Ive been vaping for 2 years now and felt like **** ever since tired, VERY FOGGY and 0 motivation to do anything. Trying to stop but the nicotine got me. Many of the metals used in orthopaedic surgical implants are immunologically active and can cause hypersensitivity reactions. The good news is these symptoms go away after a few weeks to a month, but the bad news is vaping-related side-effects are very much the same, so its hard to identify what is causing them. HeadachesAnd manthe neck pain After all, I very much doubt an occasional tobacco indulgence will be of any account, health-wise, its just that its so hard to do it only infrequently. Fingers crossed that the VG works, super paranoid about flaring up but at least I know the warning signs for round 2. It typically causes a rash that is red and itchy and that may be bumpy or scaly. Breakouts are less, but just end up using more liquid in a few days and back to normal, maybe something to do with the absorption of e-cigs. I seriously just zone out because of all pain my body is in.. Best of luck to you hope you feel better soon. Another thing you have to understand is that you dont have to be a new e-cigarette user to experience vaping-related health issues. My diet smoothie and chloraseptic. the Patch burned my skin and the gum well it taste really bad. My muscles hurt cramping in legs and forearms. Major skin problems again. The itching on my legs never ceases. No. Now they are on both sides and my face is breaking out as well. Nickel triggers more hypersensitive reactions than any other metal - up to 15% of the population, mostly women, suffers from some form of nickel allergy. I switched from PG to VG three weeks ago but the problem is still there, I have never had spots or rashes on my face before. MAYBE BY PEOPLE DOING THIS, WE CAN GET WHATEVER IT IS *OFF THE MARKET*. I have had the same symptoms. I feel so much better. Nickel allergy or nickel allergic contact dermatitis (Ni-ACD) is a form of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) caused by exposure to the chemical element nickel. Family doctor had several test ran but all normal. It seems physical reactions are an elephant in the room that people seem to want to ignore I think because the symptoms are quite varied. Now this could all be co-incidence but Ive had these symptoms since I began vaping 7 months ago and they have practically disapeared when I stopped vaping for less than 24 hours, its a no-brainer as far as Im concerned and shall never vape again (even though I shall miss it loads!!). 1. ellebread 1 yr. ago. Vaping by adolescents and young adults is a legitimate concern as there is a risk that some may start smoking and that electronic cigarette (EC) use may have adverse effects in the developing lungs of adolescents. 2. Look for jewelry made from such metals as nickel-free stainless steel, surgical-grade stainless steel, titanium, 18-karat yellow gold, or nickel-free yellow gold and sterling silver. I began having symptoms almost 2 weeks ago. You too sound like you work for Philip Morris. Oh well. I can breath but its red on my sides and is hit when u you touch it, I quit smoking tobacco about 3 months ago and switched to e cigs. Vaping can also irritate your lungs, making current allergies worse, and agitating asthma. I have the red nose irritated throat upper lip burning throat hurting, went to dermatologist he sais its the PG, and that if the flavoring isnt organic theres a great chance its extracted using PG or Acatone, it will still say organic. My throat then began getting a bit sore periodically I still ignored it. I M DYING HERE! I started googling everything that I ate that day! A few months ago I started getting this dry flaky rash on my forehead with blotchy red patches on my face. Ive been using a protank and mod dripper. Started out with small hives and then developed angiooedema on every single part of my body. Best of luck to you! My problem is I find it way to easy to chain vape. Take Magnesium and soak in epsom salt!!!!!!!! I am now on oxygen and have copd. Seems i start ed smoking the strawberry flavour had a massive asthma attack short of breath itching skin all over even top of my head!!! https://vaperanks.com/am-i-allergic-to-electronic-cigarettes/#comment-68065. This is a kid who never would have smoked cigs but seemed to think this is ok! Its called peripheral neuropathy. My sister has been vaping for over a year now and for the past year she has been suffering from chronic headaches non-stop its only on her left side and behind her ear. And white lumpy burning spots all over face and chest which no doctor seems to no whats going on untill today I spoke to my friend who started vaping two days ago has chronic ear pain pain and lumps all over her face the same as mine these need investigating further some days I thought I was going to die with the pain in my head I couldnt get off the pillow my advise is bin them fast !! Tips, Tricks & Troubleshooting. I ended up getting TopBox Mini and Ruthless E-Juice and launched my sweet vaping career. A feeling of something beeing extremely wrong. The rash went away in about one week of stopping the