(Department of Defense Australia) Kia Ora, Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III Crown of the Mauri Nation.purplethumblivelifeclaim.org:Rhys-T: OLeary. For information on deleting the cookies, please consult your browsers help function.Learn more about the cookies we use. https://www.bitchute.com/video/nRbENpKHGO1E/. WebExposing :Mark-Kishon :Christopher - YouTube 0:00 / 16:59 Exposing :Mark-Kishon :Christopher :Nigestie: Aubraham 781 subscribers Subscribe 7K views 2 years ago : Copy-right/copy-claim. Something Unexpected Is Happening ~ February 27, 2023, February 27, 2023: The New World Order is Getting Old [videos] ~ February 27, 2023, Russian, Chinese and South African warships wrap up naval drills in the Indian Ocean ~ March 1, 2023, Horrifying train collision in Greece leaves dozens dead ~ March 1, 2023, Iran simulates attacks on nuclear sites in air defense drills ~ March 1, 2023, New SGAnon with Conservative Patriot Nation Network w/Update on Ohio, Ukraine, DUMBS ~ March 1, 2023, Mel K & Sean of SGT Report | Is the War Already On Our Soil? Launch Your Complaint Here / Members Date: 23rd I really like the info you present here and cant wait to take a look when I get home. Quantum woo. 21. Mark Christopher = Name on the YouTube-Channel. Furthermore, clients get assistance in eliminating any issues related to mortgages and debts related to domestic and On a personal note, these people have no power over you, except their ability to install fear in you and use their defecto court systems to threaten you - Period. Breaking Spells freeing souls - with my teacher & friend :Mark-Kishon :Christopher. All necessary documents and template letters come with the knowledge. TO ELIMINATEYOUR DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES, & DEBTS. WebCome and learn how to overcome the Tricks and Traps of the Modern World. : Purple-Thumb-Community: Caution: Purple-Thumb-Community-Leaders, Are, Fraud &: Wrong-Leading: Good-People, Dont-be-fool[ed] by their Wrong-Leading, Theyve-Got: Void-Joinder with the Quantum-Grammar, Flag &: Correct-Quantum-Corporate-Structure, This: IS-NOT: OPEN-SOURCE-MATERIAL, ITS: COPYRIGHT/PATENT-MATERIAL. Follow :Mark-kishon: Christopher. Terms and Conditions of being a part of the Tricks & Traps University. : OUT-DATE[D]-WORDS OF THE VOID-AUTHORIZATION:PRESIDENTVICE PRESIDENTSURGEON GENERALSTATE ASSEMBLYSTATE GOVERNORSDEMOCRATIC PARTYREPUBLICAN PARTYGRAND JURYCONTINENTAL MARSHALSTHE POPETHE BLACK POPETHE QUEEN OF ENGLANDPRIME MINISTERCHIEF PROVINCIAL PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICERCHIEF MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICERMEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTHPROVINCIAL HEALTH OFFICERSCASE LAWTORT LAWCOMMON LAWADMIRALTY LAWCOURT OF QUEENS BENCHCOURT OF COMMON PLEASCOMMONWEALTHINTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT OF JUSTICE-~HAGUEMANDATEFORCE VACCINESSTRIKE FORCESCONGRESSUNITED NATIONS SECRETARY-GENERALDICTATORTHE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARYUNITED STATESUNITED STATES OF AMERICABIRTH CERTIFICATESSOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER, [IF YOUR WEBSITE OR TEACHER IS NOT ON OURAUTHORIZEDLIST THEN BEWARE! : Violation of the false-claims is with the claiming-open-source-salvage of his own-terms with the Quantum-Grammar-words of the void-credit-COPYCLAIM/COPYRIGHT with the Russell-Jay: Goulds-Quantum-Grammar-COPYRIGHTS by the Jason-Matthew: Glasss-video-performances. These are not conspiracy theories Russell is dealing in, He deals with the facts and it is his job, with the position of the correctness in character and volition to call out these criminals and hold them accountable for their actions. UK: Mark Kishon Christopher. ~1: Check-Your-Spam-Folder & Move-e-mails with your in-box. [" 2. THE PROCESS ON MY PART IS DONE THROUGH SHOWING ENGINEERED FRAUD ON YOUR DOCUMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS. 1.2 Go and witness it yourself. "] Webthese types of people will be looking for Healthy Men & Women to hook on and parasite on. The more this practice comes to light, the more we'll grasp the beauty and value of our sovereignty. WebWigs and Robes exposed. Like with so many persons here, the end result of their fraud is a minimum of 7 years prison sentence. 