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Agricultural productivity is significantly impacted by soil properties, which vary spatially from a small to a larger area. /P 513 0 R 89 0 obj 0000208875 00000 n
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/P 535 0 R << >> /Lang (EN-US) 68 0 obj /S /P << >> A survey of the distribution and host range of WMS, Aulacaspis tubercularis was conducted in western, This research was initiated following the outbreak of Aulacaspis tubercularis in bench Maji zone with the objective to assess information about occurrence and extent of pest infestation and, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. << /P 496 0 R /Pg 19 0 R /Pg 11 0 R /Lang (EN-US) 0000013259 00000 n
endobj << /K 31 >> /Lang (EN-US) /S /P %PDF-1.5
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<< The study found that the decline and build-up of white mango scale populations are affected by rainfall, whereas the effects of other environmental factors on scale numbers need to be investigated. /K 21 /P 532 0 R /Lang (EN-US) /Pg 14 0 R Direct actors were owners of the product taking risk in the chain: basically buying from other actors, processing and selling the product to the next actors; indirect actors are those that provide financial or non-financial support services to direct actors. /Lang (EN-US) 0000195840 00000 n
/S /P /K 19 >> /Resources << >> /Resources << 164 0 obj << /Lang (EN-US) /Lang (EN-US) /Resources << 0000184307 00000 n
Get access to the most extensive intelligence of food and agricultural products around the globe to help you make smarter business decisions. /K 40 154 0 obj endobj endobj 271 0 obj >> /Lang (EN-US) /S /P /S /P /P 474 0 R << /P 8 0 R /S /P >> 213 0 obj /P 533 0 R /Lang (EN-US) 73 0 R 74 0 R 75 0 R 76 0 R 77 0 R 78 0 R 79 0 R 80 0 R 81 0 R 82 0 R /Lang (EN-US) The study mainly concludes that producers were not getting their deserving marketing margins while the intermediaries' are taking advantage from them. /K 9 >> /Pg 20 0 R 63 0 obj 0000185202 00000 n
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0000217128 00000 n
/P 8 0 R /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.32 841.92] >> /TT3 339 0 R >> >> << /Tabs /S /K 39 >> /S /P Mango is one of the main fruit crop produced and exported in Ethiopia. << <> endobj /S /P >> 241 0 obj 108 0 obj >> >> 0000198938 00000 n
/DropCap /Figure Overview of Exports The export value of Ethiopia was USD 18.65K, and the export volume was 9.46K metric ton in 2021. /Pg 19 0 R endobj /Pg 19 0 R /K 3 /Pg 18 0 R endobj /P 591 0 R endobj >> /Pg 18 0 R /P 8 0 R 286 0 obj Discover production data of Fresh Mango in Ethiopia. ABSTRACT ASSESSMENT OF GENDER ROLE ON COFFEE VALUE CHAIN IN CASE OF SHEBEDINO WOREDA, SIDAMA ZONE OF SNNPR, ETHIOPIA BY YISHAK SHITAYE ADVISED BY YAYNABEBA ABAYNEH (M.SC.) 0000078326 00000 n stream
endobj >> /P 519 0 R /Lang (EN-US) endobj /Pg 21 0 R /Pg 14 0 R /Pg 13 0 R 69 0 R 70 0 R 71 0 R 72 0 R 73 0 R] \:BdlHxp?j4a/*R^_Hw)L;gMw2*ru1)S/;{Osx%SOYZGz,Cim*Z/#CG6U(zKIE51}hCKG3S{Mbd\xMg:xR)3HYaiPx /S /P 2 0 obj 0000190840 00000 n
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endobj /K 67 /Lang (EN-US) Margin analysis for value chain actors indicated that about 89.43% of gross marketing margin in mango value chain goes to mango traders and producers earn about 10.57% of gross marketing margin. 0000207109 00000 n
