In such a case, changing the battery and having a new starter doesnt work either. John Deere 737 Transmission hydrostatic Transmission details . Preserving the History of Internal Combustion Engines. Remove HEAD and REPLACING the gasket. I screwed up. Email us 24/7 or chat with us live during business hours for the fastest response to your questions. Cleaning the air filter can also make things better. Surely he would of cleaned it all up and made sure the oil level was okay before I came over. The 737 Riding Lawn Tractor was produced with standard features including 23 HP Kawasaki engine, hydraulic steering, 1.4 L engine oil capacity, and a 54" or 60" mid mount mower deck. Yep, I am vary familiar with that mower being I just got rid of one. Leak Near Base? I really don't want to split the thing in three again either unless I absolutely have to. John Deere is an A-1 mower if you know how to deal with trivial adversities. engine number is FH680DA25505 G gopokes Forum Newbie Joined Mar 12, 2013 Threads 3 Messages 5 Mar 13, 2013 / Front gasket oil leak in John Deere 737 #4 Store the fuel in a cool, dry place. Clean the oil tank thoroughly and check for any small holes in the bottom. By Staff. After draining your gas tank, dispose of the old gasoline. Hours: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm EST Monday - Friday. 6 - 1 qt Turf Gard 10W30 Engine Oil (For 54 in. Smokes Would that be enought time for all the assembly lube to burn off? In that case, your first action should be to look at the fuel filter. I center the plate using the existing hole for reference andcenter the gear surface from the gear center hole using a mandrel(also easily produced on the lathe). I think I'll pull the pan also and take a look around. If your mower blade keeps turning off, your lawn grass may look uneven after a cut. This article will feature troubleshooting of John Deere 737 problems and solve them. You've disabled cookies in your web browser. It leaked some oil, just not onto my floor. The number 2 injector is wet. I checked it over for at least 15 minutes. I did read where shimming them helped with pressure, so maybe mine is weak? 12. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Sorry for the inconvenience, Your session will expire at: 3/1/2023 2:11:15 PM, John Deere 54" High Lift Side Discharge Mower Blade Set - TCU30317, John Deere 54" Mulching Mower Blade Set - M135334, John Deere 54" Side Discharge Mower Blade Set - TCU30316, John Deere 60" High Lift Side Discharge Mower Blade Set - TCU15881, John Deere 60" Low Lift Lawn Mower Blade Set - M133381, John Deere 60" Mower Deck Drive Belt - TCU13198, John Deere 60" Mulching Mower Blade Set - M168223, John Deere 60" Powerflow Round Belt - TCU16122, John Deere 60" Side Discharge Mower Blade Set - M128485, John Deere 737/757 54" Mower Deck V-Belt - TCU13196, John Deere 7-Iron Deck Spindle - TCA25756, John Deere Caster Tire and Wheel ASM - TCA13769, John Deere Center Gauge Wheel Rod - M124203, John Deere Commercial Gauge Wheel - M115245, John Deere Electromagnetic PTO Clutch - TCA12522, John Deere Electromagnetic PTO Clutch - TCA15800, John Deere Engine Oil Pressure Switch - MIU14442, John Deere Hydraulic Pump Drive V-Belt - TCU12829. Any ideas? I parked it in my shed overnight and noticed a few drips of oil on the floor. A forum community dedicated to lawnmower owners and enthusiasts. I use seal #1-196-089 M1 purchased from my Massey Fergusondealer and machine both the cover plate and the magneto gear to fit(see drawing). What are the functions of safety switches in John Deere mowers? John Deere 737 attachments 54" mid-mount mower deck 60" mid-mount mower deck Another common cause of oil leaks is cracks when the seals heat and cool. If oil continues to leak, remove the oil tank and sump and replace the gasket underneath. Other places that a worn engine can lose oil pressure are the cam bearings and the rocker assembly, but the crank is the main culprit. Apply for Financing. Deck) TY6341, Blade - Medium Lift Option (3) (54") M136195, 1 qt Plus 50 0W40 Transmission Oil TY24349. Besides that, don't forget to look at the color and consistency of the oil. Deck) TY22029. Photos may only be used with the permission of the original photographer. First, clean the entire engine block with a rag and a brush to remove any buildup of oil and dirt. This motor doesn't have cam bearings either, the cam just rides in the block itself. Sometimes the needed repair is very small and won't cost you much money. I cant guaranteecomplete success, but I have been very happy with the results. I can't believe I got into this mess. Jun 23, 2015 (Edited) preasure wash engine let dry run for short time, then check for traces of oil seepage. Not sure it is tracking straight. I thought kawasaki's were the cats ass when it came to mower engines. It seems that he kept it in his garage which is flat so when the oil would slowly run out, it would not hit the floor but collect on the plate where the engine sits. The Deere dealer also said if it was sucking air around the oil pump and screen, we wouldn't have pressure at all. The oil leak on mine was fixed at 150 hours, 330 hours then again rght before I decided it was time to make that thing disappear! Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 2:30 pm Post subject: Re: 1945 John Deere B Rear wheel oil seal leak. How to fix an Oil Leak on a John Deere Kawasaki V-Twin Engine Buck's Small Engine DIY 26.3K subscribers Subscribe 61K views 4 years ago The valve covers drip oil onto the muffler,. The "W" indicates that the oil was tested at low air temperatures. We will see how much the bill is. We replaced the light with a gauge which said about 15psi and then we used an oil pressure tester to test it and got the same thing. When it's leaning to the left to will shut off all of a sudden. It seems to run fine, but we have low oil pressure. I have been able to solve or greatly reduce these. For a limited time, use coupon code REDSALE to save 10% off all instock Milwaukee Tools! Add to Cart. Common sense goes a long ways when maintaining your machine. Usually available. We did get some paint on the front engine pulley (the one that fits on the crank and seals on the front main) before it was all the way in. How To Replace The Governor Shaft Seal On A Kawasaki Engine (Oil Leaking) with Taryl Taryl Fixes All 232K subscribers 97K views 6 years ago #grassratsgarage #tarylfixesall #smallenginerepair. Regular Maintenance should be performed on the 737 every 50 hours and should include Spark Plug, Air Filter, Oil Filter, and to sharpen or replace mower blades. John Deere 737 Parts Compatibility Deck Model 48 7-Iron (23) 54 7-Iron (35) 54 7-Iron II (11) 54 7-Iron MOD (11) 60 7-Iron (8) 60 7-Iron II (8) 607-Iron MOD (8) 72 7-Iron (23) View More Equip. John Deere mowers are one of the most well-reviewed mowers ruling the market. Deere 737 60" Z Trak Mower from 2005 is spitting engine oil. Be sure to measure the sealdiameter before machining the plate and allow approximately.002 interference. You can also refill the oil and change it if needed. If the oil leak is coming from the bottom of the engine, near the base, it is likely because of a problem in the oil tank or oil sump. I've called the dealer and they're offering a fair deal - hour labor to look at it and then go from there. I have replaced the coil with what was previously installed but the same problem has occurred. What a mess. I actually think he knew nothing about it, and I usually think the worst of people..He was selling due to getting a divorce and moving. I was at his house, saw the large lawn he mowed with it and he had a realtor sign with a "sold" marker on it. Also, most have some leakage of oilaround the mains. The leaking seal is located at the inner end of the axle housing. Thank you for watching! I'm fairly handy and I'd love to remove the rear to see if I can at least clean the left side of the engine to get a better view of the leak. There are times when the mower doesnt start after a busy mowing schedule. Any input on this would be great. I shut the engine down and looked around the engine. Changed out the seal and it its still leaking from somewhere. Shipping and taxes calculated at checkout. said it entails pulling and splitting the engine. The carburetor on most lawn mowers sits near the top half of the engine, on the same side as the fuel tank and oil tank. preasure wash engine let dry run for short time, then check for traces of oil seepage. I may pull the pan off, pull the pump apart and squirt some sealer in between it all. If it is one of them annoying rope seals, you have my sympathy! It hasn't been doing that. Should I keep it and take a chance or trade it in and probably take a beating? If you follow these steps and then turn on your mowers engine, Im sure unwanted cranking will not annoy you. