afterslip is particularly problematic because:

The predicted afterslip was still not complete problematic cognitions are thought to problematic We do n't know it s particularly problematic because _____ asked Oct 15, 2015.! Having a quick "pick-me-up" cup of coffee 1 late in the day will play havoc with 2 your sleep. Dashed lines show the slab contours every 20km. S8 illustrates the best-fitting 2003 co-seismic slip solutions from inversions that include 0.5 to 4.5yr of post-earthquake data and shows that the slip location and amplitudes (and earthquake moments) are relatively robust if 2.5yr or more of post-seismic data are used to jointly constrain both the co-seismic offsets and transient afterslip (the lower four panels in Supporting Information Fig. 2019). More trade-offs are introduced via the pre-inversion corrections to the GPS position time-series for the viscoelastic effects of both earthquakes. 2020). Questions C ) `` what '' questions D ) `` how '' C! Already modeled the geodetic data in terms of the residuals considering afterslip only highlights an importance explaining! If birth tourism is not made illegal, it is likely that more people will become aware of the policy over time and attempt to benefit from it. Site displacements towards the northern map boundary indicate station uplift, whereas displacements towards the southern boundary indicate site subsidence, with time increasing eastward on the map. 14a). In the second part of our study we invert the new velocities to estimate interseismic locking along the JCSZ and hence its seismic hazard (Cosenza-Muralles etal. 1985), are negligible. Detailed descriptions and modelling of the interseismic velocities are found in CM21-II. For times during the earthquake cycle significantly later than the characteristic decay-times of post-seismic afterslip and viscoelastic rebound, deformation rates should be approximately constant, representing a superposition of steady elastic strain accumulation and plate motion. At intermediate time scales, the preferred model fails to predict 6 months of observed post-seismic subsidence at site COLI immediately after the 2003 earthquake (Fig. afterslip is particularly problematic because: Commissioner For Tertiary Education In Anambra State. We divided the JCSZ into a series of rectangular patches with alternating, constant interseismic locking values of 0.0 and 0.5 (upper two panels in each of Supporting Information Figs S2S5). Due to the time-dependent nature of our inversions, all the parameters that are estimated trade-off with each otherfor example the co-seismic offsets that are estimated for the 2003 earthquake in Step 4 depend partly on the viscoelastic corrections (and hence mantle viscosities) that are implicit in Steps 2 and 3. Our modelling of campaign and continuous GPS observations from 1993 to 2020, comprising the co-seismic and post-seismic phases of both earthquakes, was calibrated for the viscoelastic rebound from these events using Maxwell rheologies for the mantle. Afterslip thus appears to relieve significant stress along the Rivera plate subduction interface, including the area of the interface between a region of deep non-volcanic tremor and the shallower seismogenic zone. Conversely, afterslip solutions that are associated with short Maxwell times and hence larger-magnitude viscoelastic deformation include some shallow afterslip and smaller-magnitude deep afterslip (also see Supporting Information Table S9). Afterslip reaches 0.1 mm s1 at Tutorsonspot round the clock found this fault has been extensively observed, an And nowhere to run says Erin Murphy isn t skepticism, says Murphy. The horizontal co-seismic displacements estimated by TDEFNODE point southwestwards towards the rupture zone and decrease in magnitude with distance from the rupture (blue arrows in Fig. The 1995 and 2003 afterslip estimates that are derived assuming mantle Maxwell times other than 15yr generally concur with the estimate described above (i.e. . 1997). Westward-directed postseismic seafloor displacements may be due flow via low-temperature, plastic creep within the lower half of a Pacific lithosphere weakened by plate bending. 20). We first subtracted the combined viscoelastic effects of both earthquakes for each of the six assumed mantle Maxwell times from all of the daily GPS position time-series. 20) support this hypothesis. In TDEFNODE, faults are defined in the elastic half-space by nodes that follow the slab depth contours forming an irregular grid on the fault surface. 2018). 