0000035580 00000 n Folimat showed maximum pest population reduction followed with Closer 240, however, some non-target insects were found dead on trees treated with Folimat, an observation to be confirmed by further investigation. /Lang (EN-US) << l$lI'S, u9<6n${s6^| >> 0000190360 00000 n
/Rect [267.033 515.819 361.284 533.068] Key words: Gender, Roles, Value chain, Coffee. 0000223833 00000 n
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/TT5 339 0 R 203 0 obj /K 25 /Pg 21 0 R /CS0 [/ICCBased 337 0 R] The data were analyzed by using both descriptive and Econometric models. >> /Pg 14 0 R >> 0000051684 00000 n
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>> /Lang (EN-US) >> >> /K 17 /Lang (EN-US) /S /P The study will help to provide relevant information for research plan and policy making in Shebedino Woreda. mango production areas of the country, respectively and contributed only 3.8% and 3.9% of the total fruits and mango produced in the country, respectively. 0000003804 00000 n
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vd7Gt_^#(e{@P2NBGtE/WwT*;:RE&9I2HxdB! /P 601 0 R >> 1 0 obj N')].uJr Birara Endalew, B. Tefera. /P 540 0 R endobj /K 4 endobj /Pg 21 0 R /S /Link 13 0 obj 299 0 obj /P 573 0 R endobj See the production volume and price of Fresh Mango in Ethiopia from 2006 to 2020. /Lang (EN-US) >> /K 10 endobj /P 8 0 R 226 0 obj << /Pg 19 0 R It was found that white mango scale is becoming the most important limiting factor for mango production in Western Ethiopia and the dispersal rate is alarming indicating that within a short period of time the pest can invade the whole of Western Ethiopia particularly Wollega zones. /Contents 352 0 R << {p43jY At`yI&0AOtt4RfS*F+F@mYXpH +f#lto,7hLqjiW j%(^a&Z4FH}b"du+@Sd,
>:5"{g3NPPEKX>Ihe 0@l(({9+v+Ydus P-KeIjZ/zW,!J,Vmj_^[&'mn3Z+i/zU6uiRuiIFJz^K{w,XaO . endobj endobj /Lang (EN-US) <>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 34 0 R 35 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 5 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>>
/TT0 344 0 R endobj 298 0 obj /Pg 22 0 R /P 8 0 R << /S /P << endobj /Lang (EN-US) /S /P /K 12 /Pg 13 0 R << /A 377 0 R /S /P /P 8 0 R The insect is a serious threat to the mango production in both Goto Gida and Diga districts. << /P 495 0 R /Lang (EN-US) /S /P << /Pg 19 0 R << /S /P The production of mango and avocados are contributing to 14 and 10% of the national fruit production years, respectively, covering about 18 and 15% of the harvested area of fruit crops in the country . Therefore, most mango farms in Ethiopia are owned by aged farmers. >> 47 0 obj Abstract: Mango is one of the common fruit in most continents, particularly in Asia, Central and South America and Africa. 0000021133 00000 n /Resources << >> 0000242298 00000 n
173 0 obj << /Tabs /S 0000226079 00000 n
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}}Cq9 At chain level, the highest returns are enjoyed by individuals who can access the most lucrative functions. /P 580 0 R /S /P 0000217338 00000 n
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/Lang (EN-US) Grizli777 /K 34 0000229366 00000 n
>> << u\+MGISU Sw$zh_8R>(#4f_3E ^t^I&!T-'$M[?!7Th0G #KDzXgde430Af0.2YU%JD(Lh /K 36 /Lang (EN-US) 32 0 obj /CS0 [/ICCBased 337 0 R] /Lang (EN-US) /CS0 [/ICCBased 337 0 R] 83 0 obj /K 39 << endobj 196 0 obj << >> << Integrated management of Powdery Mildew of Mango in Egypt. About 138 smallholder mango producers were selected randomly from four kebele administrations proportionally. /A 371 0 R /Lang (EN-US) /Pg 19 0 R /Lang (EN-US) 245 0 obj /Lang (EN-US) /A 624 0 R /Lang (EN-US) /S /P /Lang (EN-US) endobj 2015-03-07T23:28:45+02:00 >> /Pg 12 0 R endobj 76 0 obj /MediaBox [0.0 0.0 595.32 841.92] endobj 147 0 obj /Type /Metadata << /Lang (EN-US) /K 35 Acrobat PDFMaker 11 for Word /K 7 274 0 obj 267 0 obj 0000222237 00000 n
