, knowing that Reed would do a much better job, having grown up with MudWings and having the complete trust and loyalty of all their siblings. The Bitten Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Jeremy worries about how witnessing the woman's death affects Clay but he reassures Jeremy that he's fine. [25] His right thigh is scarred[26] from a dragonbite viper bite, and he has a permanent limp. 4.1 "Clay's snake could have been large and Burn's could have been small!" 4.2 "Burn could have bitten on the left side and Clay on the right!" 4.3 "Burn's heart could have been beating faster, making the venom reach her heart in a smaller amount of time!" 4.4 "Clay was bitten in the thigh! Knowing they had to get back to their friends still trapped in the cave, they had no choice but to injure the regal SkyWing by stabbing the scavenger's sword into the vulnerable spot on her tail. Clay's first chronological appearance was in the novella Savage which he narrates. Janie kills Tea Cake because he had rabies. The others are. Mother and son have a confrontation with Ruth trying to get the upper hand on Aleister but it doesnt quite work and is pulled out of the circle. He was in charge of the prey center at the school, which turned out to be much more chaotic than he originally expected. Wren recognized him due to having seen swamp dragons before. They call Malcolm and the remaining Santos' in and reveal what has happened and that they know Malcolm was behind it, the Santos' leave after Malcolm kills Andrew Santos to prove how far he is willing to go and to stop him from fingering him as the one who gave the order. Clay had additional family members who he felt relied on him, including his father Ash Spenser (C Thomas Howell) a former Navy Seal, who told Clay he had cancer. The Last of Us Episode 7 forced Ellie front and center whether she wanted to be or not. [57] He is honest with her,[58] and she disobeyed Scarlet's orders in order to talk with him[57] in addition to bringing him mud and food to help him heal from the arena. When asked who Clay was, Lynx explained that he was in a prophecy. As a werewolf, Clay has all the basic abilities of his kind: he is physically stronger and faster than humans and has heightened senses of smell and hearing. Because even though Clay had already decided to leave Bravo for a bit and focus on Stella and their newborn son Brian, "We'll see the struggles of somebody who's coping with losing the best job. Clay starts his graduate work at Columbia and attends Dominic Sorrentino's last Pack meeting where he bullies Daniel Santos, suggests they hunt rather than go to a bar and is defended by Malcolm for his actions in making their territories safe. A homicide took place on Jefferson Street near High Street. Super painful for me. When Starflight used his dreamvisitor, he saw Clay dream about his siblings. The man is surprised at the request and wonders if he's dreaming, he Changes and bites Clay who smiles at him after it is done. Executive producer Spencer Hudnut explains why Clay was killed off and how everyone will be grieving. Honestly, Bitten Season 2 Episode 9 and Bitten Season 2 Episode 10 were a little scattered, but it's not necessarily a . Appeared in Crane, Pheasant, Sora For a long time, I really weighed maybe he and Stella (Alona Tal) and Brian do move out to California and live that life that they talk about in this episode. Elena currently lives in Bear Valley, New York, and is the current North American Werewolf Pack Alpha. Aunts Jeremy tells Elena the Truth and Elena goes to ClayI own nothing. Clay was born to human parents Elle and an unnamed father who served in the US military. Call for emergency help right away if someone has been bitten by a snake. Starflight said that Clay's siblings were "more dragons we have to save in this war." A3 And so this was a way of really drilling that point home. Uncles Clay gets around this rule by waiting for one of the guinea pigs to die and then dissecting it in the classroom, causing him to be expelled and for Jeremy to continue his efforts at home schooling. After Dominic dies of a stroke Clay attends his funeral and then his wake where Malcolm begins to suggest he been made Alpha straight away, after a discussion about how the Alpha is to be chosen a vote begins, with Antonio not even needing to ask that Clay is voting for Jeremy. Clay is muscular,[1] large,[2] burly,[3] and stocky,[4] with a sloping back,[5] a thick,[6] lengthy neck,[7] a large,[8] broad[3] head, and white teeth. As a werewolf, Clay has all the basic abilities of his kind: he is physically stronger and faster than humans and has heightened senses of smell and hearing. The reality that hed be safer on the battlefield with his teammates than at home is kind of shocking. 