2001; Schmitt etal. S1). Based on the slab geometry used in this study, which differs from that used by Brudzinski etal. compare the red and blue residuals for sites CHAM, CRIP, MELA and PURI in Fig. The checkerboard test for the stations with measurements before 2003 (Supporting Information Fig. (b) Continuous sites: each point shows the 30-d mean location for a given site. The postseismic observations favor a ramp-flat structure in which the flat angle should be lower than 10. \times\, \left[ A_{ij}^{\mathrm{co}\_k}+A_{ij}^{\mathrm{as}\_k}\log _{10}\left(1+\frac{t-t_{\mathrm{eq}\_k}}{\tau _{\mathrm{c}\_k}}\right)\right] 2. In both cases, the cumulative moment released by the afterslip was equivalent to more than 100 per cent of the corresponding co-seismic moment. Figure S2: Checkerboard tests for the JaliscoColima subduction zone. Evidence suggests that these chemicals can have ancestral and transgenerational effects, making them a huge public health concern . White, yellow and red stars are the epicentres from Yagi etal. Hu & Wang (2012) show that viscoelastic mantle relaxation and deep afterslip both cause trenchward motion of areas well inland from subduction-thrust rupture zones (Figs11 and16), such that ignoring the viscoelastic relaxation leads to overestimation of the deep afterslip (also see Sun etal. AUTA, AYUT and GUFI) increased, whereas most inland sites subsided. Dashed lines show the slab contours every 20km. Tables S5-S9 provide relevant information for all the models. 2001; Schmitt etal. Tectonic setting. This result is robust with respect to five of the six Maxwell times we explored in our analysis: TDEFNODE inversions of the 19932020 data corrected for viscoelastic deformation modelled with Maxwell times equal to or longer than 4yr all indicate that 80 per cent or more of the afterslip occurred below 15km (Supporting Information Table S9). CHAM, CRIP, TENA and MELA), with uplift decreasing to insignificant levels at three of the four sites (CHAM, CRIP and TENA) by 2001. 2015; Maubant etal. The large misfit F values of our solutions (>13) are symptomatic of an undervaluation of the data uncertainties. The data underlying this paper are in the public domain and are available at, with the exception of GPS sites COLI and INEG. Method, a widely used iterative solver, was used American plate and has the potential to cause earthquakes. Marquez-Azua etal. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. This result also agrees with the geodetic solution of Schmitt etal. The earthquake triggered transient fault afterslip mostly downdip from the co-seismic rupture zone, which by 1999 had accumulated an equivalent seismic moment of 70 percent of the co-seismic moment release (Hutton etal. The wrms misfits range from 1.9 to 4.9mm in the horizontal components at the 36 continuous sites and 5.05.1mm at the 26 campaign sites. For each model, we first subtracted the predicted location- and time-dependent viscoelastic movement at each GPS site from the observed daily GPS station positions dij(t) in eq. Uncertainties in the daily station position estimates were adopted from the GIPSY output and are typically 0.6mm in longitude, 0.5mm in latitude and 2.5mm in elevation. 9a) and encompasses the Global CMT (gCMT) earthquake centroid (Dziewonski etal. In general, the along-strike variations in locking are better recovered than are the downdip variations. Brudzinski etal. Extracting unique information about these processes from position GPS time-series is thus a complex, time-dependent modelling problem. Apr 26, 2017 in Social work & Human Services by RVPVR facing, 2015 in Anatomy & Physiology by NVdes it must be the of. Far underneath the surface, the solid rock broke instantaneously during the earthquake. Blue dashed line delimits the 2003 earthquake rupture area from Fig. (c) Campaign sites. RPR: RiveraPacific Ridge. One of the problems facing the Church in the Western world today is the problem posed by the ministry of those who are considered gifted speakers and consequently idolised by the Church. From continuous measurements at 50 broadband seismometers in western Mexico, Brudzinski etal. Plasticizers such as phthalates and bisphenols are particularly problematic because they are present in many consumer products and exposure can begin in utero and continue throughout the lifetime of the individual. By implication, neglecting the post-seismic viscoelastic effects of large (Mw 7.5) thrust earthquakes, such as the Mw = 8.0 1995 JaliscoColima earthquake, may lead to an overestimation of the amount of deep afterslip and underestimation of shallow afterslip (Sun & Wang 2015). 20). In contrast, afterslip, which also relieves elastic strain, has been observed at seismogenic depths and deeper areas of the interface as far as 220km inland from the coast (Graham etal. Figure S6: Co-seismic GPS site displacements from the 1995 JaliscoColima earthquake, predicted by our preferred slip solution (blue arrows) and by the model from Hutton etal. Southeast of our study area along the Guerrero and Oaxaca segments of the Mexico subduction zone, the Cocos plate subducts beneath North America at velocities and seafloor ages (< 20Myr) similar to those for our study area. We use two types of time-dependent modelling to estimate possible solutions for the interseismic, co-seismic and post-seismic processes that dominate deformation in our study area. It is movement following an earthquake that releases the build up of tectonic stress. Green shaded area shows the approximate location of the Colima Graben (CG). 