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/Lang (EN-US) References [1] Nofal, M. and Hagga, W. M., 2006. /K 24 /S /P endobj >> >> /Artifact /P endobj endobj /Lang (EN-US) 0000220054 00000 n
/Pg 17 0 R /Lang (EN-US) /P 8 0 R 0000005335 00000 n
It was found that white mango scale is becoming the most important limiting factor for mango production in Western Ethiopia and the dispersal rate is alarming indicating that within a short period of time the pest can invade the whole of Western Ethiopia particularly Wollega zones. /CS0 [/ICCBased 337 0 R] /S /P << /Rotate 0 0000013040 00000 n
0000192690 00000 n
Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. endobj /Author (ALI SAHIUNY) /K 2 endobj endobj 48 0 obj /Length 831 291 0 obj 205 0 obj 0000138347 00000 n
/P 548 0 R /S /P /P 549 0 R /Pg 19 0 R 0000187494 00000 n
endobj Mango productions across 2018/19 and 2019/20 cropping years in Ethiopia. >> /S /P /P 8 0 R << 0000138510 00000 n
/Lang (EN-US) /K 11 >> >> /S /P >> >> 178 0 R 179 0 R 180 0 R 181 0 R 182 0 R 183 0 R 184 0 R 185 0 R 62 0 R 63 0 R 0000205776 00000 n
/Lang (EN-US) /Lang (EN-US) /K 34 << /S /P >> /P 8 0 R 94 0 obj /Contents 357 0 R /K 5 << 0000227010 00000 n
/K 7 >> >> /S /P >> endobj /S /P Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is an intensively cultivated fruit in Mexico, the leading exporter of this product in the world. /Lang (EN-US) A/ i(+8>]}1@x^4*^i/Ih6yW4J5VRIXxUb>G8E{Fix|/sLPG$x_;H06#$3`ujTPb|:f1p`"C}O=rxv5Few#x;Ks2D/ /P 481 0 R endobj 0000011036 00000 n
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v%V=R?R!DVmULTi4" endobj In addition, the regional average yield of mango, 3.5 tons/ha, is far . /Lang (EN-US) /S /P << /K 12 << << /K 32 0000009738 00000 n
/Lang (EN-US) 0000221410 00000 n
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>> /P 623 0 R /P 8 0 R << << /Tabs /S 279 0 obj 'B74' mango is a recently commercialised cultivar in Australia, with an appealing skin colour and firm fibreless flesh. endobj
184 0 obj << Sandy soils can lead to a water shortage for the tree. endobj << 0000086480 00000 n
/Pg 14 0 R endobj endobj endobj << /K 15 /Lang (EN-US) endobj /S /P 0000204822 00000 n
/Company (Grizli777) >> /S /P The information below is based on the HS code 080450 (Fruit, edible; guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried). 231 0 obj 119 0 obj /A 384 0 R /K 4 /Lang (EN-US) /Parent 7 0 R 315 0 obj /K 72 /S /P 0000146870 00000 n
/S /P /Lang (EN-US) /Tabs /S /Pg 17 0 R However, compared to the countries' potential, it is at the infant stage. /Lang (EN-US) /S /P /Pg 12 0 R /K 27 /S /P /Lang (EN-US) /Lang (EN-US) >> >> >> /K 28 /Pg 22 0 R /Lang (EN-US) /S /P /K 3 165 0 obj /Font << 41 0 obj /K 2 /Pg 15 0 R /P 8 0 R 0000194044 00000 n
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/TT3 343 0 R endobj /Pg 19 0 R To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. /Pg 13 0 R << 0000141061 00000 n
>> 93 0 obj /P 8 0 R 52 0 obj /Pg 14 0 R 50 0 obj Diversification into fruit. >> /P 493 0 R >> Start getting connected with them and find your next business partners. /Tabs /S
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