2006 Fraud Act, 2001 Fraud Act. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. WITH MARK - KISHON CHRISTOPHER & CHARLIE WARD. 9. By supporting creators you love on Patreon, you're becoming an active participant in their creative process. : Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. He has many victims who have reported it to me. Federal-Postal-Court-Shield & Flags, Symbols and Crests. As a member, you receive exclusive content, community access, behind-the-scenes updates, and the pride of fueling work that matters to you. [WHAT TO LOOK FOR: In 2014 I received an email from Mark Kishon Christopher of the Genesis II Church, see screenshots below. and there is nothing like it on this planet. Webthese types of people will be looking for Healthy Men & Women to hook on and parasite on. BLUE THUMB CLUB & PURPLE THUMB CLUB.JACE JAY[UK]:[E]vidence = https://www.bluethumbclub.com/plans-pricing,http://www.neverpayapenny.co.uk. 15. thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. This Part of Your Training is for people that want to buy into. This is the magnitude of the "], [" Why do I do, the things that I do? [For the video of the [e]vidence is with a MOCK-SEA-PASS of the Jasons-own-creation with the void-mentioning of the R.-J.:G.. : Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. "Can you imagine living a life without a mortgage in just 3 months? Web:Mark-kishon: Christopher. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. THE PROCESS ON MY PART IS DONE THROUGHSHOWING ENGINEERED FRAUD ON YOUR DOCUMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS. : Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. THE PROCESS ON MY PART IS DONE THROUGHSHOWING ENGINEERED FRAUD ON YOUR DOCUMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS. "], [" If you are wondering what is fictitious conveyance of language, it is another way of saying poison pen letters, cyber bullying, mud slinging etc. ~1: Check-Your-Spam-Folder & Move-e-mails with your in-box. He holds jurisdiction over all types of governments, corporations, and courts. Subscribe 1,452. By becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 12 exclusive posts 1 Link 11 Videos Language: English (United States) Currency: USD What is Patreon? Just hours ago, Commander & Chief of our World, Postmaster General :Russell-Jay:Gould. Serving the Judicial Notice - In-depth Training given. Show me a court ruling or any recognition that "Postmaster General :Russell-Jay:Gould" can wield any of this power he purportedly holds,even if this is all correct on paper? Advertising: Gather personally identifiable information such as name and location, Functionality: Remember social media settingsl Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Advertising: Use information for tailored advertising with third parties, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sites, Advertising: Identify device you are using, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sitesl Advertising: Identify device you are using. : Co will give you the authority to become your own Bank and Banker! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Join Facebook to connect with Mark Kishon Christopher and others you may know. WebWigs and Robes exposed. shared through many hours of webinar footage for each training session. Most big websites do this too. The Chief faced months of impisonment and torture to give up the claim of the American 1 to 1.19 title flag, that he captured in 1999 at the end of the 70 year bankrupcy. to be held over the course of the first year. : Live-Calls with the Chief. with your Passport & Driving License - Why you must have a Sea-Pass. Copyright 2023 Rumble. ~2: RICE CRYPTO CHRISTOPHER WAYNE RICE: Youtube channel: Rice Crypto. As you can see your help has a great deal of Power and Effectiveness, never underestimate your ability to further the cause.Show more, [" Use this Link to send your support via BTC Wallet Transfer:1MThZpvXNkKCjVDBV5QPEXLvQfiH8RxRvr "], [" For more