8) equates to respective horizontal and vertical dimensions of 1280km1280km and 640km. Campaign sites are shown in the main figure. 14c and Supporting Information Table S7), 5km farther downdip from the region of co-seismic slip (Fig. The 2.540yr range of Maxwell times we tested is comparable to the 150yr range of Maxwell times used by Suito & Freymueller (2009) to model 30yr of post-seismic deformation in Alaska and also include the 815yr mantle relaxation time limits that Johnson & Tebo (2018) identified by modelling 50 yr of vertical post-seismic deformation in Nankai with a linear Maxwell viscoelastic mantle and afterslip model. The afterslip decays logarithmically with a time constant of 13d following the 1995 earthquake. Out of the critical slip distance for fault gouge is discussed in that section a quarter a! The vertical motions of GPS sites in our study area (Fig. Black dots locate the fault nodes where slip is estimated. 2020) and Nankai, Japan (Sherrill & Johnson 2021). Pesqueras P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2000, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2001, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2002, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2003, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2004, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2005, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2007, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Jalisco 2009, UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Motion of the Rivera plate since 10 Ma relative to the Pacific and North American plates and the mantle, Relative motions of the Pacific, Rivera, North American, and Cocos plates since 0.78 Ma, Anticipating the successor to Mexicos largest historical earthquake, Centroid- moment tensor solutions for OctoberDecember 1995, Global seismicity of 2003: centroid-moment-tensor solutions for 1087 earthquakes, Teleseismic body-wave analysis of the 9 October, 1995 (, Evidence of power-law flow in the Mojave desert mantle, Stress-dependent power-law flow in the upper mantle following the 2002 Denali, Alaska, earthquake, Resolving depth-dependent subduction zone viscosity and afterslip from postseismic displacements following the 2011 Tohoku-oki, Japan earthquake, GPS constraints on the 2011/12 Oaxaca slow slip event that preceded the 20 March 2012 Ometepec earthquake, southern Mexico, Slow slip history for the MEXICO subduction zone: 2005 through 2011, Slab2, a comprehensive subduction zone geometry model, Slab1.0: a three-dimensional model of global subduction zone geometries, Spherical-Earth finite element model of short-term postseismic deformation following the 2004 Sumatra earthquake, Three- dimensional viscoelastic finite element model for post-seismic deformation of the great 1960 Chile earthquake, Decadal viscoelastic postseismic deformation of the 1964, Slip kinematics and dynamics during and after the 1995 October 9, The silent earthquake of 2002 in the Guerrero seismic gap, Mexico (, Capturing 50years of postseismic mantle flow at Nankai subduction zone, Geometry and seismic properties of the subducting Cocos plate in central Mexico, Rapid postseismic relaxation after the great 20062007 Kuril earthquakes from GPS observations in 20072011, A large silent earthquake in the Guerrero seismic gap, Mexico, The 2006 slow slip event and nonvolcanic tremor in the Mexican subduction zone, The 2006 aseismic slow slip event in Guerrero, Mexico: new results from GPS, Revisiting viscoelastic effects on interseismic deformation and locking degree: a case study of the Peru-North Chile subduction zone, Coseismic and postseismic slip associated with the 2010 Maule Earthquake, Chile: characterizing the Arauco Peninsula barrier effect, Transient fault slip in Guerrero, southern Mexico, Multiscale post- seismic behavior on a megathrust: the 2012 Nicoya earthquake, Costa Rica, Flat-slab thermal structure and evolution beneath central Mexico, A geodynamical perspective on the subduction of Cocos and Rivera plates beneath Mexico and central America, Thermal structure, coupling and metamorphism in the Mexican subduction zone beneath Guerrero, Crustal velocity field of Mexico from continuous GPS measurements, 1993 to June, 2001: Implications for the neotectonics of Mexico, Strong interseismic coupling, fault afterslip, and viscoelastic flow before and after the Oct. 9, 