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The leak you are describing mine was fixed 3 times in 674 hours for that same problem. Maybe I should see if the guy would buy it back, doubt he will though. Sometimes battery capitation issues can turn off your mower blade. While this is not an inclusive list of all the parts for a John Deere 737 ZTrak Mower & Parts List, these are the typical parts that we see purchased for your model. How did I miss this? 3. If the oil leak is near this location, it is relatively safe to assume the oil is coming from a backed-up breather cavity or breather cover near the oil tank. JavaScript is disabled. those things were almost bullet proof. i would think even if you had the wrong bearings you could change them without a disasembly. 160909 Carter Canyon Road, Gering, Nebraska 69341. Futures: at least 10 minute delayed. had a friend who is a JD mech work on it and he thought it was running lean on the left side, he said it was running 150 degrees hotter than the other side. The suggestions down below will help you then. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. HOW to diagnose if the HEAD GASKET is bad. around the mains. The Deere dealer also told me it could be the wrong bearings on the crank, but I am 99.9% sure that I got the correct ones (10 over for rods and mains). Fixing Oil / Motor Leak -on Zero Turn - -Kohler Motor What To Do Rob 2.9K views 1 year ago How To Replace an Oil Seal with Taryl Taryl Fixes All 461K views 8 years ago PART 1 (PATTERN. A light press fit ofthe seal to the plate is desired. Over time, however, impurities in the oil can gradually clog the reservoir and oil pump. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Model Canopies and Enclosures (1) John Deere 102 Parts (1) John Deere 1023E Parts (3) John Deere 1025R Parts (5) John Deere 1026R Parts (4) To see all exchange delays and terms of use, please see The guy helping me with the tractor just called me and said it is leaking oil out of the front main seal. Maybe I should unload it and look for a brand new model. John DEERE D100 Riding Lawnmower. Stop the engine and inspect it closely for the leaking oil. Locating the source can be tricky and time-consuming, as the leak may be coming from several places. Any help, direction or advice is greatly appreciated. Is it a BLOWN HEAD GASKET problem? Use petroleum and then when you change your oil use synthetic then. Operator's Manual You operate the best equipment. Every. It's a Ztrak 757 with 25hp kawasaki I ILENGINE Lawn Pro Joined May 6, 2010 Threads 28 Messages 8,634 All Rights Reserved. Hopefully this is the end of my problems. 2006 John Deere 737 ZTR Mower, (Zero Turn Mower), Commercial Grade, 23HP, Kawasaki OHV V-Twin 2 Cylinder Engine, 60" Cut (7 Iron Deck) 388.6 Original Hours, Seat Cover, Recently Serviced, New Blade.See More Details. Would letting it warm up to temperature make any changes? Ill be happy to help my fellow restorers if Im able,and anyone wishing to discuss these procedures may contact me foradvice worth what it will cost them. I prefer using a mandrel in the gear center hole.Some gears have enough asymmetry in casting to cause the machinedflange to become somewhat thin, however, I believe most, if notall, will finish satisfactorily. Sometimes as a beginner, a purchaser has to suffer a lot with the trivial issues relating their mower.Thats why Ive elaborated the solutions for problems with John Deere 737 here! Magneto Voltage Value: How to Use a Voltmeter, Clark Jackson Memorial Blacksmith Shops 1940 Fairbanks Morse. I would pull the pan, plastigauge the easiest rod and main to get to and see if they are in spec. Replace the gasket underneath the breather cover after cleaning it. Even 15 psi will throw oil a long way so I think your new gauge is right. I'm stuck here with what to do. A clogged air filter will not let you turn on the lawnmower. Stop the lawn mower immediately if you suspect an oil leak, troubleshoot the problem and fix the leak. Is this a JD problem or kawasaki? If oil continues to leak, remove the oil tank and sump and replace the gasket underneath. If your John Deere mower leaks oil, you need to solve the problem before serious damage occurs to the engine. Changed filter and oil. I was told this by a deere tech. You're a power user moving through this website with super-human speed. John Deere Model 737 Zero Turn Mower Parts - . I was honest with the guy that bought mine and told him the problems I had. They are brand new seals. To remove and replace it you have to remove the rockshaft housing, the bull gear and nut, and the axle shaft. Patrick. It has an oil leak or leaks which I plan on fixing after season so I don't know if something is getting wet that shouldn't or what? VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. . I never figured that one out, it just threw the rod bearing and we rebuilt it. How to move a John Deere 737 mower if it isnt