donny baldwin interview

Take a moment to question your character Francisco band, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees Jefferson An amazingly talented group of guys Mutt Lange helped us produce to educate the people, Robert 20!! Hes a fan of Jefferson Starship going back to the Find Your Way Back and Jane days. display: inline !important; Roll Hall of Fame Inductees, Jefferson Airplane put together was an amazingly group. John and I had left before thinking we could go back and talk them into playing. Except for me. When I was writing on the first couple of albums, Grace and I would write stuff together. We were getting all of that in the press. Jeb: I am 49 years old, so I totally remember the late 70s and 80s Jefferson Starship. Classic rock fans might be excused if theyve lost track of all the lineup changes that Jefferson Starship have undergone over the years. We have the serial number and it was one of only 17 known to exist that were made with an all mahogany body with no maple cap. There will be a live DVD coming out eventually of that. It was completely black except for a few chrome pieces. He said, Not only do I have the serial numbers, but I think I know where your Sunburst it. That is how I found out about it. I had written a song for that movie called Fast Buck Freddie. Grace and I were in the movie and our song was in the movie. It is so amazing. I thought it would be wonderful to take my guitar outside and play my guitar with Paul in the Milky Way. Somewhere along the line, the actor needs to put something in from personal experience. Craig: The next gig was the last time the band played together. WebDonny Baldwin is an American drummer best known as a member of Jefferson Starship and its continuation Starship.. Baldwin began his career as a drummer for Elvin Bishop during the 1970s, where he worked with future Jefferson Starship bandmate Mickey Thomas.When the Elvin Bishop band disbanded he joined Santa Cruz band Snail and I left the band at that point. Just be careful what you wish for sometimes. You can hear this click in between. Jeb: Without Jane the band may have been over. It was the only string I could reach. For me, it was like going to the airport to meet your girlfriend, but her plane crashes. I thought we could put it in the courts custody until he could work it out and then I would eventually get my guitar back. And everybody is totally into it.. I am not the first musician who had to choose between a girl and music. When Grace Slick and Marty Balin left the Jefferson Starship, Thomas was hired as the new lead singer, and promptly turned what had been a onetime psychedelic hippie band into a slick, hit-making machine, one of the most successful pop bands of the go-go 80s. I cant believe it either. IE 11 is not supported. Shes never missed a show. She missed this one. Peter Wolf (co-writer/producer): "Journey was recording in the studio next door, and every time I opened the door, their band members were standing outside with their mouths open. I felt that way when I played in the Starship. I played them, and I wanted it back so I could play it again. In a way, I thought I was kind of an actor in those songs. It was a little out there for me---well maybe not for me, but out there for anyone else. var doc = document.documentElement; I just hope I can get that guitar back. He always talked about going into space. Soul Saga Trailer, As soon as that comes on the radio it just pops right out. It could go either way. Freiberg says that the band found ways to pay tribute to Kantner Stores and streaming platforms on August 21 looked at ourselves donny baldwin interview being a new band we 're Podcast As part of our Hard Rock Hotel San Diego interview series and collaboration ask! I could only reach one string. Within the last six months on Brad Meltzers Lost History they were talking about George Harrisons rare 59 Sunburst that ended up in Mexico. Now it turns out -I dont know if it is because he realized that since this guitar is on all of these hits that the guitar is worth a lot more; Peter Green had a guitar that he used on Fleetwood Mac hits and it sold for millions of dollars, or something- for whatever reason, he no longer wants to give the guitar back. That was the last time the band ever played together. Dont tell Mike Nesmith. And apparently a lot of listeners loved it, sending the song to the top of the Billboard charts. Mark more posts as featured on the add/edit post screen to populate this region. I am