details & resources visit: https://www.mkchristopher.com/library "], [" For Mortgage / Debt / Loans / Elimination email me"], Visit my Website: https://www.mkchristopher.com/, : David-wynn: Miller's Website: https://www.dwmlc.net/, ["Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mark.k.chris."], ["Facebook Page: https://business.facebook.com/MarkKis."], ["Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/19669."], ["Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/markkishonc."], ["Twitter: https://twitter.com/KishonMark. The video announcement made today Wednesday 21st July 2021, is the Chiefs best performance to date, delivering his message to the people. This is a website run by individuals who are selling :David-wynn: Miller's book illegally under: https://www.davidwynnmillercommunity.org/. He was given the chance to work with the real Crown but choose differently. IN THE YouTube-Video=October 2017 with the David-Wynn: Miller gives Book selling permission he did not have!, [PARTNER IN THE CRIME WITH THE MATTHEW-JASON: GLASS. "], [" https://www.bitchute.com/channel/tPFU99dcw0w3/ "]. If any citizens of the world launch a complaint with me then I will also have jurisdiction. Also a Reverend Mark Kishon Christopher of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing and a pusher of the same ]. :QUANTUM-GRAMMAR-CHANNEL: = Name on the YouTube-Channel. Crimes of this nature carry a minimum of 7 years prison sentence. Follow :Mark-kishon: Christopher. WebMark-kishon: Christopher. WebWigs and Robes exposed. Mark Kishon Christopher. Helping others access and implement new creative skills. the content you have visited before. HM Treasury UK is Owned and Controlled by 14. Chief-Administrator, [emailprotected], :YOUTUBE-CHANNEL-LINK = https://www.youtube.com/c/thecrownofficial/about, 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6fWvd5pJYY&feature=emb_logo. Web:sad, mark-kishon: christopher-publishes in his seminars/ broadcasts/facebook with his public-closures against the global-postal-system-corporate-business-structures-treaty-methods &: doesn't-comprehend-business-structures. It is gaged as being an extreme toxic narc. with a correct name and with a correct language. ], ~5: Mari: Tobler:Facebook Group:Quantum Language Parse Syntax Grammar:(Brian Suttonusury). As per the official site, the services are provided by Mark-Kishon Christopher, who is the Chief Federal Postal Court Judge. Activist judges and blackmailed Supremes in their Knights of Malta regalia just laugh. Depopulation Agenda DESTROYED ! Within this article there is a wealth of breadcrumbs to follow. START HERE TO ELIMINATE YOUR DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES, & DEBTS. Mark was hosting a seminar in Ireland instructing people on how to poison themselves with MMS BLEACH. ~6: Purple-Thumb-Community.com: Jenny-Robins: Sullivan. [" 2. ][TEACHINGINCORRECTLY HAS LED TO JAIL-TIME,MONEY-STOLEN& WORSE. 1.1 You think I am joking? Mark was hosting a seminar in Ireland instructing people on how to poison themselves with MMS BLEACH. This quantum grammar cannot be trespassed upon any fictitious governments or corporations. DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCYEACH STATE GOVERNORS OFFICE, SINCE THEY EVERY STATE FAILED TO AUTHORIZE THEIR OWN COMMERCE BY THE YEAR-2001, 2-YEAR MARITIME SALVAGE-COMMERCE-PACTS WORLDWIDE, WHEN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY-CHARTERS: THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, BILL OF RIGHTS-ENDED-1999-POSTAL-SEISINS-COMPLETE. 