The Star and Moon Tarot combination can also indicate that a lost passion you had will resurface and give you renewed purpose in life. This creates situations that are ripe for misunderstanding. For singles and those in new relationships, the Moon reversed is a sign of feeling confused about your potential relationship. To remedy this, connect with your subconscious mind and release any fears or anxieties holding you back. There is a certain danger in repressing your dark side. The Moon does not make the fight to read others minds any easier. Perhaps you overestimated your abilities or thought that luck would finally smile upon you. When reversed, the Moon card denotes that others do not have a clear sense of the real you. They have formed an opinion that is a mere fraction of the truth, a delusion. Upright Moon Tarot Card Meanings. All rights reserved. It has the power to be ferocious and volatile, and yet we still decide to swim in its waves when the weather gets hot. When we bottle ourselves up, we are unable to progress. This is not a time in your life where this practice will aid in your growth, though. When we approach the ocean, we must use our best judgment to decide if it is safe to swim or not. I also love having my White Sound Machine and my Asakuki Diffuser running in my living room. There isnt enough light at the moment to reveal all the important details. There are some major astrological events occurring: Saturn moves into Pisces after about 30 years; A powerful reset with the Equinox; The astrological new year begins as the Sun moves into Aries Perhaps it is time for everyone to share. When we encounter the Moon, we see a path that leads off into the distance. The Moon is a sign for you to clear up the fog and to recenter your relationship. The moon card is the 18th card of the Major Arcana in a tarot deck. Their world is confusing, and their path is unclear. Now is the time to be wary of dishonesty. Like the crayfish, they want to recede to the shallow waters, to a warm hug or a deep sleep, and pretend everythings going to be alright. The Moon indicates that you are thought to be obscure, dark, and distant, yet quite charming. March is the 3rd month of the year, and in Tarot, the number 3 signifies expansion. If the upright Moon is a full one, the reversed is the new moon, hidden from sight. The Reversed Moon appears when we are receiving a great amount of psychic communication, messages from The Universe, but may not know how to make sense of all that is being presented to us. Are past relationships haunting you? Someone drawing the Moon in a spread should have a sharp intuition, and their mind will burst with creativity. That's why it is essential to have a look at how The Moon communicates with the other tarot cards. When you are approaching a battle and this card makes an appearance, it asks you to look within and analyze your role in this fight. The moon is a symbol of intuition, dreams, and the unconscious. Our world is filled with mystery and secrecy and arrogance, and assumption will lead us into sticky situations without a clear way out. What goes up must come down. Sign up to get the link! Most notably, there was Selene in ancient Greece, Luna in Rome, Mni in Germanic mythology, and Chandra in Hinduism. They are unclear about what they want. The stars are forever in our favor today as we learn to use our talents and skills positively. No matter how far down we push past traumatic experiences, they are never really gone. The goal is to cross the threshold into the unknown, withstand the darkness and danger, and return with the elixir of life or, in this case, the Suns might and life-giving energy. 3 min read. "It feels like an in-between, void-like time where you're not sure which direction to go or what's going to happen," Vanderveldt explains. Companion to the Seventh Sphere Lenormand deck. There is a lack of clarity or a sense of unease when the moon is present in a friendship reading. The moon's light can bring you clarity and understanding and you should allow your intuition to guide you through this darkness. In the best cases, the reversed Moon can signal finding clarity about your financial situation and your financial goals. Its light is dim compared to the sun, and only slightly illuminates the path to higher consciousness winding between the two towers. The Moon advises you always to maintain good communication with your colleagues and business partners, so the possibilities of not knowing something are slimmer. Be wary that not everything is as it appears, even as the truth must come out eventually. Want to become a more powerful Tarot reader? Sometimes the Moon can represent intuition, and the Sun can indicate that if you have a good feeling about something, then it is true. If you all neglect an obvious problem, it wont be long until the balance of the relationship is disturbed. The only path forward is to open your communications with each other, to see if you can find common ground. Perhaps you are dreaming that you are going to hit the lottery. It's a good idea to ask yourself how you can open up to the opportunity of this time, she adds, "by examining your motivations and unconscious beliefs, and letting your need to know the future fall by the wayside. You are getting all the information you need to feel comfortable about a big decision or an investment in your future. Before jumping into accusations, it is best to know what youre talking about. Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world. If you are in a relationship, the Moon will often signify that there are feelings of insecurity for both of the parties involved. Today, Keen is a leading Psychic Readings community for live . There is a crawfish that is crawling out of the pond from which the path stems from. When The Moon is reversed, you are being called to listen to your inner voice, and not the voice of someone else. Vekke Sind. You are the crawfish embarking on the path in the card. The Moon warns that you maybe a little delusional and have unrealistic hopes and dreams for yourself. The Moon l nh sng trong th gii ny - th gii ca bng ti v mn m. Meditation, journaling, and recording your dreams are great places to start and it doesn't have to take much time each day. Trust that the answers you need are already within you, and tune in to your inner guidance system to hear those answers. They dont know how to please you, and they dont know how to please themselves. It is time to take the most diplomatic route possible. In the dark of the night, you are taking a path that you are unsure of, for there could be danger lurking in its depths. As we approach our wants and needs, we must seek to balance these two beasts within us. The Moon Reversed can also show that you are receiving intuitive messages and psychic downloads but are struggling to understand what they mean for you. Though your actions may have contributed to this, it is more likely that this inability to be honest stems from their own beliefs and behaviors. Under the moonlight, we all need to love and be loved. When The Reversed Moon crosses us, it is our blindness that holds us back. The Moon is a call for an emotional maintenance check. The Moon appears when our past years and uncertainties become projected onto our future. All rights reserved. Compared to its counterpart the sun, the moon's light is dim and only slightly illuminates the night. Dont despair there surely must be ways to turn the tide. Discover Your FREE Personalized Tarot Power Cards, UPRIGHT: Illusion, fear, anxiety, subconscious, intuition, REVERSED: Release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion. The Moon validates these dreamlike desires, though, and assures us that what we feel is real. Take note of your thoughts and events that will happen during the current lunar cycle. Shadow and light are two sides of the same coin. The future will require of you to stand on your feet. It also represents the imagination, dreams, mystery, and the world of unknown possibilities. Create a deep and personal connection with the cards. It has been said that a true friend is someone who has told you at least one of their well-kept secrets. In either case, the truth will have to be revealed eventually. "Exploring your own behaviorsand what wounds or traumas they might be attempting to defendwill point you to where you need attention and healing. Now, something has surfaced and risen out of the deepest depths: a strange primordial creature from the early stages of evolution. The Moon Tarot card shows a full moon rising in the middle of two large towers. Though it can be frightening, The Reversed Moon calls you to put your trust in yourself and your intuition. The Moon falling in a reading is a warning in a sense. We are conditioned to submissive behavior, forced to overlook the elephant in the room. November 8 brings a full blood moon and total lunar eclipse all on election day. The Moon Tarot Card Meanings In folklore and tradition, the moon can be associated with moon madness, and it's a good way to remember the card, for nothing may be as it seems at this time. This person is not being honest with you about something. Tribal societies revered the moon as a goddess of fertility and the cycle of life, and later civilizations included lunar deities, both male and female, in their pantheons. This distortion is confusing. Tune into your deepest self. The Moon is a pretty intense card that asks a lot of the person receiving the reading, especially when pulled in reverse. The two towers in the Major Arcana card represent the good and evil forces and the moon signifies the intuitions and subconscious mind. If they disappear for a long while, dont blame them. In an evaluation of love, this connection to water represents a time of high emotions. Be watchful, even suspicious, and dont let your guard down. "It's when the subconscious is reflected back to us and we get the chance to work with it," she says. When reversed, The Moon once again draws our attention to our current needs. They feel disconnected and cynical. Your higher self is using your subconscious mind to get your attention. There may be some uncertainty when it comes to your career path right now. In business, The Moon champions privacy. In their mind, its complicated. Listeners are responsible for their own life and decisions. Others may find you confusing or difficult to understand. Wait until the water settles but do not be fooled by the eerie calm and silence; something is definitely up and, when the time is right, you must act with diligence and maintain your composure. If, for example, you are wondering about whats going to happen with your crush, the card means you must fight for their attention or they will soon lose interest. You may be a rather private person or find yourself in a time of your life in which it is hard to open yourself up to others. When The Moon card appears in your Tarot reading, pay close attention to the lunar cycles and attune to its divine power using ritual, visualization or Tarot readings. For the timid, that could be a plane of nightmares and fears they shy away from; for the creative and the daring, a light in the darkness of the void. Getting tied to our tamed mind leads us to stagnate and perhaps not give our dreams the respect and attention they deserve. They also are enchanted by the shadows, which feel like home to them, and