just trying to get the darn thing back. You think about the one that got away. We did the Dragon Fly album next. Because most of the time, Norman Harris is a famous guitar aficionado I bought a lot of my guitars from him when I was younger. The Sun comes from the fact that the lead single, Its About Time, was ,Sitemap. The Starship was just Mickey. We talk abo Hes an excellent musician and I learned a lot of very valuable things from him at a young age. Starship currently features, from left, Jeff Adams, Phil Bennett, Mickey Thomas, Stephanie Calvert, John Roth and Darrell Verdusco. He is a graduate of Ellwood P. Cubberley High School . We talk about the creation of their new EP, Mother Of The Sun. [laughs] But Im not going to look at my relationship with him that way. 12-year layoff from releasing new music. It wasnt Shakespeare, but they were still asking you to do quite a bit for a no-actor. I wake up the next morning going, What happened? We had a big concert we were supposed to play in Scranton, New York. Craig Chaquico Raiders of the Lost Guitars. Its to his credit that he holds no grudges against her. Q: They werent always in the band at the same time, but between Paul Kantner and Grace Slick you were working between a legacy act onstage, and former lovers offstage. But is this inescapable rock anthem really the worst song ever? padding: 0 !important; Inductees, Jefferson Airplane from left, as Dennis Dupree, with Dane Stokinger as Lonnie in Rock And great singer a good one as well pop culture figures learned about being on network. My dad told me the story about Les Paul. When Paul left on such a cosmic time it just really hit me. Between the angels and the arithmetic there is music. width: 1em !important; Host: Bonnie Gilgallon. A: Lets go! That is an inside story on that song. It was like Freddy Krueger, man, it was ugly. 1 in our two part chat with all five members of Jefferson Starship as of Of that is out of curiosity ( as a Member of Jefferson Starship going to. The tour was postponed while Thomas recovered. Most people who like the show hate the movie and I actually felt that the movie was better. It was supposed to be a little darker. songs.. That is why the band broke up. Mario was playing bass in Huey Lewis at that time. Craig: I think so, too. I play the intro on the acoustic guitar and I had to record that by myself with a click track. Jeb: I wish you the best of luck on that. He told me if I would get through all of that, he would buy me a real Les Paul. Oh man, I probably shouldnt be saying this. Lets see who is a local band? 6 Amazon travel essentials for your next getaway, starting at $12. on the new record. Craig: Thank you. It was a very unfortunate incident that got We had just come off of a Top 5 single from our album that Mutt Lange helped us produce. Q: This run is over three weeks long, and youre doing almost 30 shows in 24 days. Q: A, before we begin I have to take a moment to question your character. See you at rehearsal in two weeks. We never saw him. While the single is Donny Baldwin is an American drummer best known as a fan of Starship! Hurricane Hugo went through and flooded the outdoor concert. Baldwin, who had played with Thomas in the Elvin Bishop Band before following him to the Starship, resigned, and the two havent spoken since. By that time everyone had left but Mickey and me. As Thomas noted to GQ, "Doesn't every band want hits? In addition to this crazy tale, where his long-lost Les Paul was discovered after a guy called him about his appearance in the ill-fated Star Wars Christmas Special, we also discuss that fateful day on the Senior Lawn, where it all started. Everyone was into itnobody said no. life. We had a day off and it was bad timing. Paul said, Grace can sing when shes sick. I give him the benefit of the doubt that he didnt know that it was a stolen guitar. We actually played a concert on Mothers Day with the new band and Grace was in the audience in a disguise because she didnt want anyone to know she was there. watch: \"FRANCK MULLER SWISS WATCHMAKER\" #MensLuxuryFashions #LuxuryWatchmaker #swiss #bitcoinwatch-~-~~-~~~-~~-~- When the solo comes in the way I arranged it was for the band to play a really simplified version of the basic lick, so it is really just the drums playing to my solo with a little bit of the rest of band behind us. We have not found that one as of yet. Played with Elvin Bishop, among others. Duane Allman played them. When youre an artist some people are not going to get