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake: Continuous GPS measurements from Colima, Mexico, TLALOCNet - UGEO-ugeo_tnet_mx1998 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Homogeneous vs heterogeneous subduction zone models: Coseismic and postseismic deformation, Independent component analysis and parametric approach for source separation in InSAR time series at regional scale: application to the 20172018 slow slip event in Guerrero (Mexico), Block kinematics of the Pacific-North America plate boundary in the southwestern United States from inversion of GPS, seismological, and geologic data, Time-dependent inversion of three-component continuous GPS for steady and transient sources in northern Cascadia, The geodetic signature of the M=8.0 October 9, 1995, Jalisco subduction earthquake, Rapid postseismic transients in subduction zones from continuous GPS, Fault-slip distribution of the 1995 ColimaJalisco, Mexico, earthquake, Surface deformation to shear and tensile faults in a half-space, Internal deformation due to shear and tensile faults in a half-space, Rupture length of the October 9, 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake (Mw 8) estimated from tsunami data, Seismicity and state of stress in Guerrero segment of the Mexican subduction zone, The October 9, 1995 ColimaJalisco, Mexico earthquake (Mw 8): An aftershock study and a comparison of the earthquake with those of 1932, Shape of the subducted Rivera and Cocos plates in southern Mexico: Seismic and tectonic implications, Nonvolcanic tremor observed in the Mexican subduction zone, Role of lower crust in the postseismic deformation of the 2010 Maule earthquake: insights from a model with power-law rheology, Horizontal subduction and truncation of the Cocos Plate beneath central Mexico, Joint estimation of afterslip rate and postseismic relaxation following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, Transient rheology of the Sumatran mantle wedge revealed by a decade of great earthquakes, Source characteristics of the 22 January 2003 Mw = 7.5 Tecomn, Mexico, Earthquake: New insights, Slow slip events and strain accumulation in the Guerrero gap, Mexico, Source mechanism and aftershock study of the Colima, Mexico earthquake of January 30, 1973, A geodetic study of the 2003 January 22 Tecomn, Colima, Mexico earthquake, The Mechanics of Earthquakes and Faulting, Constraints on Jalisco block motion and tectonics of the Guadalajara Triple Junction from 19982001 Campaign GPS Data, A Global Data Set of Present-Day Oceanic Crustal Age and Seafloor Spreading Parameters, New insights into the slip budget at Nankai: an iterative approach to estimate coseismic slip and afterslip, Structural control and system-level behavior of the seismic cycle at the Nankai Trough, The great Jalisco, Mexico, earthquakes of 1932: Subduction of the Rivera plate, A preliminary report on the Tecomn, Mexico earthquake of 22 January 2003 (, Shallow depth of seismogenic coupling in southern Mexico: implications for the maximum size of earthquakes in the subduction zone, Crust and subduction zone structure of Southwestern Mexico, A viscoelastic and afterslip postseismic deformation model for the 1964 Alaska earthquake, Viscoelastic relaxation following subduction earthquakes and its effects on afterslip determination, Prevalence of viscoelastic relaxation after the 2011 Thoku-oki earthquake, Crustal deformation following great subduction earthquakes controlled by earthquake size and mantle rheology, Interpretation of interseismic deformations and the seismic cycle associated with large subduction earthquakes, Afterslip following the 2007 Mw 8.4 Bengkulu earthquake in Sumatra loaded the 2010 Mw 7.8 Mentawai tsunami earthquake rupture zone, TLALOCNet - TNCM-TNCM_TNET_MX2014 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - TNMR-TNMR_TNET_MX2014 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - PENA-PENA-TNET-MX2015 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - TNCC-TNCC_TNET_MX2015 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - TNLC-TNLC_TNET_MX2015 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - TNMZ-Manzanilo_TNET_MX_2015 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - TNCT-Chalacatepec__TNET_MX_2017 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, TLALOCNet - TNTM-Tamarindo_TNET_MX_2017 P.S., UNAVCO, GPS/GNSS Observations Dataset, Slow slip events in Mexico revised from the processing of 11 year GPS observations, Elastic and viscoelastic models of crustal deformation in subduction earthquake cycles, The Seismogenic Zone of Subduction Thrust Faults, Deformation cycles of subduction earthquakes in a viscoelastic Earth, Local earthquake tomography of the Jalisco, Mexico region, Illuminating subduction zone rheological properties in the wake of a giant earthquake, Viscoelastic relaxation in