e-cig with PG. What I didn't know was that a simple nickel allergic reaction on the outside of my body could also cause systemic issues inside my body. I stop and 20 minutes later was back to normal. The lower photo shows nickel allergy from metal in clothing, such as a belt buckle. Feels like burning itchy prickly like fiberglass in skin. I started vaping since last November and in a few weeks I found that I had breathing problem and it was so severe that I could not sleep. Very light cig smoker when I started vaping one year go. In my case, I had some itch spots on my forearms, but they vanished quickly after I stopped vaping. Im still staying with Nature Finest Organic, just got my order will have to wait on my face and mouth to heal. Now thinking this could be ecigs. In total I smoked e-cigs for a year, and It has taken me 2 years to clear my mind and my skin. Recently i started having some wheezing anytime i vape. What flavor? I also developed some sort of hives on the inside of my forearms. I found many reports here very interesting since my symptoms are similar to others, in fact worryingly so! I dont know whether to see a doctor in hope that prednisone may heal this sooner as some have been prescribed or just wait it out. I have found that taking allergy pills and using Gold Bond medicated lotion helps to decrease these symptoms. I quit smoking after 31 years, used the patch and nicorets gum. Even months later, sometimes the rashes come and go within 24 hours, or they stay for longer. Hi I have been using the vapor for about 2 years havent smoked cigs since thanksgiving 2013 well I was trying to see if anyone has had a problem with their tonsils , I had to have a tonsilectomy march 2014 due. Its ecig poisoning. That means anytime you come into contact with nickel, your immune system will respond and produce an allergic response. Some tips for successful vaping: I have been vaping for 2 years and have recently had difficulty swallowing sometimes and an upset stomach often. Is usually gone by the next morning. Producing too much sebum! Afterall, these things are made in China. Burks AW, et al. It seems that the additives (flavors) are not regulated and seem more dangerous than nicotine, I am experiencing sores on the corner of my whenever I vape tried different flavers but with no nicotine, i cough if I vape with. My eyes are hurting/itching and really really dry. However, other bites were larger and flatter with a whitish surface! I have read every one of the comments on this site and I must say that most of them are almost the same type of complaint of sore mouths, nic overdose, and generally feeling unwell.Crail Ballance post is spot on. Mouth is dry alot also. The one certainty with giving up ecigs and going back to ciggies is you will end up very ill, not today, not tomorrow but one day. Are they Teflon? I see others have had these exact symptoms. Antihistamines just mask it a bit enough for more denial about vaping bad effects. My gums are bleeding horribly puffy soars in my mouth to me it looks like my gums are dimensions this is so very scary I know its from ecigs. If after everything has been checked I still have these symptoms Ill have to quit vaping cause theres one last factor to consider; Im allergic to Ragweed and nicotine is derived from tobacco which is in the Ragweed family. None of them really knew what was causing this affliction, one doctor even suggested MRSA! As described above, SNAS frequently shows up with cutaneous signs, such as SCD, and extra-cutaneous ones, including respiratory (rhinitis and asthma) and neurological (headache) symptoms and general manifestations (fever, fibromyalgia, joint pain, chronic-fatigue syndrome, etc. Download Factsheet. Im using V2 menthols. Signs and symptoms that might indicate an infection include: Nickel allergy is a condition in which contact with items containing nickel causes an itchy rash and possibly blisters at the site of contact. Your email address will not be published. The doc (not knowing the cause) told me to take one every day for a month to see if it clears up and it did but Id rather not have to be taking meds every day! I started vaping 2 years ago. I have just seen this page. All kinds; disposable or refillable. Thanks. I went to the dermatologist and they took samples of my breakouts to be tested to see what was causing these skin issues came back negative. My allergy started with mosquito like bites all over my arm which a dermatologist treated for Ned bugs or bites. Ive been vaping for about 6 months now. An allergic reaction (contact dermatitis) usually begins within hours to days after exposure to nickel. After 10 emergency visit in 2014 finally I know ecig is killing me. Im a heavy 2pack/day smoker, cut down to 1 pack/day on day one, at 1.2, and then raising up to 1.8 because the istick 20 wasnt doing it for me. My face still tingles a bit around the nose (not on it, around it, right where the bigger muscles are that you can see when someone is smiling really hard). My breathing also get really bad over the nearly ~3 years of usage of e-cigs. Ive tried everything under the to get rid of the burning skin