54 reviews. Did you consider any other possibilities? Clayton Clay Danvers is a werewolf and one of the protagonists of Bitten. Clayton "Clay" Danvers is a Werewolf and the beta wolf and enforcer of the North American Werewolf Pack. Its really gut-wrenching, and its painful and shocking, and so Im sure its gonna upset a lot of people, but its upsetting that we ever got to this point where this had to happen. Sunny mentioned that the dragonets of destiny may have been like the alternate dragonets if not for his kindness and support. Jeremy tells Clay he can't kill or eat them and instead offers him a larger breakfast before school to compensate for his appetites. Malcolm enacts a second plan by drugging their food with sedatives to attack at night, they discover the food is drugged and instead lay a trap. He is good at defusing arguments between students and is shown to take their suggestions, such as when Tamarin and Peregrine suggest herbs and healing class. A month before Clay's eleventh birthday Jeremy begins to sense something is wrong with former Pack member Peter Myers and after receiving a phone call overheard by Malcolm Danvers, Clay accompanies Jeremy to Los Angeles as he tries to help Peter. Gemma Teller (Katey Sagal) and Clay Morrow (Ron Perlman) were among two of the most pivotal deaths on "Sons of Anarchy," which in seven seasons never shied away from killing off major characters.. As Clay eats Jeremy and Antonio discuss him and Jeremy's decision to bring him back. The dragonet prophecy (the truth revealed in Moon Rising). Tribe The clay goes from this soft, totally fragile substance to one which is rock-hard, impervious to water, wind, and time. Nick makes it to Paige but is holding off the guards and gets Paige to go into the catacombs. Malcolm attempts to manipulate Clay by suggesting that if Jeremy makes it known he doesn't want to be Alpha then the mutts will stop coming, Clay doesn't fall for this. Mentioned in Clay won't come into the motel room at first, preferring to sleep curled up in the open doorway but eventually ventures inside as long as the door remains open. [71] She becomes violent towards those who hurt him,[72] she often intentionally appears in locations where she knows Clay will be,[73] and her heart gives small bounces when she sees him. Clay is heartbroken and goes after Aleister in wolf form as he has nothing to keep him human. He's a genius, with a high IQ (160) and a Ph.D. in anthropology. [93] Later, she calls Clay a "handsome idiot" and gives him a hint that Peril likes him, but he does not understand. Malcolm confronts them in human form and tells Jeremy that Clay has what he is lacking and that he wants to train him, Jeremy doesn't want to agree but Clay does, knowing even at that young age that Malcolm is the Pack's best fighter and if Clay is going to learn to defend Jeremy against Malcolm then learning from the man himself is the best option he has. [83] She wants, above all, to take care of him, but often feels jealous of his other relationships;[78] something she is often ashamed of. For those bitten by rattlesnakes, 10 . After Jeremy clears up the woman's death Clay goes to him and explains why it happened, Jeremy reassures him that it wasn't his fault and makes sure that Clay knows killing humans is wrong. Clay tackles Nick to the ground and frightens him, causing the boy to wet himself, Clay is dragged off of Nick and realises the struggle for dominance was in his mind, causing him to feel regret, guilt and shame for the first time. When Clay made music, Leaf overheard this, not knowing that he was responsible. Clay has six siblings: Reed, Marsh, Crane, Pheasant, Sora, and Umber. Rabies is a deadly disease that causes insanity and erratic and violent behavior, so her killing of Tea Cake is an act of self defense . As a human, Clay is skilled in hand to hand combat, but relies more on his strength rather than tactics. By using The Spruce Crafts, you accept our, Understanding Crystalline Glazes in Pottery, The Difference Between Pottery and Ceramics, Governing Oxidation and Reduction Atmospheres When Firing Pottery. Because they had just been talking about their next chapter. At the foundry,Jeremy tells Nick and Elena what they need to do, both are not happy about it and refuse to accept. And it was a devastating ending. There could be fat there, slowing down the venom! After the dragonets escaped from the Kingdom of the Sea, they headed to the, When Morrowseer asked Starflight on whether he hunted the same way as the other NightWings, Starflight thought about how Clay had done most of the hunting since leaving the caves where they grew up. Clay first appeared when he bursts out of the tunnel, shielding Starflight. We really were with Stella every step of the way in Episode 601 when she was dealing with the news of the injury. When I was watching it [being] filmed, I had to get up and walk away. Thieriot is sticking around for the season, which means well see a lot of emotions for Clay. [16], He has enormous feet and thick[20] brown claws,[16] as well as mud-colored,[21] massive,[22] strong brown wings[23] and wide,[24] warm brown eyes. One individual was shot to death while another shooting victim was taken to the hospital. Claudius murdered Gertrude's husband, his brother, and then married her prior to the events of the play. To find out lets delve into this emotional and action-packed episode. [76] His voice feels like wings spreading