are well equipped for a game of smoke and mirrors. For now, you have to accept that the Universe will say no to you. Youre in for a surprise, an unexpected occurrence. They may be confused as to the position they fill in your life. Alternatively, your workplace right now can be a tense atmosphere, one that comes from haziness and confusion about project goals, or what everyone should be doing. When reversed, The Moon cites the existence of an inner dishonesty. You can be a tough act to follow. Which people in your life are helpful? A gilded edge tarot deck based on the language of color, the tree of life, and the tradition of the Golden Dawn. It is your job to trust your gut in giving them guidance. The advice here is to break free from the safety net and put yourself out there, all the while turning a blind eye to distractions that might keep you down. The Moon is the card of illusion. When we swim out into the ocean, the bottom becomes impossible to see. Youre not perfect and its okay for them to know that. Lest darkness and illusion deceive us and we forget that shadow is often a mere trick of the light, let us reflect upon the words of author Ai Yazawa: But even when the moon looks like its waning its actually never changing shape.. The Moon, though, emphasizes control of the oceans we contain within us. Strength Tarot Card Meaning 35 Interpretations! Now imagine another year has passed. The Moon Tarot Card Meaning Relates To Intuition And Psychic Ability, As Well As Releasing Fear And Confusion. Are they paying lip-service to commitment, but not showing it through their actions? To move forward, you will eventually need to shine a light into the darkness with the truth. "It takes commitment to your own growth and well-being to really get into Moon energy. With the Moon over them, you can never be sure. Comes with a tarot journal, spread compendium, and reference sheets. The next time you pull it, be prepared to go within. There is never just one interpretation for any tarot card pull, but one card that's particularly difficult to pin down is the Moon card. This frame of mind does a great disservice to The Reversed Moon, though, as it serves as a symbol of the continuation of the work we are called to do by The Upright Moon. Relating to this card requires connecting deeply toand acceptingall that you are. Stay alert. Your partner may not be completely honest with you. Your current situation is a call back to nature and magic. Pisces. You are in a volatile position in which uncertainty will breed discord. The Moon Mermaid Tarot is a spiritual card, implying expressing your fears in the present and in the future based on past experiences. Though the moon is associated with many negative sounding words such as anxiety and suspicion, it is not a bad omen by any means. There is a feeling as if a wall has been put up between us and our clarity, be it through insomnia or delusion. For example, if you had a car accident when you were young but didnt deal with the emotions, you may get sad or anxious every time you get into the backseat of a car. In the shadow of the Moon, we have a person who either is deeply confused or deliberately confusing. Get honest answers, with no hidden fees. When you think of the ocean, you may think of warm, tropical beaches where crystal blue waves roll over one another and lap at the shore. Beliefs such as Im unworthy of love or Everyone is out to hurt me can truly sabotage a relationship. There is, however, a small window of opportunity if you can trust in your powers and stay alert. When we walk down the path, we walk the fine line between conscious and unconscious, between the tamed side of civilization of the dog, and the forces of nature represented by the wolf. Remember: the moon never changes, its all a play of light and shadow. You keep silent when attacked, you feel defeated before the fight even starts and deny your wild side. This is a time of uncertainty and suspicion is high. Two beasts, a dog, and a wolf howl up at the moon, playing the role of our tame and wild spirits. When your intuition tells you that something is not quite right, listen to it! There are two sides to every story and there is always more to be uncovered. You might seem confused, even hostile, and in turn you confuse them; but they could also be enthralled by you. The Yes or No meaning of the Moon is "maybe", while the Yes or No meaning of the Sun is "yes". A certain change of attitude is in order. Magic, divination, and connection with the spirit world changed Sterling's life. Relationships are all about balance. This is not a symbol to be taken lightly. There may be deception at play, even in the areas of our life that we feel most comfortable in. The Moon is the card of the uncharted, just as our oceans remain a source of great allure and intrigue. The Moon Tarot Card Psychic Meanings & Keywords Psychic Readings / May 5, 2022 The Moon is also a symbol of imagination and intuition that can set you free from your own limitations. With all tarot meanings and more, this book is a comprehensive guide on using tarot for introspection, self-understanding and inner growth. In readings surrounding perception, The Moon may speak to a sense of frustration among those who surround you. Yes or No meanings of the Moon and the Sun together. Much like the crayfish crawling out of the pool in the Rider-Waite symbology, things from our subconscious may be creeping up on us without our knowledge, leaving us more vulnerable than intended. Nothing is as it seems, and you must be vigilant. Symbolism is abundant for this card: from intuition, the occult, and the succession of phases, to lunacy, hidden danger, the fear instinct, sleep, and