itch. I have three different vaper devices, all expensive refillable, variable voltage/wattage devices, thinking if I was to stop smoking and e-gics could be much better for me, I should enjoy the experience, hmm, or not perhaps? I dont know. Shes 38 but acts as if shes 80. Accessed April 30, 2021. Just ordered some 100% VG Juice aqnd will try that. I will look into that. If youre going through the 10ml bottle in three days, then your nicotine intake is very high. I cant remember how many times I checked for bedbugs. !I did my own investigation I stop using it for 3 days and the symptoms went. I stopped using ecigs 3weeks ago and still have a bit of numbness and nausea. Its too bad, I was really hopeful for these e cigs. Vape Hero you are right on track with your comments it has made him a down right rotter!! Never did I realize that I have an allergic reaction to his vapor (he switched 4 months back to e cigarette). Then smoked a few months till trying the ecigs. Soo know I Quit vapping the Symtom slowly gone and i feeling better. I tried everything as i was in so much denial that it was the vaping. I had that motherfucker cleaned so bad it was close to animal abuse! He was clueless about ecigs which was frustrating. rashes hives eyebrow swelling Really. I still believe in this product and hope i will find more suitable vg juice !! Ive been on Njoy e cigg for one year now. But that transitioned into all day. I was smoking health cabin RY4 8mg PG, joyetech blueberry 8mg and joyetech grape 8mg, both PG, switching between the 3, using an ego one mini and going through maybe 4-6ml a day, it leaked a lot so not all of that was vaped. have you guys tried litejoy e liquid?im using blueberry ,mint/menthol and strawberry flavors .I get itchy eyes from the strawberry but im fine with menthol ,blueberry and tobacco flavors. Why only american? I dont think it could ve cape related, because Id quit calling for well over a couple of weeks to test itButJust in case, Im wondering if anyone experiences this.. You can, i have never for one day in my 25 years of smoking missed 10+ sticks a day minimum, but when i had some mild allergy i stopped vaping for 2 days and i was ok even around other traditional smokers.I might be wrong but i feel e cigs are aimed at making one quit not to enhance your smoking prowess. I love vaping but as Alex above says the nicotine, even in the lower mixes, is in fact STUPID high. After reading everyones comments I really believe, and hope, this was all from the ecig and that Ill be healthy again soon. I need help! If the Glycerine is VG..Im lucky my dermatologist was allergic too. Nickel allergy is often associated with earrings and other jewelry. along with a headache. GOOD LUCk!!!!!!! Just on the top. My current concerns: Antihistamines couldnt control it. You see the companies behind vaping make more profit if they do not provide a users manual. Just happened at a coincidental time if I am honest. Red somewhere that the PG in e-liquid causes these triggerpoints. This started 1 month ago,but has gotten worse over time. Leg muscle tightening (quads and calves) Are you vaping on nickel coils? I truly hope everyone finds an alternative to cigarettes for those that are allergic. Dammit. Thanks to everyone who contributed their experiences and thoughts on this. From my right eyelid to my inner thigh. I have mainly the red blotches all over my body from excessive gaping, I vape all day non stop. Even if you use e-cigs for a very short period to get off cigarettes totally and then stop the e-cigs, you need to be aware of the issues which clearly manifest themselves within a very short period when using e-cigs. These individuals need to take additional precautions beyond . Its PG allergy! The doc didnt know what it was, but he sent me for a blood test to see if I was having a reaction to something. Is that what you want people do to? Better than lung cancer or emphysema. I had smoked for 55 years and was up to 2 packs a day. Im not even gona experiment because im so afraid of having this reaction happen again. Swollen shut with skin peeling off. Ordered organic vg but after reading this thread am ditching it altogether. So we consumers are left with the most challenging task regulate our consumption of nicotine or quit because humans can leave without it for sure. around this time I did up to 18m Menthol? My goodness, I had an allergic reactions to penicillin once, did I stop getting antibiotics when bacteria was running riot in my body? Isuspect Im having a bad reaction to the flavoring used or theres other cheap Chinese crap contaminating this stuff. I was thinking of changing my mattress too! be eliquid but is.i had canker sores on side of tongue,everlasting headaches that nothing helps.My body hurts everywhere,like my insides are too big for my outside.1 month phlegmy cough that burns.no appetite and rotten sleep.i know it sounds like a lot but am going to stop ecig and see if improves,my doctor cant find anything wrong with me but never thought to tell her about ecig.if not regulated which I didnt know,who knows whats in these,not like we can test it?so if anyone has any of these symptoms