inside her heart,[12] and although Peril wanted to wrap her wings around him when he was reminded of Sora's betrayal, she knew it would only hurt him more. Clay also wanted to go save Sunny when she was trapped in a cage in the Sky Kingdom as soon as he learned where she was, after badgering Peril for the information. "Clayton "Clay" Danvers is a werewolf and one of the protagonists of Bitten. But don't worry, Clay is a smart guy and . Set against his remarkable output of official reports, articles and research into the history, culture and ethnology of Central Asia, and more importantly . [49] He also appears to have an excessive liking for food. Is it me or did season 2 fly by? Male Clay was trained by Antonio Sorrentino, Jeremy Danvers and Malcolm Danvers and grew to be the best fighter in the Pack. When the fight is broken up by the adults, Nick and Joey lie about why Clay attacked Stephen but Jeremy is aware of the true reason and doesn't punish him. Mother Clay fights Malcolm who learns that Clay is willing to kill him, something Malcolm didn't believe as he mistakenly thought they had a bond. Some time later Clay returns to his den to find another Werewolf there, he assumes it to be the same one at first based on their physical similarities but soon figures out this is yet another different Werewolf. All clay bodies contain some measure of carbon, organic materials, and sulfur. One day, the deliverer of the Dragonet Prophecy, Morrowseer, visited the cave to inspect the dragonets. "Bites do occur but the vast majority, we treat with anti-venom and people end up being just fine," said Dr. Nicklaus . Clay attends Jeremy's birthday party that night which is cruelly crashed by Malcolm before Jeremy ends the party and takes him upstairs to sleep, where he has been sharing a room with Jeremy. The Dragonet Prophecy,The Lost Heir,The Hidden Kingdom,The Dark Secret,The Brightest Night It was the hardest decision Ive had to make at SEAL Team by far. People use clay for diarrhea and other stomach disorders, mouth sores, detoxification, and other. Though he had only met them once during the war, he still thought of them often and had wondered out loud about them for the last few weeks. Glory is one of Clay's closest friends. Cato makes it abundantly clear that life in the rice fields is nothing but horrorit's dehumanizing and will inevitably kill any person who is forced to cultivate rice. Bitten by hearts-at-stake reviews A young woman is bitten by a werewolf. Clay begins to eye the classroom pets with a new interest which catches the eye of his teacher, who tells Jeremy how much Clay likes the pets. It was a shock that Clay didn't die at the end of Season 4, but this isn't a list about . [41] He is trustworthy, and every thought he has is written all over his face. The season five finale, All Bravo Stations, premieres Sunday, January 23 exclusively on Paramount+. There are 3 main arcs, as well as legends books, graphic novels, and winglets. But that survivor guilt will be spread not just to Bravo 1, but everybody on the team in some way will feel they could have done more for Clay. [89], Clay sees the good in her and believes that she is more than Scarlet's killer, encouraging her to become better and wanting her to make her own choices. Aleister mocks him but also admires Clay for still being around as most people just die after being possessed. Caution: This post contains spoilers from the SEAL Team Season 6 premiere. As a werewolf, Clay has all the basic abilities of his kind: he is physically stronger and faster than humans and has heightened senses of smell and hearing. Is this because of Maxs availability, or did he want to leave? It is essential for snakebite victims to. Later in the night, during an argument with Ruby about whether or not they're able to trust Peril, Starflight revealed that Peril is in love with Clay and will likely kill everyone if she found out that his feelings are not mutual. Age Elena grabs Aleister and in their fight his necklace is removed and she drowns him as the sun comes up. Clay is very loyal to his loved ones, he is also very intelligent and smart, but he doesn't think through when it comes to intense situations. does clay die in bitten season 2. Nick is not doing so hot as he is starting to feel the change and Elena is not happy to see Cain but is assured when he says he is with them. SDCC 2015 Panel, The WB Presents a Night of DC Entertainment SDCC 2015 Panel, Marvel Movies SDCC 2014 Panel: Ant-Man and Avengers: Age of Ultron, Marvel Television: Agent Carter and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D SDCC 2014 Panel, The WB Presents a Night of DC Entertainment SDCC Panel, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Photos, Fan Expo Vancouver 2018: Doctor Stranges Benedict Wong, Fan Expo Vancouver 2018: DCs Legends of Tomorrows Caity Lotz, Jes Macallan and Brandon Routh, So glad that I binged all six seasons of @. Here, hes able to save Ben from taking his. In the Novella Savage, Clay wasn't an only child and came from an abusive household. Clay volunteered to stand in for Starflight after learning he was next to fight in the arena. 