1. ]:[E]vidence =https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6fWvd5pJYY&feature=emb_logo: SEA-LANE: Aotearoha-Postal-Ployment-Service-Court-Venue/Sea-Treaty: Number/~RR368041275AU. :YOUTUBE-CHANNEL-LINK = After you have got the course on 'Who God is' you will be in a 100% footing to Champion the greatest cause of them all. Part 1 of 2. [" I am a chief-federal-postal-court-judge and my jurisdiction runs over any governments, courts and corporations. (Department of Defense Australia) Kia Ora, Lady-Crown: Turikatuku III Crown of the Mauri Nation. As for the flag he uses, it is an empty vessel as all the financial instruments were captured in the great reset through the Declaration of Independence of New Zealand 1835. By Mark Kishon Christopher. "], ["The job of the chief-federal-postal-court-judges is to stop and correct all misleading statements, false and fictitious conveyance of language. that are not part of my Tricks and Traps University Program. We The People News ~ March 1, 2023, SG Anon: Major Intel and Updates! Please note: All my cases are won using first hand knowledge and not theory. The full story can be heard on the Last-Flag-Standing documentary or on the War Castles youtube channel. Just like a smartphone with a BitCoin wallet. ~2: Stay-Tune[d] for the Chief's-News, Workshops, Videos and more. :[E]vidence = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRoOuX9lelA&list=PLuLQ5h-ODzwl1yAQGHW-MtZW3RK8prG1A&index=12, https://coralbladegrotto.wordpress.com/= selling-DOMICLE-CLAIMS/SEA-PASS. [" 2. The Chief faced months of impisonment and torture to give up the claim of the American 1 to 1.19 title flag, that he captured in 1999 at the end of the 70 year bankrupcy. usually to contribute or further the subject. [Impersonating a Judge]. I rather like the tone of the gentleman above, Mark-kishon Christopher who carries the title of Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge who speaks of humanity taking responsibility for their beliefs and actions while recognizing the education humanity must receive in order to trust in this claim. This video may be a drop in the heart of Russells work so this may go over many peoples heads, however this man holds a solution to each and everyone of our sovereignty through learning to read and write. Not only did The Chief capture the flag he disqualified every past-fraudulent-contract on planet Earth, including the Universal Postal Unions ability to communicate or authorize postal wars as well as the authorization of presidents and presidential votes. [IS= JASON-MATTHEW: GLASS] [USA] It is gaged as being an extreme toxic narc. :Samantha-Ellen: Lambert.= Name on the YouTube-Channel. Change). followed by this: Cobra : Situation Update and Cobra Ascension Conference in Taiwan ( Public Health worldwide militarized creating Kill zones for global depopulation & Israeli forces poisoned Palestinian wells during Israels founding war and after. (Chief is the sole shareholder to the technology since Dave Miller surrendered the flag and since passed away). Since I only deal with first hand knowledge, if I am not familiar with something and I do not know what it is, I will be very direct and tell you that I do not know. [PARTNER IN THE CRIME WITH THE MATTHEW-JASON: GLASS. THE PROCESS ON MY PART IS DONE THROUGHSHOWING ENGINEERED FRAUD ON YOUR DOCUMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS. : Mark-kishon: Christopher. The Federal-Postal-Court-Stations, The Judges, the Clerks and Baliffs practice zero tolerance of criminality. WebAbout :Mark-kishon: Christopher. This is a very good and concrete study of what a. these types of people will be looking for Healthy Men & Women to hook on and parasite on. [ Took a few classes from Chief & Dave Miller. THE PROCESS ON MY PART IS DONE THROUGH SHOWING ENGINEERED FRAUD ON YOUR DOCUMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS. Launch Your Complaint Here / Members About Me 16. 2.37K 20 [" With your support as Patrons, the Federal-Postal-Court will be able to put these people in Prison. WebEmail address: markkishonchristopher@gmail.com The investment of this life changing training is 7449 Great British Pounds. WITH MARK - KISHON CHRISTOPHER & CHARLIE WARD. Providing Information that has been hidden, deliberately for many years. By becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 12 exclusive posts 1 Link 11 Videos Language: English (United States) Currency: USD What is Patreon? :QUANTUM-GRAMMAR-CHANNEL: (YOUTUBE. Web: Mark-Kishon: Christopher has been put on a stop and correct notice for the perpetration of fraudulent claims. Please use discernment! : Mark-kishon: Christopher. Now that a New Era has dawned, known as the Corona Period. Want to know, God's Bank Account. This man is being heavily suppressed because he literally has all the Judicial Notice - Verified. They have tried to destroy Gods intelligent creation. 