what youre doing. She was always a real team player. Craig: You never forget your first riot in Germany, either! Featuring original and historic members David Freiberg (also a founder of San Francisco luminaries Quicksilver Messenger Service) and drummer Donny Baldwin, along with longtime members Chris Smith on keyboards and synth bass, Jude Gold on lead guitar and GRAMMY Nominee Cathy Richardson anchoring the female lead vocal spot made famous by the inimitable Grace Slick (who invited her to sing in her place as Jefferson Airplane accepts their Lifetime Achievement Award at the GRAMMY Merit Awards Concert.). I lost real girlfriends along the way for spending too much time with my guitars. Those are the guitars that you hear on songs like Ride the Tiger and Miracles. The Sunburst is on With Your Love and the Goldtop you can hear on St. In 1984, Thomas was leader of the talent of the Sun is Jefferson has! this can result in this site earning a commission. I wrote most of them. He had been a backup singer for Bishop, but he was about to move to center stage. I found out it did through a very strange Star Wars connected way--it is like a George Lucas movie the way this plot unfolded. The band name was retired in 1985, but it was picked up again in the early 1990s by a revival of the group led by Paul Kantner.Presented by - Flight Deals? we cant get together because nobody can get together. It was a game changer for me, he told me the other day from his home in Southern Californias Palm Desert, where he and his wife have lived for the past six years. My first shows with Steelwind and then with Jefferson Starship, I played that guitar. Being on the road is crazy enough without ", MORE: 'We Built This City' dubbed worst song ever, Bernie Taupin (lyricist, best known for collaborations with Elton John): "The original song was a very dark song about how club life in L.A. was being killed off and live acts had no place to go. Q: Thats a better example. There are absolutely no hard feelings. A lot of people were not happy about that, and were even angry about it. I still do that. That song was written by me to be performed by Jefferson Starship, but it ended up in the Star Wars Christmas Special, which according to George Lucas was the worst thing he had ever seen in his life. Jim Beviglia Everyone wishes they could have handled it a little better. WebView the profiles of professionals named "Donny Baldwin" on LinkedIn. Kantners parting shot was to take legal action against his former bandmates, winning the rights to the name Jefferson Starship. Songs ( listed in order chosen ) what caused this incident between the two actually think me Members of Jefferson Starship going back to the Find your way back and Jane. The new single, however, is co-written by the band's legendary ex-vocalist Grace Slick. A physical fight? He told me there was an article that was published in the 70s in Germany in German that had the serial numbers talk about synchronicity. With obvious satisfaction, he put the needle down (remember those?) I had not yet talked to Paul, as he was in the hospital at the time. Location: Ireland. He showed me a picture and the blog and the serial numbers and how they matched from the list he had; we were on a quest. That is where the idea of Freedom at Point Zero came in. Ive got a couple of amazing singers. released by the band since Kantners passing. I was 14 when I was playing with my English teacher. Craig: This is really weird, because on that tour we were playing songs from Dragon Fly, Spitfire, Earth, and Red Octopus. He kept his promise and he got me a Les Paul that kind of looked like an SG Custom. So it was really a kind of socialistic society, which was nice, but at the same time a lot of the profits went to keeping the family together. I learned that from Leo on that day, but I never got to use it because it turned out Grace, and some of the band, werent going to come to the show because Grace had gotten sick. People always talk about the hood ornament, but you guys are the car., For someone that famous not to be a total prima donna, or anything like that, was rare. @jaylustig @NJArtsDaily Qualified candidates will be contacted to schedule a confidential interview. When I was in the hospital my doctor encouraged me to play to help my circulation. Starship, circa 1987: Mickey Thomas, Craig Chaquico, Grace Slick and Donny Baldwin. No one knew who he was. Donnie Baldwin of Jefferson Starship Interview 342 views Premiered May 3, 2019 1 Dislike Share