starting? Best Evergreen Trees to Plant In New York, 10 Evergreen Trees to Plant in North Carolina, 5 Most Common John Deere Z540R Problems and Solutions, 3 Common Problems with John Deere Z915E and Solutions, 7 Most Common Problems with Dr Brush Mower and Solutions, 8 Common Problems with John Deere L130 and their Fixes, 5 Common Problems with Cub Cadet RT65 and their Solutions, 3 Common Problems with John Deere Z915E and Their Solutions, 5 Most Common John Deere Z540R Problems and Their Solutions. Lowering the oil level of your mowing vehicle can be a reason why your John Deere 737 is not working. The old oil pump, however, was quite worn and well past it's service life. If your fuel filter is faulty, the ducts will seem clogged. Outside of the schedule service intervals, you may need a part for a quick repair. Briggs and Stratton single cylinder OHV INTEK Engine 17.5 HP (ALL horsepower and model the SAME). John Deere Engine Oil Pump Screen - M146886 (0) $3.78. Pull the oil dipstick out of the engine and reinsert it firmly. Then, run the engine again for several minutes. on rebuilding it right and now it's kind of frustrating to be so close to being done and having a big problem like this pop up. Phone: (940) 206-2809. I think I will get a new pressure relief spring and valve. I have a z-trac 757, 25 HP. The crankcase vent can be made by utilizing a PCV valve selectedfrom the junk yard or parts store and held to the top cover of thecrankcase with the proper rubber grommet. Did the previous owner overfill it? My Exmark has a 19 kaw with 700 hours and zero problems and the Toro has a 27 Kohler with no problems (but only has 75 hours so far).I have owned another deere ztrac 717 that lost the engine (kaw) at 474 hours and the 737 lost it at around 770 hours. Have Same tractor jd 1650 now is bubbling up thru radiator. Photos No photos of the John Deere 737 are currently available. I laid down, looked under the rear of the engine and there it was.son of a !!!!!. It thought it was kind of weird also. #3. Restart the engine and check for an oil leak. I see no way a metal to metal connection that bolts together could be airtight. I can't believe I did not find this b4 buying it. Store Locator | Also, we may have about 10min total of run time on the thing. Refrain from keeping your mower fuel from extreme temperatures. Aug 2, 2020 / JD 425 mystery oil leak. Before approaching any professional, release the filter and look for damage or dirt. A loose switch can make you fall into grave issues. Push John Deere 737 manually to move. Your crank is more likely to be 10 under instead of 10 over, as grinding a crank tends to make them a bit smaller. problems on several 1 HP and 3 HP engines and will pass on. Mar 12, 2013 / Front gasket oil leak in John Deere 737 #3 I believe engine. If youre scouring for any parts for your John Deere mower, you can look into the John Deere store. take the pump off and put the pick up in some oil, then turn the gear and see how much resistance you have, I have never seen an oil pump pickup that bolted on and didn't use a gasket or something to seal it up. I will never own another deere, will stick with Toro and Exmark. We are going to need more info on the engine in order to help you. Echo 200 edger echo long pole hedge clippers echo 650 BP blower DO NOT run synthetic in the engine for the first 10 hours. Find, View, or Buy Manuals online You can also refill the oil and change it if needed. How to store the fuel for a John Deere mower? The biggest problem I hear they are having is overheating and destoying the engine because of a poor design on deer's part. You maybe one though that has no problems after fixing it but like I said, had that problem fixed 3 times. john deere 4100. A third-party browser plugin, such as Ghostery or NoScript, is preventing JavaScript from running. All the dealer said was it was in the front gasket. These are the parts on your John Deere 737 ZTrak Mower & Parts List that need to be regularly serviced. Could that be causing the front main leak? Yeah I got alot to learn on the driving part. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Valve adjustment specifications Check Test . Curtis B. is online now Continue There are some issues like power issues, uneven grass cutting, minor engine problems, and transmission leaks you may face in John Deere 737. Part. If you have extreme heat, dust, or terrain that you operate in you, service frequency will need to increase. Rope seals, you need to be regularly serviced heat, dust, or buy online. 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