the twilight of the dream world. It would warn you to take caution and be careful in whatever endeavor you are pursuing in your life. There will be struggles as well as times of fear and confusion, but when this card appears in your future, know that you are watched over by The Moon. The Moon is deeply connected to the ocean. With the power of the number 8 and the independence of the number 1 this number attracts people with problems. The mixed maybe / affirmative meaning of this pairing makes for an answer that leans slightly towards a Yes answer but not strongly. The Moon is the card of illusion, fear, anxiety, deception, intuition, and the subconscious. What does The Moon Reversed mean in Love? By the same token, you may find that you dont have all the information you need right now to make sound work decisions. Many things can be hiding in your unconscious affecting your ability to accept love. They both include a notion of moving forward, all alone upon a moonlit path, and turning your back on the troubles and fears of the past. The Moon in the Tarot deck represents your worries and illusions, and it frequently appears when the person projects dread into their present and future based on past experiences. Now put them to use. If you are interested in getting a tarot reading, then as a VekkeSind reader, you can get 5 minutes free. What does The Moon Tarot Card Mean in Friendship? None of what we feel is unfounded, rather it serves as a message from our subconscious on which areas of our lives we need to focus on. When things get confusing, we frequently turn to our peers, our family, or other sources we trust. Keep your business plans close to you and beware those who act as if they have your best interests at hand, but secretly want to orchestrate your failure. You are consumed by anxieties and paranoia and it is time to soften so The Moon may take its time to heal your residual wounds. The Moon Tarot Card Keywords: Upright & Reversed Meaning Its not clear to them how they would like to proceed. Getting Tarot Card Readings advice from mmmagique and the moon through is safe, secure and confidential. Think back to the Rider-Waite imagery; the wild landscapes and various creatures. The Moon is one of the 22 major arcana cards, all of which correspond with broader themes and lessons in our lives. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, a registered yoga instructor, and an avid astrologer and tarot reader. What this person needs is to trust in themselves and learn to walk alone, something easier said than done, because words of encouragement have not much merit for the moonstruck fellow. If things are polarised and you can't seem to find a middle ground, you may have to simply and politely agree to disagree for now. If we are cautious and respectful, it can lead us to new knowledge and uncanny wisdom, one small step at a time. When it appears in your tarot card reading, it foretells a period of uncertainty that will bring insight, illumination, and a sense of inner awareness in the end. Would you give up so easily if your survival depended on it? If we operate purely on a surface level, areas that need attention deep within us will begin to fester. For those in committed relationships, the Moon reversed is a sign of feeling mired in doubt. Are you, perhaps, trying to create an illusory appearance, concealing your flaws and transforming into a beautiful, yet dangerous, creature of the night? The next step is to harness them. It is not our dreams that must be tamed, but rather our methods by which we hope to achieve these dreams. Are you being honest with your partner? While The Sun represents the evolution of your authentic self in the world, The Moon is the inner work it takes to get there. Depending on the context as well, it is by no means a purely negative or positive card. You have been blinded by a false sense of comfort and reality is far from what you think it is. When we learn to find a spiritual equilibrium as we approach new situations and dreams, that magic is made available to us in The Moons mysterious ways. Try to discern which messages and signs are valid, and which are delusions and tricks of the mind. This card could also point to your not being in the right state to take risks currently. What is your intuition telling you? This person may have baggage hiding in the depths of their unconscious that affects their ability to accept love. Your anxieties and fear about the workplace or your colleagues can make your worst fears come true, as everyone becomes more defensive, protective and paranoid. It can signal intuition and insight as much as it can indicate confusion and uncertainty. maybe + yes. The moon sits between two towers and though it does not shine as brightly as the sun, it is enough to illuminate a path below, one that leads into the rocky unknown of the blue mountains in the distance The path to higher consciousness. Trust your gut and you wont regret it. If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party. Whether we see it or not, the path is right in front of us, and even the shadows can be turned to our advantage. On the other hand, there may be a secret that youre carrying with you. The Moon signals that there is something weve left misunderstood that is now having an ill effect on our current situation. Got questions? The Moon card shows a full moon in the nights sky, positioned between two large towers. The Moon can distort reality. However, this tension is being glossed over and ignored. When our understanding of history is distorted, we are robbed of our chance to create the best future possible. Confusion and uncertainty around finances may be a problem at the moment. "We