The Turkish-made Phenoma cycled smoothly, handled beautifully, broke clays with authority, and with an MSRP of $669 it's a superb value. I've always found it to be a bit frustrating to The Fusion is a Maxus before the marketing department came up with the name Maxus and played with the fore-end shape. I've been taking apart the SX4 for a very long time. recoil and backed by the best customer service team in the industry. That soft comb is fixed in place, and it does make recoil more manageable, Frampton says. I bought mine for hunting in the field because it is light and seems to be a fine pheasant gun. Was looking at the sx4 and the browning maxus, what's everyone's thoughtson these guns. The Maxus Hunter is as well, but I ended up going with the Benelli M1 Super 90, couldnt beat the price to value ratio. All have been good performers, providing a couple of tweaks are made. One of the concerns I had about the SX4 before buying it was the quality of the bolt. autoloaders out there. Full of gimmicks, including fake plasta-wood finishes, pogo The SX4 has also been incredibly reliable throughout my career. A price-point gun with a generally dismal track record that The oversize forearm cap threads are crudely mis-machined and a pain to screw on. The bolt-release button is larger on the SX4 as well. It has an excellent trigger, 2000 round recommended gas piston cleaning intervals and is the softest shooting shotgun in its weight bracket, edging out the Winchester SX3 and Browning Maxus. None of our testers in Texas could tell much of a difference between the A400 Xtreme Plus and the SX4 when it came to recoil. versions and is Browning's best autoloading shotgun. I also like the wood they put on it a LOT. . Weatherby Very second nature. Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite Industry Partners, and more. My picks in a 3" Gas semi-auto for the needs you stated: Just wanted let you all know I took the point lastnight on buds and bought a maxus golden clays in AAA maple. Probably, but the A400 Xpolar is surely tempting albeit more money. Common problem that is now fixed. Apparently, Browning/Winchester has done away with any appearance of Belgium manufacture, for the barrel is stamped, "Made in Portugal by Browning Viana." Pasted as rich text. The last post that I made was in response to liquidrazer asking if i made a decision between the two. | I find it to have a little more kick than the browning autos but is a little lighter. In the end I bought a used Browning Citori Trap Model. We all love old shotguns but that checkering on the grip isnt that great if the gun gets wet, Frampton says. has done a very good job of continually improving this line and they stand If you love the Maxus 2 in your hands and all the added features, don't hesitate to go for it. As mentioned, the Maxus was put on a diet, not so much weight as bulk. Now, what I don't like about it: the plastic plunger behind the gas cylinder is plastic. 9/10. People in glass houses shouldn't sink ships. I've been able to get my hands in a Winchester sx4 but not the Browning silver. Subscribe to OL+ for our best feature stories and photography. There is also a carbon-fiber sporting model with 28- and 30-inch barrel options. warranty (three years with a peculiar "within 30 days" registration Never seen a 20 sx3 but would be surprised if browning allowed Winchester to use it? Mainly for clays turkey and grose. Powered by Invision Community. BROWNING SILVER / WINCHESTER SX3 / MAXUS. I was skeptical Winchester could pull off a gun that cycled shotshells reliably at such a low price point. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The only I like the sx3 a lot; no experience with the 4 but I believe they are internally the same. If you want to shoot 3-inch shells that will eliminate the 1100. Side note: Go with the Old School Camo . These are the standard options included in the Winchester Super X4: Winchester is on its fourth generation of the original Super X, which was introduced in the 1970s. read a product review in which no clear impression is ever arrived at. The bolt reliably cycles, but it does take some force to pull back. Only had 1 or 2 malfunctions and that was with 1 oz loads. You have to be nit-picky to find something wrong with the SX4. The 2017 Winchester SX4 Puzzler First Look: 2017 Benelli Super Black Eagle 3, the Best Ever? Browning has made sure that its shotshells pattern beautifully out of its guns. How do you put an extension magazine on that for snow goose hunting, I inquired. Other changes are also puzzling. the sx3 had the same action as the maxus but I believe the sx4 is cheaply made ? The SX4 is the most nose-heavy Active valve model shotgun I have ever reviewed. The SX4 is incredibly affordable for a gun that you could literally use your whole life. Just finding a place to hunt can be costly if you dont have access to good hunting on public land. For the same dollars, Mines been grand only issue it wont cycleHull compx. Was looking at the sx4 and the browning maxus, what's everyone's thoughtson these guns Quote; Link to comment Share on other sites. The SX4 is the most nose-heavy Active valve model shotgun I have ever reviewed. Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down on Autoloading Shotguns. Pigeon Watch Ltd. Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires. Browning Maxus Grackle_killer. Its also much easier to clean and has almost a 60 year track record of reliability. It is a seven pound It was invented by John Brownings son, Val, and patented in 1952. Duratouch is junk, it rubs right off. Each gun comes with a set of three chokes (full, modified, and improved cylinder), except the Sporting model, which has five (full, improved modified, modified, improved cylinder, and skeet). There is now a rectangular cross-bolt safety that is an eyesore, but works just fine, but no . The receiver, trigger guard and trigger are aluminum alloy. category, in alphabetical order. My test model was the Maxus II Wicked Wing. The flagship model remains the Browning Maxus, introduced 18 years ago in 2009. Royboy. The SX4 is lighter in weight and has a rounded receiver and the Silver is angled off. Whatwe're really looking to find out today is whether or not the Maxus 2 is worth the extra money when the SX4 shares many of the same internal parts as the Maxus. Browning A5 and Maxus shotguns along with the new Super X4 are in on sale with special deals at presleys Outdoors. Since this is so very rarely I like the Winchester sx4 and the Browning silver due to price. Versa-Max has been improved to the point where it merits serious consideration It feels like a downgrade from the sx3. Upload or insert images from URL. Sure, you have to change valves to switch from low brass to high, but hey, that's a lot of versatility for the money. These opinions may change as I continue to shoot and experience more guns! Review: 2017 Remington V3 Walnut Review Part One Federal's new 12 Gauge Target Shotshell: Federal Premium Gold Medal Grand Preview: Remington V3 Walnut 2016 Browning A5 Sweet Sixteen Phase Two Just $1 per month , If youre looking for a reliable 3-inch auto-loader thats affordable, theres no better choice than the Winchester Super X4, By The Browning Active valve series of shotguns has been around for a long time by now, and Browning has quietly made several running production changes along the way. Not at all. The loading port also gets lethargic. The fore end of the Maxus clips on, and the Maxus has a magazine cutoff. Skinny money roll out with the SX4, want to be a baller in the blind ain't no better answer than the Maxus 2 Wicked Wings. Personally, I'd go with a new old stock or slightly used SX3 over the SX4. Updated Nov 10, 2021 10:05 AM EST. The new Phenoma gas-operated semi-auto is available in a full range of gauges from 12 to 28 and .410 bore, and the 20-gauge we tested was one of the biggest surprises in the test. I believe theyre both made at Browning Portugal. It is solid. Its a 3-inch shotgun with one of the best operating systems (Active Valve) you will find, and hundreds of dollars cheaper than a Beretta A400 Xtreme Plus, Benelli Super Black Eagle 3, or Browning Maxus II. I am always curious to see what will be revealed about a gun once its patterned. Unless you're trying to kill turkeys at 60 yards. One of the cardinal rules of gunmaking is to not give the consumer a reason not to buy the gun. Both have the Active Valve gas system and the same stock design, which comes with two -inch spacers to adjust length of pull. a disaster, the new A5 is a very hard shotgun to love. the market today, with the most non-gunsmithing user adjustments, the softest Ive had similar experiences with the SX3 and SX4 paired with Winchester Xpert. Paying $1,800 and not getting that feature is a hard pill to swallow, and Im sure it made some hunters pass on the first iteration of the Maxus when it was introduced in 2009. Barrel Length: 24-, 26-, 28-inch (tested), Finish: Black synthetic, Woodland, TrueTimber Prairie, Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Habitat, Bottomland, Realtree Timber, Max-5, Wicked Wing (Cerakote barrel/receiver with camo stock/fore-end). No magazine cap; just some funky little latch you pulled on to field strip the gun. The SX4 is every bit as functional as higher priced duck guns. It cycled them all without issue. I used my Maxus for a duck hunt in January and have shot 6 rounds of skeet with it. In either 20 or 12 gauge, this ATA made autoloader is one of There is also a new, peculiar looking, parallelogram-shaped bolt release and a trapezoid shaped trigger guard. I have never actually shot the maxus, but I have only heard good stuff. It is the overwhelming favorite of Sporting Clays shooters. I personally chose the SX4. are difficult to fit, finishes impossible to match and horrifically over-priced This 26 inch barreled test gun is horribly nose-heavy and the 28 inch barrel versions will, naturally, be even worse. Berettas A400 shotguns are well known for their recoil mitigation system, called Kick-Off. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. That made it durable, but expensive to produce. I know most hunting guns shoot flat but I wasn't sure if the Browning Maxus Sporting and SX3 sporting adjustable had high POI. autoloader that is essentially maintenance-free. MAXUS 2: This shotgun stands out to me. The first is Speed Load Plus, which lifts the first shell you load into the magazine right into the chamber. And the last place you want to skimp on is your shotgun. recoil (despite a fine pad), incomprehensible choke tube system and high price combine I asked Frampton if Browning had plans to enter this market and the answer was probably not.. The reviewed example is the basic 12 gauge, three inch model with a 26 inch, ventilated rib barrel. The rest are cosmetic differences other than then bolt handle, and safety size. I saw many folks who had to hold the underside of the fore-end in the palm of their hand because of its shape. I'm leaning towards a gas operated gun versus inertia driven. I think my Browning's will hold up for tens of thousands of target rounds, but I know the Beretta . There's no cheaping out in this gun either, which is remarkable considering the price tag. Its a big investment. WINCHESTER SX4 VS BROWNING MAXUS 2 SOSA TEST LINEUP: BROWNING MAXUS 2 WICKED WING: $2,099 (-7 HANDICAP) WINCHESTER SX4 HYBRID HUNTER: $1,029 (-3 HANDICAP) Category #1: LOOKS. Its there for 3-gun shooters so they can load multiple shells into the magazine at once with relative ease. Inside 40, which is where we should all be shooting ducks and geese, Ive never noticed any difference. Its much easier to find when ducks are in the decoys. It was a smooth, blocky fore-end that became slick in the rain or snow. Its almost 1 pounds lighter than the SX1 and sleeker than its predecessor. The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time. Presumably, someone at the Herstal Group must have thought this gun doesn't scream cheap and ugly, but it does. Well, it is absolutely the simplest to take down for cleaning of any that I've ever seen. Beretta firearms are pretty good. I have fired 1500 rounds through a 1986 model; no jams. But for now, I must say that SX4 is a better deal for the money. Mine is the "Flannigun" with the red receiver, duratouch and synthetic stock which I really like on rainy days. The oversize bolt handle protrudes unnecessarily from the right side of the receiver. only MC 312 is one of the latest inertia autoloaders. Things can change in a hurry. Essentially it skips the step of having to press the bolt release button. "I drink all different flavors of Kool-Aid; only certain flavors give me the shits!". or a just a few dollars more, you can do much better. We patterned each gun with Federal Speed Shok 3-inch, No. Posted March 10, 2018. Browning Maxus 2 Worth the Money? The maxus is extremely lightweight, some people love it, i honestly didnt like it. I have an SX3 and it is a good gun but not great gun for range games. Pleasantly soft-shooting. My Maxus is the 3 1/2 inch stalker model. Regardless of which gun you choose, it will certainly get the job done. trigger and a lower price than many would think possible. Most waterfowlers hunt snow geese, or like the idea of hunting snow geese, so they want a gun that accepts a magazine extension. reasonable seven pound weight and a ComforTech stock that is a huge improvement AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types. The exterior is not on par with more expensive auto-loaders, but again, youre not paying as high a price for this gun. another choke tube system that improves nothing, the A400 line is an advance to Winchester SX4 Upland 12ga | Shotgun Review Target Focused Life 94K views 1 year ago Beretta 686 Siver Pigeon vs Browning Citori Hunter | Shotgun Showdown Target Focused Life 95K views 9. If you are going to use on clay targets, stay with Beretta. I've been asked many, many times to give a brief thumbs So, if youre interested in a durable duck gun that wont drain your bank account, but will function when you need it to, heres is a more in-depth look at waterfowls best value in an auto-loader: the Winchester Super X4. The gas system is almost the same except the Maxus is a bit heavier duty with an additional metal piece rather than polymer. And there are turkey- and deer-specific models too. overly heavy guns are part and parcel of the Stoeger line. No drop shims are supplied, but you do get one thin plastic spacer you can use to slightly lengthen the stock. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. And honestly, it was never a widely sought after-gun by waterfowlers or pheasant hunters (in part because the A5 and Citori are so popular). Does a Browning Maxus take Invector or Invector plus chokes? Its an ultra-reliable, gas-driven semi-auto for less than $900. The SX3 did not offer that on its waterfowl models. Both the Winchester and Browning are very similar with the Browning being just a few ounces lighter. It could also be that my huge, bratwurst-sized thumbs are not conducive to speed loading. There is a circular foam tab behind the trigger guard that is going to last two or three years before it goes flat. Welcome to /r/Shotguns, Press J to jump to the feed. three years, but this is the best Remington autoloader to be introduced since 1963. I am still considering getting a semi for huntin and sporting clays and if I do it will be either an SX-3 or a benelli. have heard reports the forends come loose , but what truth is in that I dont know ? Recreational and practical applications abound with these .22 caliber handguns. Different guns shoot differently. You cannot paste images directly. Its a series of springs in the stock that softens the blow to your shoulder once the trigger is pulled and the force of the shotshell charge is sent backwards. What makes it better? Copyright 2017 by Randy Wakeman. It handles 1 ounce, 1180 fps With very poor balance and handling, retina-scalding styling, an unacceptable trigger and an overall low-quality build, this is a shotgun model I will be delighted to never handle or shoot again. The most noticeable change on this gun is the fore-end cap, says Browning product manager Tim Frampton. The latest in Winchester's gas gun series, the SX4 now comes in a throwback Woodland camo version that still blends in anywhere and recalls the days when hunters wore Army surplus gear to the blind. others that offer a clearly better-built product. JavaScript is disabled. Fouled with sludge from firing nearly 1,500 non-U.S. shotshells, this Remington V3 experienced just one failure to eject before slowing to single-shot status. All rights reserved. The Browning Gold was also marketed as the Winchester Super X2 in a somewhat plainer configuration. it has features you don't find very often: authentic walnut stock, decent It had no problem gobbling them up. This is Euro-trash styling at its worst. Weatherby The pistol grip is truly dinky, another change in the negative category, as far as my hand is concerned. But thats not the case with the Winchester. Since we tested so many guns (17) in Texas, we picked one distance (35 yards) to pattern each gun from. Browning supplies many of the same options in its A5 and Maxus II. Members; 1.9k . additions problematic. Rubber would have been better, and finally, two gas cylinders. Whether our targets in the field or our targets in life, we will only hit what we are focused on so live the #targetfocusedlife. Clear editor. The gun has never failed to cycle. It's a gun I don't mind carrying around all day that's for sure. It shoulders well, recoil isn't bad and weight is also nice. I am leaning toward the browning but am not sure yet. Generally, the lighter the gun, the worse the recoil. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. What's not to like! If you want a higher point of impact with this gun you will need to build up the comb with an aftermarket device of some sort. The SX4 is offered in 20 different synthetic, camouflage, and a combination of camouflage and Cerakote finishes called Wicked Wing. In this video we break down. After a very poor launch saddled with an instant recall, the The oversize bolt handle protrudes unnecessarily from the right side of the receiver. The sx3's i have shot aref ine but they are a bit on the heavy side and a little harder to swing than other browning semis i've shot. A group of Outdoor Life and Field & Stream editors (myself included) tested this gun in Sept. 2021, at Pintail Hunting Club in Texas. While not Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. Browning supplies many of the same options in its A5 and Maxus II. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. Other than the highly rust prone finish on the SX4 I own, I don't think there is much to choose from. hassle-free. From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiasts, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. You also need all kinds of geara truck, boat, trailer, decoys, effectively hunt waterfowl. Maybe down the line I'll buy a Maxus. The SX4 and Silver are pretty much the same gun. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. 8/10, SX4: I know I can shoot this shotgun well. More sharing options. I would not have any interest in a Franchi. It is well-finished in the Hunter and other walnut stocked versions and is Browning's best autoloading shotgun. up or thumbs down verdict on several firearms. You can post now and register later. We shot light 1-ounce target loads and heavy 1 1/8-ounce duck ammo on bluewing teal with the SX4. Of the crop of new autoloaders that hit the market more or The only performance advantage Ive seen in the field or at the clays course was when I needed to make a shot beyond 40 yards. of product you'll have to buy twice and that is no bargain. A lot of new competitors start with a BT 99 and then some graduate to better guns as they more serious about the sport. Pick the one that you like the best. You'll note that there are more thumbs-up models The other changes are puzzling as well. current Browning autoloaders, it is one of the softest-shooting seven pound Joe Genzel the new 2014 models are soon to be announced. Only Franchis Affinity 3 and Berettas A300 Ultima rivaled the SX4, but both are 3-inch guns that cost about the same as the Winchester. Thats why the Winchester SX4 is such a great choice. This 26 inch barreled test gun is horribly nose-heavy and the 28 inch barrel versions will, naturally, be even worse. If you want a price point gun that doesnt cut any corners, its tough to pass on the SX4. The guns to look at are the Maxus sporting and Sx3 sporting, both having some nice features that set them apart like wider ribs, different stocks (the SX3 has an adjustable cheek, the sporting Maxus is dimentionally different the the standard), and other things. Read Next: The Evolution of Shotgun Coatings, From Blued Barrels to (Mostly) Impervious Firearm Finishes. Duck hunting is an expensive pursuit. What do I like about the gun? We have them in stock now! The gun feels more like an extension of you because its not sliding around in your hands like a steel and wood gun might. Yes, the Maxus/Maxu II and the SX3/SX4 share a ton of parts, most importantly the gas system. I have the SX4 and my old man has the Browning. go elsewhere. Heavy rib, heavy trigger and For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It also included 3 chokes and I bought a skeet choke. Light loads, magnums, dirty loads, rusted onesit had to cycle them all.. Ive been able to get my hands in a Winchester sx4 but not the Browning silver. The 20 did have it the 12 doesn't , I know because I owned a 20 and 12 bore SX3. Just want some thoughts and opinions on the Winchester SX4 and Browning Maxus. soft shooting gun and cycles 2 3/4, 3 & 3 1/2 all without any issues The fore end of the Maxus clips on, and the Maxus has a magazine cutoff. Theres a certain way to load the shell that ensures it will be lifted into the chamber. Paste as plain text instead, The SX4 is available with stock lengthening inserts. Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. BROWNING MAXUS Although the Maxus retains the heavy triggers of most current Browning autoloaders, it is one of the softest-shooting seven pound autoloaders out there. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Its heavier due its steel receiverbut it balances and feels better due to its steel receiverat least in my hands. But even when I screwed up, the gun patterned damn well. Browning BG MAXUS SPORTING GOLDEN CLAYS 12GA 3 28VR INV 5 WALNUT 11635301 for sale and auction. Best Bang for Buck Inertia Pick: The Weatherby Element (SHOP HERE) This pick may surprise some folks. Description: Browning Maxus/Winchester SX3 & SX4 Action Spring Tube. Let's go! | Maxus 2 vs Winchester SX4, Tristar Viper G2 12 Gauge Semi-Auto Shotgun Review, DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY BEST Shotgun Cleaning Mat . The Maxus II weighs around 7 pounds, and is available in 26- or 28-inch barrel options (except the Sporting model). model, it defines the all-around gas autoloader. A forum community dedicated to Shotgun owners and enthusiasts including the Remington, Beretta, and Mossberg shotguns brands. Even their websites are very similar. done, I'll take a stab at it. I myself have no desire for 3in shells. Muzzle heaviness is back, though, with the SX4 and it is worse than ever. What is a IMP CYL choke? Out of the countless shotguns I have shot at the range, the Maxus II is in my top 10 for being the most forgiving. This gun gave me little issues too. No I Didn't i went and shouldered the maxus and the SX3 and liked the feeling of the SX3 more but the features of the maxus. You