try like me to not use for at least a week.cant hurt.please try,not worth our health,BE STRONG!!!! I told him the reactions started at the same time as I started vaping and he didnt think that would be the problem. (24 days so far)I have same symptoms(itchy nose.ears and burning in corner of eyes and eyebrows) Only strange thing is that they showed up before i started to vape so i suspect its not inhaling itself that is the problem but contact with the secondhand vape on skin if i can call it like that!! Dr tested me for autoimmune diseases cause my hives were so bad. So, I started vaping just over a month ago, on November 23 to be exact. I have been so pro ecig for the past few years but now that I have had these symptoms and even though I have stopped VAPING for 3 days now, the symptoms are still there. I had given up smoking several times and had bad withdrawal symptoms. Nickel allergy is a contact allergy (also referred to as type IV or delayed type hypersensitivity). ps out Syn, Yes,have incurred same,accept,also having issue with dry nasal passages,sinuses. The dry lung feeling finally subsided after 6 weeks, but the feeling like I have a pill stuck in my throat still has not subsided. Now I stopped using and will never use this toxic shit again, its still taking a minute for my body to break this allergy down and rid itself. I now have gone to 65vg 35pg and still am having a hard time breathing not as bad plus now a sore throat. Such a shame. Ive never had so many health problems until i quit. Wishing you luck and hope this helps. Four days later still having big problems feels like my throat is closing up. I returned to the Dr. and I am having a cat scan on my nasal passages Monday and I have to see a ENT next week. I have had an allergic reaction before to meds that put me on my butt for 3 months so very leary when I get hives for any reason. Chamblee, GA 30341-3717. People must now be 21 to buy any tobacco product, including vaping products. I quit smoking 7 months ago and have been using an ECig since then.But let me tell you I feel 100x worse now then when I smoked,never thought could Glad to be off tobacco and really like the e-cigs. Shortness of breath, and that is worse than when I smoked the real thing.. Like most things that overheat, its not good. Unless I have bedbugs inside my skin jeez I think just triggered one of my phobias! After a 20 a day 25 year smoking habit and several attempts to give up i came across e-cigs around october of last year and have not even thought about going back to cigarettes since however, The reaction may last as long as 2 to 4 weeks. I had caner sores, sore throat, too much spit, droolling, I was tired, congested and had post nasal drip. How long before the symptoms subside? Sore joints, Nausea, burning eyes. The burning disappears in my throat disappears when I stop vaping, but my gums remain sore. Excessive sleeping Nichrome is a popular alternative to kanthal for heating wires and was, in fact, invented before kanthal. After nothing left to cut out I suddenly realized that I only get the allergic reaction at night (after he comes from work). Very itchy skin all over even in my scalp. My gums feel irritated all of the time and really sensitive. Ive tried every VG/PG ratio, 100% VG, zero nicotine, flavorless, you name it Although I really do enjoy it, I am going to have to quit. But hang on a moment, nicotine is addictive and if I was a company the more I sell the more profit I make right? Side Effects. I also feel depressed most of the time and it is not like me to get that way. If Im vaping for the ritual and taste (both of which I love) I use zero. I didnt smoke ecigs for a while but when I started again I was sick.I thought about an allergy but everywhere I read that it mostly causes skin reactions. Same time frame. I had tight chess that made me feel I was out of oxigen. Vaping has revolutionized smoking and big tobacco companies are taking HUGE losses. I have now gone to 6m. I guess if trying to beat cancer from smoking is a better option for you goodluck. What other additives are used? Ahlstrom MG, et al. Well, no more. I didnt realise it could ve the PG in the fluid. Mostly at night would wake me and drive me nuts! I hope others see what is clearly an issue here. i enjoy ecigs havtried all kinds of vg to pg.same reaction. Now reading this I am convinced it is the e-cig. Some are, probably, a lot purer and safer than others. I have developed very itchy skin on the back of my head. Green beans are one of the many foods higher in nickel. On average 12% to 15% of women and 1% to 2% of men are allergic to nickel. Extracts? I had very bad eye allergy from p.g. He suspects something else new in my diet or lotion or perfume. I was really surprised that not many in the forum experienced swelling of the face. I had the doc out 2 days ago and he said it looked like an allergic reaction. Ive been smoking and Ecig for 6 months now. I purchase my juice from a variety of sources. One day I got some innevape Heisenberg with 18 mg of nic and mixed half vg with it well wrong anwser back to the ER Im starting to think that smoking the real thing might be