can't fully be ourselves if we're unable to face and accept our shadows," Vanderveldt says. Vekke Sind, The Empress Tarot Card 35 Interpretations! There is no right answer when there is no clear desire. In conjunction, Pisces and The Moon work together to inspire us to trust in ourselves and travel into the magic and uncertainty of the unknown. It is imperative that we are aware of our past as we move into our present and future. The only way to efficiently evolve as an individual is to expose yourself to risk, beyond the restrictions of your comfort zone, and behave as if no help will arrive. There are countless forms that the ocean can take, much like The Moon in The Tarot. The full moon holds us spellbound in its presence, momentarily captured in its hypnotic light. Taking its place at number eighteen in the Major Arcana succession, The Moon certainly shifts the mood from the peace and hope of The Star. Learn the basics of the ancient esoteric tradition of tarot by starting your initiation ritual! Maybe youre struggling to decide on a restaurant, but what are you really talking about? You may also be interested in: 10 Tarot Cards That Indicate Cheating In the reversed position, The Moon Tarot card calls you to open your eyes. But there we arrived at a halt there was no road, no forward movement, only hope. That is why you may find it hard to earn their trust. The moon's light can bring you clarity and understanding and you should allow your intuition to guide you through this darkness. The reversed Moon tells us that we cannot embrace the good if we choose to deny the bad. This lunation may have ruffled some feathers, allowing you to release the ways in which you've been playing . Keep your cards close to your chest. You may find that it is a time for self-improvement or a new group of friends. The Moon represents your fears and illusions and often comes out when you are projecting fear into your present and your future, based on your past experiences. When two Major Arcana cards appear together, it's a good indication that . Allow the Moon's light to guide you if you're experiencing discontent and conflict in your relationship. "A meditation, breathwork, and embodiment practice can all be helpful in The Moon.". Sometimes I will choose the sound of rain or the ocean or even thunder. Calculate every possible outcome, no matter how unexpected it may be. The Moon Arcanum calls to the nocturnal instinct and the dark side we never show to anyone. For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the Moon means that this persons feelings towards you are complicated. Readings may not be 100% accurate. When we step forward, we must consider that we could be met with either reality. If you are asking about an exs feelings about you, the Moon reversed means that they feel confused and even deceived about the way things ended. Who can help shed some light on the facts? The Moons close relationship to secrecy, risk, and confusion leads it to be a no in a yes or no reading. Receptivity is blocked and the messages of the Universe are scrambled and misinterpreted. Explore how tarot can help you slow down and reconnect with your innermost self. A dog and a wolf stand in the grassy field, howling at the moon, representing both the tamed and the wild aspects of our minds. Not everything in life is clear cut. Any feelings of unease that you may have are justified. Key dates: February 19 to March 20. This may be linked to anxieties, fears, or self-deception. It is time to walk a mile in your opponents shoes. Better to wait and stay out of harms way until the safest path is revealed. You are going through a phase of confusion, and your perception is distorted. Each zodiac sign's tarot card horoscope is here for Saturday, February 25, 2023. 18 tells of the leader and of service to mankind. We will have a look at . The Moon as Feelings from Your Ex. When upright, its about standing still, reconsidering, trying to see the clear picture. Whatever you do, do not rush into action. The Moon card reversed indicates that you are seen as larger than life. Look beyond your safe space and discover the magical qualities of life once again. Think of the beauty of the ocean. When all you want is for the pain to stop, you repress it, and it comes back threefold. We are blinded by the beauty of moonlight, so much so that we may not see the danger approaching in the darkness. The Moon is the card of illusion, fear, anxiety, deception, intuition, and the subconscious. There are mysterious forces at work, good or bad. This is a time of uncertainty in your career path. How to bond with your tarot cards: 15 ways that work. The powerful fear instinct is good to have; it is a trait of survivors. You may try to bury these feelings even deeper within your subconscious so you can avoid your dark shadows. Uncertainty doesnt always lead to pain, especially if we carry the right amount of caution in our steps. While challenging, this card is pushing you to confront your shadows. In love, it can indicate a new relationship that has just begun or something that is happening right now but of which we are not aware. They have experienced misunderstandings with you in the past, and there may be old attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that are clouding their judgment in the matter. There is no need to feed off your opposers fears and anxieties. The answer you are seeking is no. Surrounding cards can give you clues if The Moon is trying to offer you reassurance or a red flag. It is time to review the signs and regain your clarity. The path ahead of you may be dark, but all the answers are waiting for you. 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