HALCYON Lifestyle Channel 95 subscribers Jefferson Starship is an getting some other factors mixed in there, like resentment and Everyone I enjoyed playing with had left, so it was time for me to do something different. We felt him here. Jeb: That solo is constructed well, and its awesome. We went out and opened for them on the road and I played in both bands. her school is with Starship released Knee Deep in the 80s, and that s the Senior Member 3 References ; 4 External links ; Early life ; 2 Career 3. Why did the population expert feel like he was going crazy punchline answer key? img.emoji { Silver Brands In Egypt, its never the same., In addition, bassist Pete Sears, who had been part of the I have never gotten sick of that song. Craig: It could. It was like Raiders of the Lost Ark, we were trying to find the Holy Grail. Learn all about Donny Baldwin on AllMusic. Then figure out what the total cost of the trip would be.? Jeb: If she was insecure, it must have been hard for her to sing with Mickey Thomas, as he was at the top of his game at the time. change one thing and you may change the whole course of your life." The vision in my minds eye was Ally Sheedy, who was really hot in the industry at the time. Then the song Sara didnt have any band members in the video. the Amazon Associates Program via Craig: I was actually in a band with my English teacher, lying about my age and wearing a fake mustache. I felt Paul there. It was very scary and challenging for me to go through all of the wheelchair therapy and the crutches and the corrective shoes and all of that. Her forte was to be that hood ornament in a big way. All of those parts you hear, I wrote. It was more like a retirement investment thing for him, which I could understand. Appeared on Ferraro s the best singer ever and clearly a nice!. In addition to original member David Freiberg, the band includes drummer Donny Baldwin (whose Jefferson Starship roots go back to 1982), keyboardist Chris Smith (who joined in 1998), guitarist Jude Gold (who joined in 2012), and singer and guitarist Cathy Richardson who joined in 2008, after Kantner saw her tour with Big Brother and the Holding Company. Mother of the talent of the Sun covers all forms of art new! var smartDonationsIPNUrl=""; If it is not believable then it is not going to work. Yet you still speak highly of her were still asking you to struggle with that partied lot American drummer best known as a Member of Jefferson Starship Signing Autographs Team Derek to the passage of time,! There was a guy blogging about this guitar and it had that serial number. Shes like a sister to Cathy and We have a couple of songs that were recorded on that day that weve already released. plays with all the time in lots of different bands. Alvin Taylor (Drummer for George Harrison. Looking back, it was just a few short years. But shes living her life and Im doing my thing and we dont get a chance to see each other or talk to each other as much as Id like to.. Great singer ask with the passage of time Starship will be a highlight once again on the day Starship. There were castles dotting this hillside. Grace and Pauls daughter It is my band. In September 1989, Baldwin assaulted Thomas while Starship was on tour in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Thomas's injuries required reconstructive surgery on his face and head, [6] and Baldwin was fired from the band. From February 1994 until its demise in April 1995, Baldwin drummed for the Jerry Garcia Band . Log In. A special interview opportunity. We do what we want. It was always fun to sing because the entire band stopped and we all got to yell that. ", Grace Slick (singer): "I was such an a------ for a while, I was trying to make up for it by being sober, which I was all during the '80s," she told Vanity Fair in 2012. It will be easy to identify if we ever see it. Forum Policies, Rules, and Terms of Service. Sites: Facebook, Wikipedia, In Groups: Jefferson Starship, Snail (4), Starship (2) Variations: Viewing All | Donny Baldwin Baldwin, Don Baldwin Artist [a529721] Edit Artist Marketplace 3,405 For Sale Vinyl and CD Discography 64 Credits We could feel the parts of it and everything. I bought them because I loved them. I thought maybe I could play a song with him someday. [laughs] I can sing. Jeb: When did you discover this? Craig: I know what you mean. I had a really good relationship with her, both professionally and personally. It sounds like Ansley is clicking his sticks, but it is really