30 helpful votes. It is revealed in season two, episode nine "Scavenger's Daughter" that he survived as he reveals that Clay did not kill him but removed his genitalia by cutting it off. However, they all possessed a desire to escape their confined existence, excluding Sunny. The duo then encountered Scarlet of the SkyWings, who insisted they would return to her kingdom after she had a conversation with Clay and decided they could be useful. Get ready for Clays hardest season yet. He's a genius, with a high IQ (160) and a PhD in anthropology. Clay helped place a tree on the SkyWing so that they would have a head start. Cato just advises Amari to make herself useful to Clay as long as she can. Clay arrives at the catacombs and finds Elena; he wants to get help but she wants him to go after Aleister. She is part of an ambush in which she stabs Jeremy with a poisoned knife. Clay's love for Elena is undying and his loyalty to Jeremy is forever. [1] [2] How will Stella handle the grief, and how much will we see? Its a good question. [85] However, he winces when she touches him, and he watches her wings carefully whenever she is near anything flammable; Peril is unsure if he would change her firescales if he could. https://bitten.fandom.com/wiki/Zachary_Cain?oldid=3951. The second viper headed toward Starflight, Fatespeaker, and Sunny, but Clay knocked them out of the way and got bitten instead. Duane Henry is speaking out after unexpectedly leaving NCIS, due to his character, Clayton Reeves, being killed off during Tuesday night's episode. The Aleister and Savanah trade Force Chokes with each other when Elena comes on the scene. The promo made it very clear that one team member may lose his life. Clay playing a song to attract Peril's attention. Aleister thinks it is fiitting that the lone male witch and lone female werewolf are battling it out at the end. But again, [for] our men and women in uniform, the problems dont just exist when theyre on the battlefield. "Aon Rud Persanta" (Season 6, Episode 11). Pictured: Max Thieriot as Clay Spenser. Teach me. He was not strong enough to stop her fall, but he was able to slow her down until they crashed into trees and thudded to the grassy ground. [61] She avoided Clay after Osprey's death because she wanted to keep him out of danger,[62] but she easily became angry[63] and jealous when Clay mentioned how important Glory[64] and Sunny were to him,[65] and later betrayed Clay and his friends to Scarlet because she was afraid of him leaving. Clay subdues Andrew Santos before finding Wally and Stephen Santos, Wally Santos is killed by Jeremy while Clay takes care of Stephen. After leaving the party Clay is approached by Malcolm who offers to tell him why there's been an increase to the amount of mutts coming to Stonehaven. Some months after the stalemate begins Malcolm has one of his supporters, Stephen Santos, shoot Nick to distract Jeremy's best fighters Clay and Antonio so he can strike at him. Cattail Its obviously gonna be such a blow to Stella. With the help of Peril, Clay and his friends tried to escape, only to be betrayed by Peril herself. Knowledge. He describes her as "just as important and smart as any SkyWing"[52] and feels bad about thinking that Glory was asleep when she was displayed as "artwork." If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Played by Storm Reid, Riley represents a more innocent time for Ellie, before she was bitten by an infected, chained up by the Fireflies and forced to go on a cross-country journey with Joel. Riley fights it off but is bitten as well. Here's the Weakness It's Always Been You: Season 3, Episode 6: "Rule of Anger" As a human, Clay is skilled in hand to hand combat, but relies more on his strength rather than tactics. As with the other dragonets, Clay considers Starflight a brother. He is known to be antisocial and very instinct driven with a bad temper and a lack of empathy for strangers as well as an 'ends justify the means' mentality, partly because of his strong wolf mentality. Also, while you can visibly see the animation of a zombie biting you, that doesn . Hmmm..that's either incredibly romantic or sadistic, depending on your point of view. Match that with a powerful body and you have a package that wouldn't go unnoticed in the middle of a Chippendales convention.". Sometime previous to the beginning of the novella Clay had come across an older man and witnessed the man Changing into a wolf, Clay knew what a Werewolf was from stories told to him by his elder brothers to scare him, all though they were human stories not true supernatural ones. After the trial, Peril did not speak with him. Elena Michaels is the female lead and protagonist of Bitten. It seems that Clara was using her spells to kill people for money. He then fights Logan Jonsen to get his revenge on the pack for doing what they did to him. You are my Father. Clay attempts to attack Malcolm after being introduced to him but is held back by Jeremy. Jeremy begins to sell his paintings in 1979 and buys Clay a black mustang convertible. Malcolm tries to lie to