2.SEA-LANE I do not think I will understand why they had such evil intent and spirit. What can " Postmaster General :Russell-Jay:Gould " show us he has ever made happen in the real world, not his Narnia on paper? He told the audience that he can "disqualify" the Cancer Act. ), https://csscpsg.us/: Funneling of the people/harvest is with theYouTube/GOOGLE, Facebook, Skype, PayPal, BITCHUTE: websites&: selling-copyright-contracts within theirpersonnel-websites &: [e]mail-contactswith these platforms. Subscribe 1,452. 66 talking about this. https://csscpsg.org/index.php?action=profile;u=5. I have created more priceless content to add more value to this training. Want to know, God's Bank Account. Chief-Administrator[ Lady Frown scheming with Rice Crypto. 859 Views 0. : Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. I learnt how to become a federal-postal-court-judge and squashed their fictitious ways in their tracks. Crimes of this nature carry a minimum of 7 years prison sentence. :FACEBOOK = [QUANTUM LANGUAGE PARSE SYNTAX GRAMMAR, public group. Clear and concise, :Russell-Jay: Gould presents the facts to the people, many of whom many have never heard of this modern day David and the extraordinary journey this man has made to secure correctness in a world of fiction and fraud, in the face of the Goliath that is the deep state and their minions.. Giving you the knowledge and power with the necessary documents for you the Champions to stop and correct Trafficking of Minors, Cannibalism, Sexualising, Organ Harvesting, Slaving of Children commonly known as minors, Transgender Re-assignments by mutilation of Children. Facebook Group: Quantum Language Parse Syntax Grammar: (Brian Sutton usury). WebMark Kishon Christopher is Lying - :DAVID-WYNN: MILLER's PARSE SYNTAX GRAMMAR STUDY GUIDE :Leon: Edwards. It seems to do this in correctness, within the rules of the current game we are in (maritime law) we must learn to make our claim, to state our claim. 'Home' :Copy-right/copy-claim. THE PROCESS ON MY PART IS DONE THROUGH SHOWING ENGINEERED FRAUD ON YOUR DOCUMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS. Halfway the list you see this line: : Mark-kishon: Christopher. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyaq-30iY1CZNpSTuT9VYtg, : [E]vidence= https://www.facebook.com/groups/761693977506179/, ~8:Jason-Paul: Greaves. Like with so many persons here, the end result of their fraud is a minimum of 7 years prison sentence. created the famous and globally recognised system of communication which he called quantum grammar. To begin your journey by creating your claim you can visit fortheclaimofthelife.com, Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website and Orphanage. 1.2 Go and witness it yourself. "] 2.37K 20 [" With your support as Patrons, the Federal-Postal-Court will be able to put these people in Prison. 3. To confirm payment of fees, send me your BitCoin sender's address. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. By Mark-kishon :Christopher. : OUT-DATE[D]-WORDS OF THE VOID-AUTHORIZATION: :DIS-QUALIFICATIONS. Editors Note: Okay folkshere we go!!! If this is helpful or not remains to be seen. : Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge. that I personally authorise with my Seal and Autograph. If any citizens of the world launch a complaint with me, then I will also have jurisdiction over their cases. He was organiser and key speaker at this event, another speaker was one Reverend Richard Sharpe. ), Most students access these teachings via their smartphone. WebEmail address: markkishonchristopher@gmail.com The investment of this life changing training is 7449 Great British Pounds. only 1% of the planets population are conscious of. Show more By supporting creators you love on Patreon, you're becoming an active participant in their creative process. Want to know, God's Bank Account. Judges, the services are provided by Mark-Kishon Christopher, who is magnitude! 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