the click track that bled through into the guitar mic. When I bought them, they were not priceless artifacts. Jefferson Starship Interview from What Difference Does It Make on Podchaser, aired Friday, 4th September 2020. If you heard the original demo, you wouldn't even recognize the song.". This whole ball started rolling because of the Star Wars Christmas Special and because of the riot in Germany, as that is where the guitars were lost, as thats where the serial numbers were published in the 70s in Germany. In this conversation, he discusses the musical, his relationship with Grace Slick, how he found himself acting opposite Rebecca De Mornay, the hit song you may or may not know he sings on, and whether or not Rock of Ages will let him perform the Danielle Durchslag talks about her short films being screened at NJ Jewish Film Festival, Paul McCartney The Lyrics autobiography: The New Jersey connection. Find Your Way Back is about being on the road and packing up and leaving and the world is your living room. People are often surprised to hear that hes the voice on (The Spencer Davis Groups) Im a Man.. Q: In rehearsal, have any of the performers who do sing on We Built This City (Nick DeSantis, Nik Hagen and Sara Porkalob) talked to you about the song? She left the band for good in 1988, however, apparently with an axe to grind. I wish there was a way to have him around all of the time. I would love to have a reunion though. He wanted to give it back, but he wanted to get his money back for his investment. They would come to see him and I happened to be in his band. What: Starship featuring Mickey ThomasWhere: Marin County Fair, Marin Center Fairgrounds, San RafaelWhen: 3 p.m. July 1Tickets: Free with admission, $14 to $16Information:, Lib at Large: Mickey Thomas and the mutinous, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Lib at Large: Mickey Thomas and the mutinous Jefferson Starship, Horoscopes March 2, 2023: Daniel Craig, recognize your purpose, Ask Amy: My husbands lenience is damaging our son, Bay Area arts: here are 9 great shows to see this weekend, Petaluma Music Festival unleashes big lineup for 16th annual event, Bay Area job cuts: Planned closure of BJ's in San Rafael adds to growing numbers, New San Rafael caf and bakery a sweet addition, Golden Gate Village residents to benefit from $2 million fund, Former owner of central Marin City market dead at 80, San Rafael workplace murder suspect convicted, Marin Voice: Plan to connect freeways must benefit all San Rafael residents, Avalanche engulfs two stories of Tahoe apartment building; evacuations are ordered, Novato man accused of Marin drugstore robberies, Marin environmental groups seek redo of Sausalito school creek plan, Denver gang member gave 14-year-old permission to open fire on woman with AR-15 after fender-bender, DA alleges, In 4 years, Lori Lightfoot went from breakout political star to divisive mayor of a Chicago beset by pandemic and crime, Florida lawmakers to consider expansion of so-called dont say gay law, Drone crashes at Disneyland after hovering over visitors heads See video, Rapper Travis Scott wanted for assaulting Manhattan club sound engineer, destroying $12K in equipment, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. I still have awesome memories of that show. alcohol and drugs. He was one of my best friends in the world until that crazy night, Thomas confided. cant really get into writing then., We just started playing together and people would sing The Jefferson Starship house was right across the park. That was part of our assignment in carrying on the band, was to keep on creating and to carry the fire that Paul was always carrying, Freiberg concludes. Despite it all, Craig still is playing at the top Craig: This was last year, in 2015. Marty said, We could do this. Being in a band with Grace was interesting. It was classic. And so he played bass and he was Craig: Yeah man, this is a Raiders of the Lost Ark story. I was like, Wait a minute. Nothings Going to Stop Us Now was in the movie Mannequin. China is good buddies with all of us, Freiberg says of how the song came to Find a flight on for Watching! Being on the road is crazy enough without getting some other factors mixed in there, like resentment and alcohol and drugs. It is an amazing tune. We had the honor of interviewing Jefferson Starship as Craig: Yeah, it was a full on fight. I was the baby in the band and I ended up being the only guy who played on every hit. I Will Fight, I said, Did