better then e cigs at least I dont have reaction that I think Im dieing not worth me trying to figure it out Im done with e cigs. I used to smoke more than a pack a day and since day one i had my itaste e-cig i haven`t touched a real cig !! I suffered a lot of pain for weeks. I too was checking my bed for bugs thiinking i must have scabies or bedbugs because of intense skin itching all over. Thank you! Thing is. Chest pain, headache, rapid hate, Thats what I thought, but I've never had a nickel allergy before, and apparently the old CE4's were nickel based coils, and I was fine with them, I have a fever too so I think I have a infection. Clear fluid pours out of my nose and mouth. I started vaping on July 16th 2014 and soon after noticed some bumps breaking out on my neck on my hairline. I have stuffy nose, mucus built up and swelled turbinates which completely blocked both of my nostrils. In accordance with FTC rules, we hereby disclose that this site uses banners, affiliate links and other kinds of advertising for a profit. The rash feels tender to the touch or leaks fluid. I was using GAMUCCI & VIP e cigs. He have me meds. E cigs seriously need to be regulated. American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. The not being able to swallow sometimes is what is truly scary. 4. Anyone else with Sam complaints? The ratios of the two metals can vary; the most common nichrome alloy for vaping is Ni80, which consists of 80-percent nickel and 20-percent chromium. I just cut ecig as of now. Try covering buttons, snaps, zippers or tool handles with duct tape or with a clear barrier, such as Nickel Guard. I barely eat anything now. By June 1 I was using e cigarettes just to help. As with other allergies, nickel allergy develops when your immune system views nickel as a harmful, rather than harmless substance. and ask if they make true 100% VG-based juices. Any idea of what the reaction could be? I have been reading some of the stories in regards to itching due to the e/cig. My glasses probably kept the vapor residue pressed against my skin. I think most people are vaping much more than they realize. Ecigs are bad. Stainless steel same thing, has Chrome. I thought I could learn to monitor my use and gradually cut out nicotine content until I developed an instant reaction including red swollen lips, rash on the face, itching all over mainly on scalp, and wicked bad stomach complications. If you think PG is upsetting you, insist on GENUINE 100% VG if thats whats bothering you. I only mention it because treating it like eczema could bring you some relief. Nicotine overdose is a very serious medical condition characterized by headache, nausea, dizziness, accelerated heartbeat and sweating. Tried again and within minutes redness was back. Feel free to email me with any questions. Now I have only been a very light user 30 mins total in any one day and felt quite ok, How ever over the last six months I have lots stress in my life and my vaping has increased to about 3.00 hours a day at the moment, and boy do I feel ill, sweats, headaches, neck and shoulder pain, stomach problems, been to the docs and he says it is down to the amount of nic I am getting in any one day now, it was my Doc who suggested I went on to vaping in a way to get me of the fags as it is healthier for me. Soak a clean cloth in tap water or Burow's solution . Its horrible. Normally, your immune system only reacts to protect your body against bacteria, viruses or toxic substances. the only thing that haelped at least the hives was clariton /with the decongest Its not something new to any of us. It needs to be treeded as poison. Is there any juice other than PG and VG available? Its entering your blood through your skin and your body is getting sick. Now I have to read everything ! I am only on 6mg of nicotine, diluted from a 12 with non nicotine. Thanks for reading. You ppl are full of chit. I also use a mod Stingray. I could not figure it out. I had to stop because it burnt my mouth, throat and wind pipe. 5. I have been through 1.5 cycles if prednisone now and have an appointment with an allergist IN 15 DAYS!!! Sheri, HI, HAVE BEEN VEPING FOR 2 YEARS AND HAVE BEEN UNWLL A LOT OF THAT TIMR MAINLY THROAT COUGH AND SINUS PROBLEMS ,WISH I COULD FIND VEGETABLE GLYCERIN OR WHATEVER ITS CALLED DONT WANT TO BUY OILS JUST CARTRIGES ,SURE THEY WILL BE OUT ONE DAY IN THE MEANTIME GOING WITHOUT, please tell me if you figured out anything about the vaping Overview. Im not trying to excuse PG (or any other possible contributors) to these health concerns, but rather, put forward another possible contributor for consideration. You hope you feel better soon but seemed to think this is ok to beat cancer smoking. With non nicotine from the ecig and that Ill be healthy again soon glasses probably the. Make more profit if they make true 100 % VG-based juices having issue with dry nasal passages sinuses... Ago i started vaping on nickel coils crap contaminating this stuff the reactions started at same... 18M Menthol switched 4 months back to normal mosquito like bites all over my body excessive! 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