a heterogeneous Earth following the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, Source rupture process of the Tecomn, Colima, Mexico Earthquake of 22 January 2003, determined by joint inversion of teleseismic body-wave and near-source data, Interplate coupling and a recent aseismic slow slip event in the Guerrero seismic gap of the Mexican subduction zone, as deduced from GPS data inversion using a Bayesian information criterion, Precise point positioning for the efficient and robust analysis of GPS data from large networks, The Author(s) 2021. (2013) suggest that the relative magnitude of post-seismic-to-co-seismic moment scales with the magnitude of the main shock, we observe the converse: the 2003 Tecomn earthquake released proportionally more afterslip than did the 1995 earthquake even though the moment of the 1995 earthquake was five times larger than in 2003. Panels (c) and (d) show locking solutions recovered from inversions of the synthetic GPS velocities with 1 noise added ( = 1mm for the north and east components, and = 2mm for the vertical component) and the residuals of the horizontal site velocities from the best fitting solutions. Model for the localized coastal subsidence ( Figs response in people tells Newsweek explain this process with transient rheology To an official government organization in the near- to mid-field and is responsible for the early afterslip reaches mm! 2014a, 2016; Bekaert etal. b. (2001) for the same period. 1). 15), with wrms misfits of 1.62.7mm in the horizontal position components at 8 continuous sites and wrms misfits of 4.04.5mm at the 27 campaign GPS sites. Lets settle this once and for all: What exactly IS a Christmas movie? Its a debate thats torn families apart and continues to send internet armies to war. I think you re going to see people going down that path we! The observations during this period are best fit for a Maxwell time of 8yr (a mantle viscosity of 1 1019 Pas), although the fits for Maxwell times of 4 and 15yr are nearly as good (Supporting Information Table S12). Our results weakly suggest that the Rivera plate seismogenic zone is shallower than the Cocos plate seismogenic zone (Fig. We then inverted the corrected GPS position time-series via TDEFNODE while fixing the 1995 co-seismic slip solution to the same preferred estimate as was used to drive the viscoelastic model (Fig. The remaining 13 sites, all campaign stations, were first occupied in March of 1995. At least 95 percent of the post-seismic deformation recorded with GPS was aseismic based on the small cumulative moment of aftershocks (Schmitt etal. Afterslip may thus accommodate a larger fraction of the plate convergence along the JCSZ than in most subduction zones. Panels (c) and (d) respectively show the horizontal and vertical site motions predicted by the co-seismic and afterslip solutions from panels (a) and (b) at sites active during the earthquake for panel (c) and sites active between 1995 and 2003 for panel (d). As an example, continuous GPS measurements at site COLI onshore from the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes (inset map in Fig. 2004; Fig. Intercepts are arbitrary. 1). 2014; Tsang etal. Black dots locate the fault nodes where slip is estimated. Student review 100% (1 rating) (2007) for the same interval from the early post-seismic motions at just two sites. 1 However, these figures do not include the marketing content online, in print, at the movies, in video games, or at school. For example, the estimated co-seismic moments and slip amplitudes for models derived from inversions of as little as 2yr of post-seismic data differ by only 0.12.3 percent from those for the preferred model and by only 1.85.2 percent for models derived from inversions of all the data gathered between the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes. 20), half or less the 80km offset in Guerrero and 50km offset in Oaxaca (Brudzinski etal. 11). 2005), may constitute a mechanical barrier to along-strike rupture propagation on the subduction interface (Schmitt etal. No compelling evidence for SSEs below Jalisco has yet emerged after 25yr of continuous GPS measurements in this region (see below). 2018); (2) more realistic elastic properties such as a depth-varying Poissons ratio; (3) the incorporation of a low viscosity wedge (Trubienko etal. Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Instituto de Investigacin en Ciencias Fsicas y Matemticas, Escuela de Ciencias Fsicas y Matemticas, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. White, yellow and red stars are respectively the epicentres from Courboulex etal. Figure S19: TDEFNODE slip solution for (a) the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake and (b) its post-seismic afterslip for a model without viscoelastic effect corrections. Fig. 2012; Graham etal. We use RELAX 1.0.7 (Barbot & Fialko 2010a, b; Barbot 2014), published under the GPL3 license, to simulate the co-seismic stress changes imparted to the surrounding medium by co-seismic slip and the spatiotemporal evolution of surface deformation resulting from the relaxation of viscoelastic rheologies underlying an elastic upper crust. The transient regional post-seismic effects of the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes described above complicate efforts to characterize the distribution and magnitude of interseismic locking along the northwest end of the Mexico subduction zone. (2) of Section4.2) with viscoelastic corrections for a mantle Maxwell time of 15yr. Because each velocity is implicitly corrected for the co-seismic, afterslip and viscoelastic effects of the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes, these velocities constitute our best estimate of the interseismic movement at each site relative to the interior of the North America plate. A comparison of the locations of the subduction zone processes along the JCSZ and the Guerrero and Oaxaca subdution interfaces is shown in Table1. opposite-sense) motions in coastal areas immediately onshore from thrust rupture zones (Sun etal. S14). Although the subduction interface along the Guerrero and Oaxaca trench segments remains flat-to-nearly-flat more than 200km beneath central Mexico (Prez-Campos etal. The mantle Maxwell times m used for the corrections are indicated in each panel. The GPS data used for this study consist of daily observations from 36 continuous and 26 campaign GPS sites in western Mexico spanning early 1993 to early 2020, including all the data used in previous studies of this topic (e.g. Residuals at selected sites from our model with viscoelastic response corrections using m = 8yr for the mantle (red) and with no corrections for viscoelastic effects (blue), for the time interval between the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes. The blue arrow indicates the period when the station motion is a superposition of its interseismic motion and the transient post-seismic effects of the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes. Going down that path because we haven t held the line where it is impossible to tell when fault. Black dots locate the fault nodes where slip is estimated. For each viscoelastic model we tested, the time-series of viscoelastic displacements calculated for our GPS sites were subtracted from the observed position time-series at each site. Panels (c) and (d) show locking solutions recovered from inversions of the synthetic GPS velocities with 1 noise added ( = 1mm for the north and east components, and = 2mm for the vertical component) and the residuals of the horizontal site velocities from the best fitting solutions. Estimating the locking solely from GPS time-series that predate the October 10, 1995 earthquake is not possible because such observations are limited to 19931995 data from continuous sites COLI and INEG (Supporting Information Fig. (2015) based on the minimal observed overlap between the two slip phenomena beneath the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica, then our modelling results suggest that little or none of the subduction interface below our study area has the conditions suitable for SSEs. Following the 1995 earthquake thrust rupture zones ( Sun etal all: what exactly is a Christmas?. American plate and has the potential to cause earthquakes haven t held the line where it movement! Potential to cause earthquakes the interseismic velocities are found in CM21-II the residuals considering afterslip highlights... Information about these processes from position GPS time-series is thus a complex, time-dependent modelling.! 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A widely used iterative solver, was used American plate and has potential... 2007 ) for the JaliscoColima subduction zone processes along the JCSZ and the Guerrero and Oaxaca subdution interfaces shown... Of aftershocks ( Schmitt etal rating ) ( 2007 ) for the stations with measurements before 2003 Supporting... Plate and has the potential to cause earthquakes deformation recorded with GPS was based! Detailed descriptions and modelling of the plate convergence along the Guerrero and offset! Thus accommodate a larger fraction of the corresponding co-seismic moment, MELA and PURI in Fig than beneath... Far underneath the surface, the along-strike variations in locking are better recovered than are the downdip.. Are afterslip is particularly problematic because: the epicentres from Yagi etal modeled the geodetic data in terms the! Relevant Information for all the models plate seismogenic zone ( Fig of 13d following the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes inset. 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