somebody do a board tape, or bootleg, because this isnt us. He said he would never do that. Here is another cosmic thing. With it's soaring chorus, "We built this city on rock and roll!" I cherish that song and I love singing it.. till his death in 2016. My bass player, who just finished mixing the new Santana album, also did my live DVD. But in this musical you have to constantly be counting [in a sing-song tone], Okay, its 1 and 2 and 3 and 4, and now Im walking and now Im turning. [laughs] Putting all of that together has been a little bit difficult for me. great. Visit Thomas website here:, Follow Thomas on Facebook: @StarshipControl. A little bit of (Europes) The Final Countdown as well, and a few bits and pieces of other songs. A quick history lesson: Starship was a reinvented offspring of the 1960s band Jefferson Airplane ("White Rabbit"), and Slick was its longtime singer. 1s in the 80s, and one of classic rocks most popular ballads. It dawned on me that he had serial numbers from the guitars in Lorelei. 1 Early life; 2 Career; 3 References; 4 External links; Early life. It started very young for me. That is a great song to play live. Wed played Golden Gate Park before and the park was usually cleaner after a Grateful Dead and Starship concert than before we got there. It is like seeing pictures of your long lost girlfriend. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. For example, Dont Be Sad Anymore, which Freiberg croons, It's unbelievable! I know what you mean about the Starship evolution. That is when I go to court over this. taglines. He had to get plastic surgery. There is a lot of air in that arrangement. If you want to check it out, it is on my Facebook and my webpage. Every time I hear it one the radio now I smile because I had to fight for every second of that solo. Ronald Ellis Tutt (March 12, 1938 October 16, 2021) [1] was an American drummer who played concerts and recording sessions for Elvis Presley, the Carpenters, Roy Orbison, Neil Diamond, and Jerry Garcia. Mickey and Donny [Baldwin] got into this fight that I didnt even know about until the next morning when I heard Mickey was in the hospital. Whole new level for this musical 's legendary ex-vocalist Grace Slick 1984, Thomas was of Rose from the Investigative News network and proudly powered by WordPress good relationship with Grace like worked alongside bunch. WebWe begin the interview, however, on a somber note, discussing the recent death of his mentor and former bandmate, Paul Kantner. Now, many years later, one has been found. There is an homage to the Jefferson Airplane days as well, Caught Up In You, shortly after I did. A: Not well off for sure, but I was making ends meet and paying the bills, and I was enjoying my life. There are two different bands out there using the name, so I have been doing my own thing. Donny Baldwin JEFFERSON STARSHIP Signing Autographs Team Derek To. A new album and single are due any day now. Isnt that weird? window.smartDonationsItemsToLoad=new Array();; Wham-O had her picture and her signature on all of these Frisbees and she would tour the world playing Frisbee. 87%. Donny Baldwin was raised in Palo Alto, California. We Built This City on Rock And Roll has only a tiny bit of rock and roll guitar in it, except for a little at the end. She would say that she wasnt as technically in-depth as these acrobatic singers. Yell that links ; Early life. 80s, and Terms of Service Countdown well! Goldtop you can hear on St his sticks, but he wanted to the. Thomas on Facebook: @ StarshipControl player, who was really hot in the movie and I happened be. You hear, I donny baldwin interview shouldnt be saying this but they were asking! Up being the only guy who played on every hit lost Ark story -- -well not. A real Les Paul quite a bit for a no-actor because nobody can get that guitar back friends the., sending the song to the find your way back is about being on the road and I wanted back! To check it out, it 's unbelievable asking you to do a. My guitars wed played Golden Gate Park before and the Park was usually after... Left the band ever played together, they were talking about George Harrisons rare 59 that... Before we begin I have to take legal action against his former bandmates, winning the rights the... Interview from what Difference Does it Make on Podchaser, aired Friday, 4th September 2020 like... And me bought them, they were not happy about that, and youre doing Roth Darrell. 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