Jeremy about who killed the woman, with Clay eager to be believed, but Jeremy knows Clay to be innocent and uses his fathers actions to get him to agree to leave Stonehaven for ten months. [45] Peril describes his soul as a torch that never went out; burning clear all night long. Elena is Clay's soul mate and later fiance. Clay himself never mentions or confirms this in anyway and may in fact have been unaware of Malcolm's possible illicit interest in him. As Elena attempts to persuade Jeremy to let her meet with Santos, Logan's car pulls into the Stonehaven driveway with Rachel at the driver's seat and a severely injured Logan in the back. (Bravo will find out what happened in Episode 9, which you can see in the promo at the bottom.). More mutts begin to come to Stonehaven, one of whom Clay kills. Reference Joel (Pedro . Elena Michaels suggests that Malcolm's interest in Clay as a boy and teen were predatory and sexual in nature. What happened to clay's mom and dad after he was bitten? We knew things would be touch and go for Clay Spencer in the SEAL Team Season 6 premiere. I think there are several people within the Bravo family who are gonna be most concerned about Sonny. Female Princess SeaWing Egg - Destroyed by Orca's statue. Apologies for not recapping "Shock the System" as I was away on business and recovering from a cold but the gist is Elena abolishes pack law and Marsten, Kane, and Anson pledge their allegiance to Elena because they want to. Clay was willing to risk his own life saving Glory by braving the underground river himself. [50] He believes that prophecies are not like instructions, but rather are hints in the right direction; he believes it is a dragon's choice on what to do with these hints. Throughout Bitten Season Two Season Three Personality . He has had a complicated relationship with Elena Michaels, despite being seperated he constantly wore the gold wedding ring he bought her over twelve years previous. The book series is very . But once his show was picked up and greenlit for series, it became clear pretty quickly that this wasnt gonna be a job share. After figuring out what he wanted and this bright future for him and. Clay confronts the older man who he discovered to be a Werewolf and demands he bite him so he can be like him. Due to Elena telling Clayton about her, Clay seemingly killed him. Clay 'helps' Antonio to make a birthday cake for Jeremy's twenty second birthday. As the group makes their way to the building, security guards under Aleisters control separate the pack. Clay cares about the students at Jade Mountain Academy and their safety. He took the dragonbite viper bite meant for Starflight and shielded him when the volcano of the NightWing Fortress exploded. He would do anything for her. At least he has Jason and Ray who will help him get the emotional help that hell need throughout this. Clay was one of the five dragonets that Wren and Sky saw together through a hole to a cave system. . So, unfortunately, yeah, it felt like him dying would [have] the biggest impact. What started as a friendship grew until they started dating, eventually becoming engaged. Once Stephen begins mocking Jeremy, as well as Gregory Sorrentino, Clay is unable to ignore him and launches himself at Stephen to fight him in Jeremy's defense. Clay was born to human parents Elle and an unnamed father who served in the US military. In the novels Clay got bitten by an unknown mutt, whereas in the TV series it was Malcolm who bit him. Clay served as a sort of school monitor for the newly founded Jade Mountain Academy. Clay trying to reason with Peril while fighting her in the arena. Clays really his brother. If the water heats too quickly, it again can cause the explosive production of steam inside the clay body. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. She finds out she is one of 2 female werewolves to ever survive the bite. Clay choose not to attempt to return home and used his enhanced sense of smell to avoid humans, scavenging in wolf form including the body of a dead homeless man. Clay acted slightly embarrassed and then changed the subject. When Glory went missing, Clay became worried about her and went with Deathbringer to rescue her from the NightWing island. In the first season, we primarily focus Clay, a boy who had a crush on her, deal with Hannah's horrible memories. The battlefield her and went with Deathbringer to rescue her from the SEAL season. By Burn in the TV series it was Malcolm who bit him way to the hospital stabs with. The underground river himself detoxification, and other stomach disorders, mouth,! In for Starflight and shielded him when the volcano of the play one day, the problems dont just when! A dragonbite viper bite meant for Starflight and shielded him when the volcano of way... For still being around as most people just die after being possessed so he can be like him dying [! Deliverer of the five dragonets that wren and Sky saw together through a to. Continues to defend Peter when Malcolm is forced to retreat reassures Jeremy that he 's genius... 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