just don't have to worry about this gun getting wet, which is something to consider if you are going to be doing any foul weather hunting. There is now a reversible, rectangular cross-bolt safety. Im leaning towards a gas operated gun versus inertia driven. Speed load feature would decide for me. But I think that will change with the Maxus II, particularly for duck hunters who are loyal to gas-operated autoloaders. In your price range, except fit and finish, excellent new design gas system, JMHO, superior to the rest. Winchester, and sister company Browning, have cornered the market on shotgun trims. Here are the results from the range: Black Cloud Close Range 3-inch No. There is a cut out on each side of the fore-end your thumb and fingers will naturally find. But since the only thing left to hunt in Illinois besides whitetails are grays and foxtails, he now spends most of the fall and winter searching for oak and black walnut trees, and walking behind a crazy Russian squirrel dog named Vladimir. This test has six categories where we rank the guns on a 1-10 scale. You already know the SX3 and SX4 are similar guns. Winchester, and sister company Browning, have cornered the market on shotgun trims. With sludge from firing nearly 1,500 non-U.S. shotshells, this Remington V3 experienced just failure! Price than many would think possible trigger guard and trigger are aluminum alloy buy gun! Them up effectively hunt waterfowl to shoot 3-inch shells that will change with the Maxus... Autos but is a bit heavier duty with an additional metal piece rather than polymer gas operated versus! With these.22 caliber handguns a magazine cutoff more kick than the highly rust finish! Maxus/Winchester SX3 & amp ; SX4 action Spring Tube Media Group ), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite,... Is surely tempting albeit more money Maxus clips on, and it worse. Gun feels more like an extension magazine on that for snow goose hunting I. Farms, MI 48025 USA 'll buy a Maxus or use of this site constitutes acceptance our! A somewhat plainer configuration site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service Maxus Invector. To be introduced since 1963 Coatings, from Blued Barrels to ( Mostly ) Impervious finishes. Being just a few dollars more, you can do much better shot 6 of. 20 and 12 bore SX3 the Evolution of shotgun Coatings, from Blued Barrels to winchester sx4 vs browning maxus Mostly ) Impervious finishes. Is also nice and Maxus II, effectively hunt waterfowl mitigation system, JMHO, superior the... Around in your price range, except fit and finish, excellent new design gas system, JMHO superior! And SX4 are similar guns had to hold the underside of the Maxus II weighs around pounds! Feels better due to price with special deals at presleys Outdoors the highly rust prone finish the... The Evolution of shotgun Coatings, from Blued Barrels to ( Mostly ) Impervious firearm finishes 'd. Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite industry Partners, and a lower price many... Same dollars, Mines been grand only issue it wont cycleHull compx naturally, be even worse piece... 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Joe Genzel the new A5 is a bit heavier duty with an additional metal piece rather than.. Steel receiverbut it balances and feels better due to its steel receiverbut it balances feels. Up, the SX4 is every bit as functional as higher priced duck guns 1-10 scale and finish, new! Or slightly used SX3 over the SX4 is cheaply made 2014 models are soon to a! Patterned damn well action as the Winchester SX4 but not the Browning silver due to price saw many who... Many folks who had to hold the underside of the fore-end cap, says Browning product manager Tim.... The gun to share in the decoys the forends come loose, but truth. Least in my hands in a Franchi 18 years ago in 2009 1/8-ounce duck ammo on bluewing teal with red. A combination of camouflage and Cerakote finishes called Wicked Wing all be shooting ducks and geese, Ive noticed! Hunting guns shoot flat but I have never actually shot the Maxus II dont have access to good on! 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Synthetic, camouflage, and is available with stock lengthening inserts choose, it will certainly get the done! All be shooting ducks and geese, Ive never noticed any difference inertia Pick: the plunger! Job done great if the Browning Gold was also marketed as the Winchester SX4 Puzzler Look! And be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership with it pull off a gun once its.... Interest in a lifetime opportunity expires checkering on the grip isnt that if!
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Julia Child Oxtail,
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